What is ESR?

Electrocyte sedimentation rate, or ESR, is the speed at which erythrocytes or red blood cells settle at the bottom of a test tube containing blood. It is a blood test often used to measure chronic inflammation in the body.

Why is ESR important?

Since inflammation is the root cause of several diseases in the body, high values of ESR can be indicative of many medical conditions.

Which underlying medical conditions can ESR help identify?

ESR is one of the pathological parameters that helps indicate the presence of underlying diseases like autoimmune disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic kidney disease, tuberculosis, subacute thyroiditis, etc.

What is the Normal ESR Range?

The normal range of ESR for men is 0-22 mm/hr and for women is 0-29 mm/hr. It tends to increase with age and is usually higher in women, as compared to men.

- Eat foods enriched with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties - Hydrate abundantly to stay toxin-free - Stay physically active - Get sufficient sleep

What are Some Ayurvedic Herbs to Lower Your ESR?

Regular consumption of these herbs may help you lower your ESR.: - Turmeric - Ashwagandha - Pippali - Shunti - Amla - Garlic