10 Amazing Health Benefits of Elephant Apple

Reviewed By Experts

elephant apple - livayur

Elephant Apple, or ‘Chalta’ as it is known in Hindi, is a tropical fruit vastly used in traditional medicine for centuries. Packed with a unique combination of bioactives, elephant apple has various potential therapeutic applications.

In this article, we present a compilation of ten remarkable health benefits associated with elephant apples. So, let’s explore the many wonders of the elephant apple and discover its possibilities for the sake of our health and wellness.

What is an elephant apple?

The elephant apple, Scientific Name: Dillenia Indica, is a tropical fruit native to various regions of Asia, including India, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. Also referred to as “Chalta,” this fruit belongs to the Dilleniaceae family. It is renowned for its distinctive appearance and unique flavor.

The elephant apple tree grows to a moderate height, displaying glossy evergreen leaves. The fruit itself is spherical, resembling a small green-yellowish apple. Its rough outer skin conceals a juicy, translucent, slightly acidic pulp containing numerous small seeds.

Nutritional value of elephant apple

One hundred grams of edible elephant apple fruit’s flesh contains the following nutritional value: [1]

Calories59 kcal

Ten benefits of consuming elephant apple

Here are the 10 benefits of consuming elephant apples for your health.

1. Rich source of antioxidants

Elephant apples are abundant in antioxidants, including tannins and flavonoids, which help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. These antioxidants contribute to cellular health and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases. [1]

2. Boosts immune system

Elephant apples’ high vitamin C content stimulates the immune system, aiding in the defense against infections and diseases. [1]

3. Enhances Digestive health

Elephant apple possesses natural digestive properties that can aid in maintaining a healthy digestive system. It may help alleviate digestive disorders thanks to its fiber content. [1]

4. Has anti-inflammatory properties

The bioactive compounds found in elephant apples exhibit potent anti-inflammatory effects, which can assist in reducing inflammation in the body. [1]

5. Provides cardiovascular support

Elephant apple contains heart-healthy nutrients, including dietary fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. These components work synergistically to promote cardiovascular health by regulating blood pressure. [1]

6. Lowers blood pressure

Elephant apple is a refreshing alternative for those seeking remedies to keep their blood pressure in check. It helps in reducing high blood pressure. [1]

7. Boosts skin health

Elephant apples’ antioxidants and vitamin C can help protect the skin’s environmental factors. [1]

8. Potent Anti-diabetic

When taken in moderate amounts, it helps control blood sugar levels, making it a potent remedy to keep diabetic health under control. However, diabetic people shouldn’t overindulge in consumption of elephant apple.[1]

9. Stomach health

It helps overcome stomach-related problems like loose motions and other abdominal issues. [1]

10. Boosts energy

The vitamin B content of elephant apples helps individuals feel energetic. [1]

How to consume elephant apple

Here are some ways to incorporate this tropical fruit into your diet:

1. Raw Consumption

The simplest way to enjoy elephant apples is by eating them raw. Start by selecting ripe fruit, cutting it into halves or quarters, and removing the seeds. You can eat the juicy pulp as is or combine it with other fruits for a refreshing fruit salad.

2. Juice or Smoothies

Elephant apples can be juiced or blended into smoothies to create a nutritious and flavorful beverage. You can extract the juice by pressing the pulp through a strainer or juicer. To make a smoothie, blend the peeled and deseeded fruit with other fruits, yogurt, or your preferred liquid base.

3. Jams and Preserves

Cook the fruit pulp with sugar and spices until it thickens to the desired consistency. It preserves the flavor and allows for long-term storage.

4. Chutneys and Sauces

Elephant apples can be used as a base for chutneys and sauces, adding a unique tangy flavor to culinary preparations.

Side Effects of Elephant Apple

Including elephant apples in our diet in moderate amounts is usually considered safe, however, it is notable that people who are allergic to it should avoid eating the fruit. Some harmful side effects of Elephant Apple could be:

  1. Indigestion.
  2. Diarrhoea.
  3. May cause further gastrointestinal discomfort to people suffering with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder (GERD).
  4. Diabetic people should avoid taking it.


1. Why is it called an elephant apple?

Elephant apple is commonly called elephant apple because it is hugely popular among local wild elephants, being widely consumed by them. It is also known as Chalta.

2. Can we eat elephant apples?

Yes, we can eat elephant apples. You can eat the fruit in both ripe and unripe stages, which is common in chutneys and other pickled dishes. It can be consumed raw or cooked in several ways. It is used to make jams, jellies, pickles, chutneys, and juices.

3. Which part of the elephant apple can be eaten?

You can consume the fruit’s flesh both ripe and unripe. Alternatively, you can eat it raw or cook in different ways.

4. Is the elephant apple a fruit?

The elephant apple is a tropical acidic fruit native to Southeast Asia. It is also known as the wood apple.


The elephant apple presents several health benefits that make it a fruit of significant interest. The elephant apple showcases its potential as a valuable addition to a healthy diet through its rich antioxidant content, immune-boosting properties, digestive health promotion, and potential anti-inflammatory effects.

Whether consumed raw, in juices, jams, or chutneys, the diverse ways of consuming elephant apples allow for culinary exploration and experimentation. However, exercising caution and consulting with healthcare professionals or registered dietitians is essential, especially if you have specific health conditions or concerns.


The information provided here is not intended to replace professional advice or treatment.


  1. Elephant apple fruit and its potential health benefits: A review.

Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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