Discover the Incredible Health Benefits Of Jimikand

Jimikand, also known as Suran or elephant foot yam, is a nutritious tuber vegetable that is a staple in many Indian and Asian diets....

Summer Aphrodisiacs: Foods and Herbs to Spice Up Your Love Life

Summer's vibrant energy can ignite passion as well. While the term "aphrodisiac" (derived from the Greek goddess Aphrodite, associated with love and beauty) often...

10 Refreshing Beverages to Beat the Summer Heat

Summer is all about enjoying some chilled juice and beverages. In this article, we'll explore the 10 refreshing beverages that are an excellent choice...

15 Best Foods that are Easy to Digest

Reviewed by experts In the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, the relationship between nutrition and well-being is pivotal to holistic health. Ayurveda recognizes that optimal health...

Low Glycemic Foods: Definition, Food List and Diet Tips

Reviewed by experts The quest for optimal health has always been linked to the foods we consume. Ayurveda recognizes that the choices we make in...

Typhoid Diet: What to eat and What to Avoid in Typhoid

Reviewed by experts Ayurveda is one of the venerable measures of holistic well-being that emphasizes the intrinsic connection between diet, health, and harmony within the...

12 Proven Health Benefits of Gulkand and How to Make it

Reviewed by experts Ayurveda is a venerable system of holistic healing that has withstood the test of time for ages. One of its revered offerings,...

15 Amazing Health Benefits of Jeera Water

Reviewed by experts Nature's abundant treasures have long been harnessed to promote optimal health and vitality in the ancient tradition of Ayurveda. Among these treasures,...

20 Proven Benefits of Curd for Overall Health

Reviewed By Experts “अन्नम ब्रह्म रसं विष्णुं भोक्ता देवो जनार्दनम् एवम् ध्यातव तथा ज्ञत्व अन्न दोषो न लिप्यते। Annam brahma vishnu bhokta devi janaardanm aevam dhyaatav...

Kala Chana: Nutrition, Benefits, Uses and More

Reviewed by experts The humble legume known as "kala chana" is essential in Ayurveda. Referred to as "masha" in Ayurvedic texts, this unassuming legume has...




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