9 Incredible Benefits of Almond Milk

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Almond milk is becoming increasingly popular among consumers as a plant-based alternative to traditional dairy milk.

Do you use almond milk or want to start using it? If yes, then this article is for you. Find out the many benefits of almond milk here and incorporate it into your life. 

What Is Almond Milk (1)?

Almond milk is made by blending almonds with water, resulting in a creamy, nutty-flavoured beverage that is lactose-free and vegan-friendly. 

Almond milk is a rich source of essential nutrients such as fatty acids, vitamins, fibre, and phytochemicals, as well as a variety of minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, zinc, and selenium. Additionally, almonds are also a great source of vitamin E. 

However, you must note that the amount of almonds present in almond milk is minimal, and therefore the levels of nutrients provided are lower than those found in a serving of almonds.

Chemical Composition of Almond

Image Courtesy: ResearchGate

almond milk nutrition

The Many Health Benefits of Drinking Almond Milk

Lactose Intolerance (1)

Primary Benefits: Almond milk is free from lactose and serves as an excellent alternative to dairy milk. 

Secondary Benefits: It can be used as a healthy beverage for people with lactose intolerance and lactose malabsorption. 

lactose intolerance - benefits of drinking almond milk

Weight Loss (1)

Primary Benefits: Unsweetened, unflavored almond milk contains no saturated fat and is also low in calories.

Secondary Benefits: This makes it an excellent choice for people who want to lose weight. It is a great alternative to calorie-dense dairy milk.

Cholesterol Levels (2)

Primary Benefits: Almonds are known to lower LDL-cholesterol levels, and almond milk may provide similar benefits.

Secondary Benefits: Almond milk can hence also help reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Blood Sugar Levels (2)

Primary Benefits: Studies have shown that almonds can help lower postprandial glycaemia, insulinaemia, and oxidative stress effects. 

Secondary Benefits: Consuming almond milk can therefore help in regulating blood sugar levels and managing diabetes. 

controls blood sugar levels - almond milk benefits

Immune Boosting Properties (2)

Primary Benefits: Almond milk has been shown to enhance the immune surveillance of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in viral infections. 

Secondary Benefits: It may also, therefore, help reduce Herpes simplex virus replication. 

Memory-Restorative Properties (2)

Primary Benefits: Studies have found that almonds can help enhance memory. Almond milk can provide the same benefits.

Secondary Benefits: Almond milk can, therefore, also help in managing Alzheimer’s disease. 

Prebiotic Potential (2)

Primary Benefits: Almonds contain prebiotic potential which stimulates the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the digestive system. 

Secondary Benefits: Consuming almond milk can therefore help improve overall gut health.

Antimicrobial Properties (2)

Primary Benefits: Almonds possess antimicrobial properties due to flavonoids found in almond skins. These flavonoids may inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria such as L. monocytogenes and S. aureus. 

Secondary Benefits: Consuming almond milk can hence help prevent and fight several microbial infections. 

Antioxidant Action (2)

Primary Benefits: Almond milk is rich in mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which provide protective antioxidant benefits and may help reduce oxidative stress. 

Secondary Benefits: As such, almond milk can also help in reducing the risk of chronic diseases. 

How To Make Almond Milk?

  1. To prepare homemade almond milk, soak some almonds in water overnight. 
  2. Then drain the water and blend the almonds with fresh water. You may also add a pinch of salt. 
  3. After blending, pour the mixture through a nut milk bag into a mixing bowl, and extract the milk by squeezing the bag.

On a Final Note

Almond milk is a nutritious and delicious alternative to traditional dairy milk. It is rich in essential nutrients, such as essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, and offers several health benefits, including weight loss and diabetes management. 

Additionally, almond milk is also easy to make at home and can be incorporated into various recipes. 

So, whether you have lactose intolerance, want to lose weight, or simply prefer the taste of almond milk, incorporating it into your diet can be a great way to boost your health and well-being.

Disclaimer: This article has been written from a health and lifestyle perspective and have no relevance to Ayurveda. 


  1. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/FS410
  2. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/352254093_STUDY_OF_HIGH_NUTRITIVE_VALUE_OF_ALMOND_MILK_BEVERAGE

Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.