Does Masturbation Affect Immunity? What Experts Say

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Have you ever been curious about the relationship between masturbation and immunity? Exploring this connection requires understanding the physiological aspects of both sexual activity and the immune system

Masturbation, a natural and healthy activity, remains covered in misconceptions largely due to societal stigma, especially concerning its association with non-traditional relationships. [2]

Despite this, studies highlight its potential health benefits, from stress reduction and mood enhancement to alleviating menstrual cramps.

Studies also suggest a potential link between masturbation and immune function. Understanding whether masturbation affects immunity, and the extent of evidence supporting this claim is crucial as we delve into this intriguing aspect of sexual health.

Experts offer insights into whether masturbation, as a form of sexual activity, influences immune function.

How and why does masturbation affect immunity?

Masturbation seems to have an impact on the immune system based on limited research. A study revealed an increase in the levels of leukocytes and natural killer cells soon after masturbation. These cells make an essential component of the immune system and help in fighting infections, suggesting a potential immune response triggered by this sexual activity. [1]

However, it is important to note that this research primarily focused on male participants, leaving uncertainties about how sexual arousal and orgasm affect women’s immune systems. Jennifer Berman, MD, a sexual health expert, highlights this disparity, indicating that the effects might differ between genders.

Nevertheless, the broader health benefits of orgasm, whether achieved alone or with a partner, are acknowledged by experts. According to Britney Blair, PsyD, a clinical psychologist, and founder of The Clinic, sexual activity, including masturbation, reduces stress akin to exercise, benefiting heart health, lung function, and potentially strengthening the immune system. Moreover, improved sleep quality associated with sexual activity contributes to overall health, suggesting that masturbation could positively impact well-being.

Advantages of Masturbation 

Stress Reduction: 

Masturbation counters the bad impact of stress hormones like cortisol by releasing endorphins and oxytocin. Lower stress levels may positively impact immune function by reducing inflammation.

Improved Sleep Quality: 

Orgasm induces relaxation, aiding in better sleep. Quality sleep contributes to a stronger immune system. [5]

Enhanced Mood: 

The release of neurotransmitters during orgasm, such as dopamine and serotonin, can elevate mood and reverse depression. A positive mental state is linked to improved immunity. [4]

Pain Relief: 

Masturbation has been associated with pain relief, including relief from menstrual cramps and migraine. [3] Reduced pain might indirectly contribute to improved immune function by lowering stress.

Boosted Antibodies Production: 

Some research suggests sexual activity, including masturbation, might enhance the production of certain antibodies, potentially bolstering immune response.[6]

Stimulation of White Blood Cells: 

Masturbation may stimulate the production of leukocytes, a kind of white blood cell essential for fighting infections.

Regulation of Cortisol Levels: 

Regular sexual activity, including masturbation, could aid in regulating cortisol levels, impacting the body’s stress response and potentially enhancing immunity.

Enhanced Relaxation:

Masturbation triggers a relaxation response, promoting overall relaxation that can positively influence immune function.

Improved Self-Esteem: 

Positive sexual experiences, including solo pleasure, can contribute to increased self-esteem, which has indirect benefits for overall health and immunity. [7]

Increased Bonding Hormones: 

The release of oxytocin during orgasm fosters bonding and feelings of connection, positively impacting overall well-being, which, in turn, can support immunity.


1. Why might frequent ejaculation be beneficial?

Research suggests several health advantages linked to frequent ejaculation. Studies have associated it with a lowered risk of prostate cancer, potential improvements in sperm quality, and positive impacts on sleep patterns. [8]

2. Could masturbation benefit heart health?

Masturbation has been observed to potentially increase heart rate to levels akin to mild to moderate physical activity. Theoretically, this increase in heart rate during masturbation might have a highly positive impact on cardiovascular health.

3. Can masturbation lead to STIs or infections?

Masturbation itself doesn’t transmit sexually transmitted infections (STIs). However, it is advisable to maintain cleanliness by washing hands before and after the act. Also, if using toys, proper cleaning and sterilization are crucial. A UV-C light sanitizer, like UVee, can effectively sanitize and store adult toys, ensuring a hygienic approach to sexual wellness.

4. What is pelvic engorgement and how does masturbation help with this?

Masturbation can aid in releasing pelvic engorgement, a discomfort caused by congested veins in the pelvic area, as mentioned by experts. This condition, often occurring during pregnancy, can lead to pain and discomfort. Masturbation may help alleviate this congestion and provide relief from the associated discomfort, as suggested by Stanford Health.

5. What does Ayurveda say about the benefits of masturbation or Hastmaithun?

The act of positive and beneficial masturbation, as viewed through Ayurveda, holds significant depth. It is seen as a profound act of self-connection where one delves into their essence. The Sankalpa, the intention originating from the heart and mind, intertwines with the libido’s waves, gathering resources for self-fulfillment. 
These include harnessing Ojas, the vital energy from pure, nutritious foods, balancing Pitta fire, fulfilling Kapha, facilitating Vata’s movement, expanding Rajas qualities toward desires, activating tamas through creativity, and engaging the seven Dhatus that support all metabolic functions. This holistic perspective considers masturbation as a means to align and balance various vital energies within the body and mind.


To answer the question, does masturbation affect immunity, research suggests a potential link between masturbation and an increase in certain immune cells. Experts highlight the overall health benefits associated with sexual activity, including stress reduction and improved sleep, which may indirectly support immune function. However, definitive evidence specifically connecting masturbation to significant alterations in immunity is lacking. Further comprehensive research, considering diverse gender experiences and larger study populations, is essential to establish a clear and direct relationship between masturbation and immune system modulation.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice.

Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. Effects of Sexual Arousal on Lymphocyte Subset Circulation and Cytokine Production in Man
  2. Masturbation — From Stigma to Sexual Health
  3. Masturbation and orgasm as migraine headache treatment: Report of a case
  4. The concept of depression as a dysfunction of the immune system
  5. The influence of sexual activity on sleep: A diary study
  6. Sexual frequency and immunoglobulin A (IgA)
  7. The Effects of Masturbation on Sexual Self-esteem in Women
  8. Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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