Discover The Incredible Benefits of Kuth and Its Uses

Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Kuth And Its Uses 1 6 11zon

Kuth is a medicinal herb with strong roots in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian method of natural medicine scientifically known as Saussurea lappa. Kuth is well-known for its potent medicinal qualities and has been used for ages to cure various illnesses, such as respiratory problems, skin disorders, and digestive problems. (1)

Its importance in Ayurveda stems from its ability to promote general health and well-being by balancing the Doshas, or biological forces, especially Kapha and Vata. Kuth plant plays a significant role in Ayurvedic medicine by providing comprehensive solutions for comprehensive health through its various applications in herbal medicines.

Nutritional Value of Kuth

Bioactive componentValue in percentage
Sesquiterpenoids (dehydrocostus lactones) (2)44-67%
Essential oils1.1-2%

Kuth Plant Uses

Some of the Kuth benefits are as follows: –

Kuth for Overall Health

Kuth has several health advantages, including its ability to help with skin disorders, respiratory issues, and digestion. It helps treat several conditions, including epilepsy, acne, stomach pain, respiratory congestion, and other skin conditions (3) due to its holistic qualities.

Kuth in Gastric ulcers

Due to its anti-ulcerogenic qualities, kuth helps treat stomach ulcers. (6) Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties aid in reducing inflammation, calming the stomach mucosa, and preventing the development of ulcers. Kuth also relieves the symptoms of ulcers by encouraging gastric repair and shielding the stomach lining from more harm.

Kuth in Cancer

Kuth’s anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-stimulating qualities make it a promising cancer treatment. According to research, it might stop tumour growth, improve the efficiency of chemotherapy, and lessen side effects. (4) However, further research is required to completely comprehend its unique action methods and its potential for cancer therapy.

Kuth in Relieving Inflammation

Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, kuth helps reduce inflammation-related illnesses such as skin irritations, asthma, and arthritis. Its active ingredients lessen pain and oedema by blocking inflammatory pathways. In addition, Kuth boosts immune system performance and provides a homoeopathic solution for reducing inflammation and enhancing general health.

Kuth in Epilepsy and Convulsions

Due to its therapeutic qualities, the herb kuth is used in Ayurvedic medicine and offers the potential to treat epilepsy and convulsions. (7) This has been confirmed after a pharmacological evaluation on mice. By assisting in stabilising brain activity, seizures become less frequent and less severe. When used in different forms, Kuth provides a natural substitute for those looking for additional methods of managing their epilepsy.

Kuth for Indigestion

Kuth inhibits the activity of parasites in the body and stops the growth of bacteria that may be present in the large intestine because of its antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anthelmintic qualities. Additionally, it relieves indigestion, which an inflamed Pitta brings on that lessens the fire of the digestive tract. Consuming powdered kuth root promotes easier digestion and improved digestive fire.

Kuth for Asthma

Kuth has bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory qualities, making it a promising asthma treatment. It could improve respiratory function and reduce airway inflammation, relieving symptoms like wheezing and dyspnea. More investigation is required to determine its safety and efficacy in treating asthma.

How to Use Kuth?

Kuth has various parts that are used in different industries. Some of them are: –

  • It is employed in the perfume industry as a scented oil.
  • Kuth roots are excellent pesticides since they contain essential oils and alkaloids.
  • As an insecticide, crops are sprayed with root powder.
  • Tobacco is frequently made from dried leaves.
  • It is also used to treat cow cardiac disease.
  • Hair oil combined with root powder could give hair shine.
  • To remove lice, use the kuth powder while washing your hair.
  • In addition, it can be used as a dye to turn grey hair black.
  • Cattle are fed and fuelled by the herb’s blossom and feathers. 


Even though Kuth is safe to take in moderation, patients with diabetes are advised to speak with their doctors before ingesting the herb. Kuth should not be consumed by nursing or pregnant women without first visiting a physician.

Recommended Dosage of Kuth

Kuth Root Powder: ¼ to ½ tsp twice daily, but consult your doctor.

Kuth Oil: As per requirement, it can be applied topically

Side Effects of Kuth

Acidity can occasionally result from a high and unmonitored Kuth intake.  Because of its strong potency, severe consumption can also result in rashes and allergic responses. Additionally, it may result in skin blistering and other skin conditions, including eczema. Moreover, people who are allergic to herbs and plants should not consume it. (5)


Potent medicinal herbs like kuth are mainly used to treat digestive disorders. Rich in anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, kuth roots are used for various medical purposes, including reducing triglyceride, total cholesterol, and bad cholesterol (LDL), which can prevent heart attacks, and contracting muscles to avoid spasms. Because of its possible antiferedant qualities, kuth is sometimes used as an insect repellent. Kuth assists in treating parasite infections that may result in specific illnesses in humans. In addition, it is used to treat nematode infections and stomach ulcers as a herbal tonic and gastric stimulant. This herb’s oil is used externally to address problems connected to the knee.

Disclaimer: This content is only intended for informational purposes. This blog does not replace medical guidance, diagnosis, or care. Always consult a licensed healthcare professional with any queries or worries about a medical issue.


What are the uses of kuth?

Kuth has been used as fuel, aromatic oil, livestock feed, and crop pesticide. It is also used as a hair wash and color to add shine to hair. Kuth roots are used in medicine to make topical mixtures that are used to treat a variety of illnesses and pains.

How to consume kuth?

You can use Costus in the following ways: decoction of wood. Hot water is used to powder it. You can drink the juice of it with some warm water.

Who should avoid taking Kuth?

It is advised to avoid using Kuth while nursing or to speak with your doctor before doing so and if you take anti-diabetic medication.

What is the other name of kuth?

Saussurea lappa, or S. costus, is the botanical name of the kuth plant. It is a member of the Asteraceae family and is commonly called costus.


  1. Kuth is well-known for its potent medicinal qualities and has been used for ages to cure various illnesses, such as respiratory problems, skin disorders, and digestive problems. (
  2. Sesquiterpenoids (dehydrocostus lactones) (
  3. It helps treat skin conditions, including epilepsy, acne, stomach pain, and respiratory congestion. (
  4. According to research, it might stop tumour growth, improve the efficiency of chemotherapy, and lessen side effects. (
  5. Moreover, people who are allergic to herbs and plants should not consume it. (
  6. Due to its anti-ulcerogenic qualities, kuth helps treat stomach ulcers. (
  7. Due to its therapeutic qualities, the herb kuth is used in Ayurvedic medicine and offers the potential to treat epilepsy and convulsions. (

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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