Our Experts strive to deliver precise, Authoritative and Trustworthy content
In our mission to make Ayurveda and its teachings accessible and understandable, we focus on delivering trusted and evidence-based information that is comprehensive, easy-to-read and well-researched. Our team consists of Ayurvedic experts, qualified doctors, and editors who have extensive experience and expertise in Ayurveda, scientific research and medical writing. The medicine and health content that we publish is curated through a well-structured editorial and review process which includes an in-depth review by our Clinical Specialist Review Board.
Editorial Workflow
Guiding Framework for Content Generation
At LivAyur, we follow a strong code of conduct for our Ayurvedic and health content generation to ensure that the information is valid and credible. Our team ensures that LivAyur’ S content upholds the highest standard of medical and Ayurvedic integrity using the following guidelines:
- Accurate: Create Ayurvedic content that is well-researched, reliable and authentic
- Authoritative: Identify and recognize the author, qualification, and sources of the content
- Up-to-date: Incorporate the latest Ayurvedic research, news, and guidelines on regular intervals
- Contextual: Formulate content aligning with user needs
- Credible: Cite and reference appropriate sources of published information
- Transparent: Provide information that is unbiased towards any brand, product or service
Expert Panel
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