20 Proven Benefits of White Pumpkin Juice for Overall Health

Reviewed by experts

White Pumpkin

White pumpkin, also known as ash gourd or winter melon, is a nutrient-dense vegetable that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries due to its wide range of health benefits. In this article, we will explore the 20 proven white pumpkin juice benefits for overall health).

White pumpkin is a common vegetable in Indian cuisine, and it is gaining popularity around the world due to its numerous health benefits. White pumpkin juice benefits include low-calorie food that is rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it an excellent addition to any diet.

White Pumpkin Juice Benefits

1. Helps in weight loss

White Pumpkin Juice Helps in weight loss

Primary Benefit: Being low in calories and high in fiber, white pumpkin juice for weight loss is highly recommended. [1] [2]

Secondary Benefit: This helps in promoting a feeling of fullness and aids in weight loss. [1] [2]

2. Improves digestion

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in dietary fiber and water.

Secondary Benefit: This helps promote digestion and prevent constipation. [3]

3. Boosts immunity

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants.

Secondary Benefit: This helps in boosting the immune system and fighting off infections.[4]

4. Regulates blood pressure

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in potassium.

Secondary Benefit: This helps in regulating blood pressure and reducing the risk of hypertension. [5] [6]

5. Promotes heart health

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin helps in regulating blood pressure.

Secondary Benefit: This reduces inflammation and prevents the buildup of plaque in arteries, thus promoting heart health. [6] [7]

6. Enhances liver function

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin helps in promoting detoxification.

Secondary Benefit: This reduces inflammation and enhances liver function. [8]

7. Promotes healthy skin

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in vitamin C.

Secondary Benefit: This helps promote healthy skin and prevent damage to skin cells from free radicals.[5]

8. Reduces stress and anxiety

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Secondary Benefit: This helps in reducing stress and anxiety. [9]

9. Prevents cancer

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in antioxidants.

Secondary Benefit: This helps in preventing the growth and spread of cancer cells. [10]

10. Improves bone health

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in calcium and other minerals.

Secondary Benefit: This helps improve bone health and prevent osteoporosis.[11]

11. Aids in detoxification

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in fiber and water.

Secondary Benefit: This helps in flushing out toxins from the body and promoting detoxification. [10] [11]

12. Regulates blood sugar

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is low in glycemic index.

Secondary Benefit: This helps in regulating blood sugar levels and preventing diabetes. [10] [12]

13. Promotes healthy vision

white pumpkin juice for eye health

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in vitamin A.

Secondary Benefit: This helps promote healthy vision and prevent vision problems. [13]

14. Reduces inflammation

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin juice is rich in antioxidants.

Secondary Benefit: This helps reduce inflammation and prevent chronic diseases. [14]

15. Improves cognitive function

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in nutrients like magnesium and zinc.
Secondary Benefit: This helps improve cognitive function and prevent neurodegenerative diseases. [9]

16. Boosts energy

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in nutrients like iron and vitamin B6.
Secondary Benefit: Ash Gourd Juice helps in boosting energy levels and preventing fatigue. [11] [14]

17. Reduces the risk of birth defects

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in folate.

Secondary Benefit: This helps in reducing the risk of birth defects and promoting healthy fetal development. [15]

18. Promotes healthy hair

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin is rich in vitamins A and C.

Secondary Benefit: This helps promote healthy hair growth and prevent hair damage. [16]

19. Acts as a natural diuretic:

Primary Benefit: White pumpkin helps in promoting urine production.

Secondary Benefit: Ash Gourd Juice helps in flushing out excess fluids and toxins from the body.[14]

20. Reduces the risk of kidney stones

Primary Benefit: The high water content of white pumpkin helps in flushing out toxins from the body

Secondary Benefit: This can help in reducing the risk of kidney stones.[16]

Other Health Benefits of White Pumpkin Juice [17]

  • Anti-cancerous
  • Anti-tumor
  • Neuroprotective properties
  • Treats depression
  • Treats liver dysregulation

Who Should Drink Pumpkin Juice?

Consuming pumpkin juice provides a host of health benefits. It aids in fighting free radicals, assists in weight loss, and much more. White pumpkin juice, with its multitude of benefits, can be consumed by anyone. However, in case you are allergic to pumpkin or are pregnant or breastfeeding mothers should consult their healthcare providers before consuming white pumpkin juice.

Nutritional Values of White Pumpkin

NutrientAmount per 100g
Calories26 kcal
Protein0.9 grams
Carbohydrates6.5 grams
Dietary Fiber0.5 grams
Sugars2.8 grams
Vitamin A4265 IU
Vitamin C9.0 mg
Calcium21 mg
Magnesium12 mg
Phosphorus24 mg
Potassium340 mg
Iron0.8 mg

White Pumpkin Juice Side Effects

White pumpkin juice, being a natural product, generally has no specific side effects. However, if any adverse reactions are noticed upon its usage, immediate medical attention should be sought.


1. How can I include white pumpkin in my diet?

There are many ways to include white pumpkin in your diet. You can roast it, boil it, or steam it and add it to salads, soups, or stews. You can also make pumpkin puree and use it as a base for smoothies or baked goods.

2. Can white pumpkin help with diabetes?

Yes, white pumpkin has a low glycemic index, which means it releases sugar into the bloodstream slowly. This helps regulate blood sugar levels and may be beneficial for people with diabetes.

3. Is it safe to consume white pumpkin during pregnancy?

Yes, white pumpkin is safe to consume during pregnancy. It is rich in folate, which is important for the development of the fetus. However, it is always recommended to consult with a doctor before making any changes to your diet during pregnancy.

4. Are there any side effects of consuming white pumpkin?

White pumpkin is generally safe for consumption. However, excessive consumption may cause bloating, gas, or indigestion in some individuals.

5. Can white pumpkins help in reducing cholesterol levels?

Yes, white pumpkin is rich in fiber and antioxidants, which may help reduce cholesterol levels and improve heart health.

6. Can we take white pumpkin juice on an empty stomach?

Daily use of white pumpkin juice on an empty stomach can support both healthy weight loss and maintenance. 


White pumpkin is a highly nutritious vegetable that offers a wide range of health benefits. Regular consumption of white pumpkin can help in maintaining overall health and preventing various ailments. However, if you suffer from any existing chronic illnesses, it is recommended to consult a trained medical professional before attempting any treatment/ remedies yourself.

Disclaimer: This article is from a health and wellness perspective only and does not constitute medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a trained medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


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Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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