Body Odour: Causes, Prevention & Home Remedies

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Body Odour Causes Prevention Home Remedies

अर्धशक्त्या निषेव्यस्तु बलिभि: स्निग्धभोजिभि:।

शीतकाले वसन्ते च मन्दमेव ततो अन्यदा।। (अष्टांग ह्रदय संहिता सुत्र २।११)

ardhaśaktyā niṣevyastu balibhi: snigdhabhojibhi:।

śītakāle vasante ca mandameva tato anyadā।।

One who is strong and eat unctuous food everyday should use half of one’s energy to do exercise. Same to be done in winter season and autumn. In summer and rainy season, one should use less than half the energy to do exercise.

Have you ever wondered why a light but distinct aroma lingered despite you not perspiring? The exciting dance between the germs on your skin and perspiration holds the key to the solution. Body odour is an olfactory phenomenon that goes beyond simple perspiration. Exploring the world of eccrine and apocrine glands, where bacteria and sweat combine to produce a variety of odours ranging from sweet to sour or even resembling onions, is necessary to comprehend its nuances.

Contrary to widespread assumption, body odour is not solely determined by the amount of perspiration. The main actors are the skin-dwelling bacteria, whose metabolic activity combined with sweat produces distinct smells. Join us on a quest to unlock the mysteries of body odour, including its causes, body odour treatment, preventative strategies, and the range of natural therapies and body odour home remedies that provide a pleasing solution for this age-old issue. [1]

Body Odour Causes

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  1. Daily Cleansing Routine: Incorporate a thorough daily cleansing routine by indulging in a refreshing bath or shower with antibacterial soap. This practice serves as a proactive measure to eliminate bacteria on the skin’s surface, preventing the onset of unpleasant body odour.
  1. Armpit Grooming: Pay attention to armpit grooming to optimize hygiene. Regular shaving of armpits is recommended, not just for aesthetic reasons but also to facilitate quicker sweat evaporation. This, in turn, reduces the window of time available for sweat to interact with bacteria, a key contributor to body odour.
  1. Clothing Practices: Cultivate healthy clothing practices to combat body odour effectively. Regularly launder your clothes and make it a habit to wear clean, loose-fitting garments. Opting for clothing made from breathable cotton ensures proper ventilation for your skin. Additionally, consider incorporating moisture-wicking fabrics into your wardrobe, especially during physical activities, to keep your skin dry and odour-free.
  1. Antiperspirant Application: Integrate the use of topical antiperspirants into your daily routine. These can be conveniently sourced over the counter or obtained through prescription. Antiperspirants function by drawing sweat back into the sweat glands, leading to a reduction in sweat production. This mechanism sends signals to the body that the sweat glands are full, resulting in decreased sweat production and, consequently, a diminished likelihood of body odour.
  1. Dietary Adjustments: Undertake conscious dietary adjustments to address body odour at its root. Identify and limit the consumption of foods known to enhance body odour, such as garlic, onions, and alcohol. By regulating your diet, you can exert control over the intensity of your sweat’s odour.
  1. Stress Management: Recognize the connection between stress and body odour, particularly the activation of apocrine glands. Incorporate stress management techniques into your daily routine, such as engaging in yoga, meditation, or biofeedback. These practices not only contribute to overall well-being but also help control stress-induced sweating, reducing the likelihood of body odour.
  1. Hygiene Habits: Elevate your hygiene habits by embracing daily bathing rituals. Utilize antibacterial soap during your bathing sessions to curb the growth of bacteria on your skin. This proactive approach sets the foundation for maintaining a fresh and odour-free body.
  1. Activity-Appropriate Attire: Tailor your clothing choices based on your daily activities. Opt for breathable natural fabrics like cotton for everyday wear, allowing your skin to breathe freely. When engaging in physical activities, choose synthetic materials designed to wick moisture away from your skin, ensuring optimal comfort and preventing the build-up of sweat-related odours.
  1. Relaxation Techniques: Prioritize mental well-being by incorporating relaxation techniques into your lifestyle. Engage in activities such as yoga, meditation, or biofeedback to alleviate stress. These practices not only contribute to stress reduction but also play a role in controlling stress-induced sweating, offering a holistic approach to odour prevention.
  1. Dietary Changes: Implement strategic nutrional changes to mitigate the impact of body odour. Evaluate your food choices and consider reducing or eliminating items known to contribute to excessive sweating and strong body odour. Common culprits include caffeinated beverages, spicy foods, and strongly scented items. By making intentional dietary modifications, you can positively influence your body’s odour profile.


What brings on body odour? 

The combination of skin bacteria and sweat is the leading cause of body smell. A role is also played by elements like nutrition, hormones, drugs, and illnesses like hyperhidrosis.

How do sweat glands affect how we smell? 

While apocrine glands release a milky fluid that interacts with microorganisms to produce body odour, eccrine glands release fluids for temperature regulation.

What are some safe, natural ways to prevent body odour? 

Fundamental home cures for body odour treatment include daily cleaning, armpit grooming, appropriate clothes, antiperspirant use, hygiene routines, and stress management.

What causes body odour, and how can it be controlled?

Yes, stress can cause apocrine glands to become active and increase body smell. Control the sweating brought on by stress by using methods like yoga and meditation.

Disclaimer: This article is written from a health and lifestyle perspective. It is for general information and not meant to substitute any medical advice. Please consult your doctor for appropriate medical consultation.


  1. Functional Neuronal Processing of Human Body Odors

Dr. Jyoti Lakhani

Dr. Jyoti has 15 years of experience in Clinical Practice, Research & Education in the field of Ayurveda with competency in acute & chronic conditions like Arthritis, Spondylitis, Osteoporosis, Sciatica etc. She has also expertise in treating Female Infertility disorders, other Gynecological Problems & General disorders.

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