Discover The Incredible Benefits of Kuth and Its Uses

Kuth is a medicinal herb with strong roots in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian method of natural medicine scientifically known as Saussurea lappa. Kuth is...

Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Kokilaksha And Its Uses

Have you heard of the Ayurvedic herb Kokilaksha? This lesser-known plant has been used for centuries in Indian medicine. While not a cure-all, kokilaksha...

Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Khadir And Its Uses

As we search for natural solutions to promote health and well-being, an ancient plant used for millennia is gaining renewed attention. Known as Acacia...

Shield Yourself from Cold and Flu with Ayurveda

Are you worried about catching a cold and flu this winter? If yes, then you have come to the right place.  Here are some of...

Pacify Pitta Dosha

Have you been feeling angry, impatient and frustrated? Are you experiencing migraines, heartburn and acid reflux? If yes, then you may be suffering from a...

This Winter Keep Your Lungs Healthy with these Ayurvedic Tricks

With winter approaching, it's time to put extra focus and care towards the lungs. Don't you agree? Lungs are vital for maintaining respiratory health, the...

What Is Perimenopausal Syndrome And How Can Ayurveda Help?

Menopause marks the end of menstruation cycles for women. Perimenopause, on the other hand, means the transitional period before menopause. It is often confused...

पीरियड्स क्रैंप से निजात पाने के घरेलू उपाय

पीरियड्स क्रैंप (मासिक दर्द) एक सामान्य प्रकार की तकलीफ है जो किसी स्त्री को उसके मासिक धर्म के समय हो सकती है। यह दर्द...

अनचाही गर्भावस्था के कारण और लक्षण

मिथक: "यदि मेरा मासिक धर्म चल रहा है तो मैं गर्भवती नहीं हो सकती।" तथ्य: हालांकि मासिक धर्म के दौरान गर्भवती होने की संभावना कम...

Homemade Body Scrubs to Exfoliate Naturally

Exfoliation can be a remarkable way to keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant. Exfoliating with the use of a body scrub is quite...




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