Ayurvedic Insights into the Phases of Sexual Pleasure

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Ayurvedic Insights into the Phases of Sexual Pleasure

Sexual activity, as vital to our well-being as eating and drinking, is a multifaceted aspect of life. Those who embrace a regular sex life not only retain their youthfulness but also enjoy prolonged longevity. It’s a known fact that sexual engagement enhances muscular strength, contributes to emotional stability, and imparts a natural glow to the skin (1).

Contrary to traditional beliefs that primarily associate sex with reproduction, Ayurveda offers a broader perspective. It advocates that sex is a nourishing act, one that should be a regular part of our lives, transcending the mere goal of procreation (2). In this regard, Ayurveda supports the importance of sexual pleasure and here is what it has to say about its phases

Understanding Sexual Wellness Through Ayurveda

Before we delve deep into the topic, let’s understand sexual wellness through the Ayurvedic lens. 

In Ayurveda, sexual energy and pleasure are intricately linked to the concept of ‘Ojas’. Our body comprises seven ‘ras’ or fluids, including the sexual fluid known as ‘Shukradhatu’. From this Shukradhatu emerges a more concentrated form, the Ojas, which is pivotal in creating new life (2).

Concept of Sexual Pleasure in Ayurveda 

Ayurveda has always promoted sexual pleasure for both men and women, but it also suggests having regulated sex. 

According to Ayurveda, while satisfactory sex can alleviate stress, boost immunity, and release oxytocin, excessive sexual activity can lead to an imbalance of Vata Dosha in the body, causing health problems. Therefore, Ayurveda encourages a balanced approach to sexual activity (2).

Phases of Sexual Pleasure According To Ayurveda

Ayurveda suggests time of the day, seasons and frequency of sexual activity, all affect our sexual health. Therefore, we need to tap into specific phases of the day and seasons to optimise our sexual pleasure. 

  1. Ideal Time of the Day

The ideal time for sex is in the morning after sunrise and before 10 am or early evening. Nighttime encounters are not recommended, as they can exacerbate Vata Dosha (2).

  1. Ideal Seasons and Frequency of Sex

The frequency of sexual activity should also vary with the seasons. Winter and early spring are recommended for more frequent sexual encounters, while summer and fall should see reduced frequency due to increased Vata effects (2).

Here is what Ayurveda recommends for each season (1):

  1. Varsha Ritu (monsoon): Intercourse is recommended every 15th day.
  2. Vasant Ritu (spring): Every 3rd day is ideal for sexual engagement.
  3. Hemant and Shishir Ritu (late autumn and winter): One may indulge in sexual activities to their satisfaction.

Ayurvedic Tips To Optimise Sexual Wellness (1)

  1. Before Intercourse

Ayurveda suggests specific dietary preparations for both partners. Women should consume urad, til, and rice, while men should focus on milk, ghee, rice, and sweet items. Salt is also recommended to be avoided.

  1. During Intercourse

Both partners should be mutually attracted, clean, and in a happy state of mind. They should avoid hunger and thirst and chew Tambula or cardamom.

  1. After Intercourse

Following intercourse, it is important to clean the genital areas and take a bath. Applying a paste of sandalwood and Kesar and consuming milk, sugar, fruits, and water is also considered beneficial. Furthermore, Ayurveda recommends enjoying the moonlight on a terrace post-sexual activity.

The Takeaway

Sex in Ayurveda is a sacred act, a celebration of love, self-care, and the interconnectedness of body, mind, and spirit. By honouring its inherent rhythm, respecting your body’s wisdom, and incorporating these Ayurvedic insights, you can transform your sexual experience into a journey of profound pleasure, deep connection, and lasting well-being.


1: How does Ayurveda view the role of sex in life?

Ayurveda views sex as a nourishing and essential part of life, going beyond just reproduction. It’s seen as a means to enhance physical and emotional well-being.

2: What is the best time of day for sexual activity as per Ayurveda?

The ideal times are post-sunrise in the morning and early evening or before 10 pm in the night. 

3: How does the season affect sexual activity in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda suggests different frequencies of sexual activity based on the season, recommending more frequent encounters in winter and spring and less in summer and fall.


  1. https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/1706/1649
  2. https://www.practo.com/healthfeed/ayurveda-and-the-rules-of-sex-46017/post

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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