Does Masturbation Cause Weight Loss? What Experts Says

Reviewed By Experts

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Curious about the lesser-known aspects of self-care? Ever wondered if there’s truth to the idea that masturbation burns calories? While it is widely recognized that masturbation offers stress relief, improved sleep, and a mood boost, there is a common belief that it also contributes to burning calories. Studies suggest that a solo session might expend roughly five to six calories, depending upon factors like duration, intensity, and climax.

Masturbation and weight loss have an intriguing connection that is often speculated upon. The idea goes like this: during masturbation, the body is engaged in an expression of sexual energy, and as the activity progresses, there is a rise in heart rate. This elevation in heart rate is likened to a form of cardio exercise, where the body starts burning more calories. Consequently, the belief follows that this calorie burn aids in shedding weight. It is an attractive theory, linking a pleasurable act to potential weight management through increased calorie expenditure. [1]

However, it is important to maintain a balanced perspective. Even with increased effort, the calorie expenditure from masturbation remains relatively low and would not suffice to replace a regular workout routine. In this article, we will delve further into what experts have to say.

Cardiovascular Changes That Occur During Sexual Activity

During sexual activity, the body undergoes distinct phases: excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Intriguingly, the peak energy expenditure takes place at the moment of orgasm. This climax is accompanied by significant cardiopulmonary changes, where the heart rate and other physiological responses reach their peak. 

However, it is noteworthy that these changes swiftly return to baseline levels within 2–3 minutes after orgasm. This suggests that there may be a temporary surge in energy expenditure during this phase, even though it is relatively short-lived and may have some impact on overall calorie burn or weight loss. [2]

Does Masturbation Reduce Weight By Burning Calories?

Masturbation does expend energy, notably during arousal and climax. However, it is not a significant calorie burner.

Energy Expenditure during Masturbation

Experts state that a modest burn of around five to six calories during a session is based on various factors. Yet, this calorie burn is not substantial enough to drive weight loss.

Comparison with Physical Activities

A 40-minute partnered sexual intercourse session might burn up to 200 calories for a 175-pound individual. In contrast, high-intensity workouts like running, swimming, or yoga far surpass masturbation in calorie expenditure.

Digging Deeper Into The Theory of Masturbation and Weight Loss

Let’s delve into the myths and possible connections between masturbation, energy use, and weight management.

While masturbation elevates heart rate and blood flow, its calorie-burning potential remains limited. Though climax does consume energy, it may not be enough to aid in weight loss.

The belief that masturbation triggers weight loss persists, but it is crucial to note that this activity burns far fewer calories compared to most physical exercises. As a weight loss method, its efficacy is impractical and indirect.

How Can You Maximize Calorie Burn During Masturbation

To amp up calorie burn during masturbation, active participation is key. It is about elevating the intensity to get your blood flowing.

Factors like duration, intensity, position, activity, and the length of orgasm all play a role in how many calories you might burn during this activity.

While a slow build-up might seem like a good approach, being passive will not elevate your heart rate significantly, regardless of how long the session lasts. Instead, it is about engaging actively. Here are some techniques likely to increase calorie expenditure:

  1. Increase Speed and Intensity: Moving your fingers faster and with more force.
  2. Utilize Toys Vigorously: Use a toy on your clitoris and vagina with vigor.
  3. Experiment with Positions: Trying positions like the pretend lover or incorporating squatting while using toys.
  4. Explore Erogenous Zones: Stimulating various erogenous zones while focusing on the clitoris and vagina.

Other Health Rewards of Masturbation

Numerous studies highlight the manifold advantages of self-pleasure, extending across mental, social, and physical well-being:

  1. Sexual Outlet: For individuals choosing abstinence or lacking immediate sexual partners, masturbation offers a healthy sexual outlet.
  2. Safer Sexual Practice: It serves as a method for safer sex, reducing the risk of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.
  3. Improved Sleep: Masturbation has been linked to better sleep quality.
  4. Body Familiarity: It fosters self-awareness and comfort with one’s body.
  5. Stress Reduction: Masturbation is acknowledged as a stress-relieving activity.
  6. Source of Pleasure: It provides a pleasurable avenue for sexual arousal.


1. Does masturbation benefit heart health?

Masturbation has the potential to elevate your heart rate to levels akin to mild or moderate physical activity. Theoretically, this increase in heart rate during masturbation might offer a positive influence on your cardiovascular health. This temporary elevation in heart rate, akin to mild exercise, could contribute to a positive impact on heart health. However, it is essential to note that this activity alone might not provide the comprehensive benefits of regular physical exercise for heart health.

2. What constitutes a healthy frequency for masturbation?

Experts suggest that there is no definitive “normal” frequency for masturbation. It varies widely among individuals, with some engaging daily, weekly, monthly, or not at all. The key is ensuring that masturbation does not detrimentally impact your relationships or impede your commitments, such as work or education. As long as it does not disrupt these aspects of life and is a personal choice, the frequency at which you engage in masturbation is considered safe and conducive to overall well-being.

3. How does masturbation impact you?

Engaging in sexual activity, including masturbation, triggers the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine and oxytocin in the brain. These chemicals play pivotal roles in regulating mood and amplifying sensations of pleasure.
This satisfaction derived from sexual activity, including masturbation, extends to various positive effects. It is associated with reduced stress levels, heightened self-esteem, and increased life satisfaction, particularly among older adults. The culmination of these effects underscores the potential for enhanced well-being through sexual satisfaction.

4. What hormones does masturbation trigger?

• Dopamine: Often referred to as a “happiness hormone,” dopamine is integral to the brain’s reward system and is released during sexual activity, including masturbation.

• Endorphins: Acting as the body’s natural pain reliever, endorphins contribute to stress reduction and mood enhancement when released, a response linked to masturbation.

• Oxytocin: Known as the “love hormone,” oxytocin is associated with social bonding and is released during sexual activities, including masturbation.

• Testosterone: This hormone, essential for stamina and arousal, is released during sexual activities and even during sexual fantasies, as suggested by a study.

• Prolactin: Primarily associated with lactation, prolactin also influences mood and the immune system, and its release is linked to sexual activity, including masturbation.

5. Are There Negative Aspects to Masturbation?

• Despite established benefits, not everyone experiences positive outcomes from masturbation.
• For some, discomfort with the sensation or conflicts with personal beliefs may lead to negative associations with masturbation. It is important to recognize that personal choice plays a significant role in this realm.
• Your decision to engage in or abstain from masturbation is entirely yours to make. Whether you’re uninterested, uncomfortable, or it conflicts with your beliefs, it is okay to choose what feels right for you.
• If difficulties with masturbation bother you or cause distress, seeking guidance from a doctor or therapist might offer valuable insights and support in navigating these feelings.


The relationship between masturbation and weight loss remains a topic of discussion, but experts largely agree that while it does burn some calories, the impact on weight loss is minimal. Masturbation, being a form of physical activity, may contribute slightly to calorie expenditure, but it is insufficient to drive significant weight loss. Experts emphasize the necessity of holistic approaches to weight management, focusing on balanced diets and regular exercise rather than relying on masturbation as a weight loss strategy. So, now the question ‘Does masturbation cause weight loss’ is aptly answered.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice.

Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. Energy Expenditure during Sexual Activity in Young Healthy Couples
  2. Sex and the heart: what is the role of the cardiologist?

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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