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Ayurvedic Treatment

Ayurvedic Dietary Recommendations for Balancing Agni During the Summer Months

In Ayurveda, Agni, the digestive fire, is crucial for maintaining overall health and well-being, especially during the summer months when it can become imbalanced...

Ayurvedic Rituals for Restorative Sleep During Summer Nights

With our busy lifestyles, sleep tends to be the first casualty as many tend to regard it as lost or wasted time. In summer,...

Managing Summer Allergies with Ayurvedic Remedies

As the summer heat arrives, so do seasonal allergies, leaving many individuals seeking relief from symptoms such as sneezing, itching, and congestion. While conventional...

Ayurvedic Tips to Detox Your Gut

Many think that healthy eating habits are enough for a healthy lifestyle, but this misconception prevails too much. To have a cleansed digestive tract...

Ayurveda’s Take on Daily Water Intake

The human body is 60% water and we constantly lose water throughout the day through urine, sweat and also through some other regular body...

Shield Yourself from Cold and Flu with Ayurveda

Are you worried about catching a cold and flu this winter? If yes, then you have come to the right place.  Here are some of...

Pacify Pitta Dosha

Have you been feeling angry, impatient and frustrated? Are you experiencing migraines, heartburn and acid reflux? If yes, then you may be suffering from a...

This Winter Keep Your Lungs Healthy with these Ayurvedic Tricks

With winter approaching, it's time to put extra focus and care towards the lungs. Don't you agree? Lungs are vital for maintaining respiratory health, the...

What Makes Yashtimadhu A Super Herb For Respiratory & Digestive Disorders

Also known as Mulethi and liquorice, Yashtimadhu is a perennial herb found in Asia and Europe with excellent medicinal properties. It is one of...

Psoriasis and Ayurvedic Treatment? Does it Work?

Psoriasis is regarded as a chronic condition in modern medicine, which means that there is no medical cure for it. The inflammatory autoimmune skin...




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