Masturbation During Pregnancy: Is it Safe, Benefits, Risks and Precautions

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Wondering about the safety of masturbation during pregnancy? Masturbation during pregnancy is a common concern for expecting individuals. Understanding the safety and potential impacts helps reassure would-be mothers who are navigating changes in their bodies and sexual desires. Exploring these concerns offers clarity and guidance for those experiencing shifts in libido or concerns about engaging in sexual activity during this transformative phase. 

The taboo surrounding topics like masturbation during pregnancy might leave expectant mothers hesitant to seek clarity on its safety for their growing baby. The truth is, unless in a high-risk pregnancy, masturbation during pregnancy is mostly safe and natural. Let us delve deeper into this important yet sometimes overlooked aspect of prenatal care, that is, “Is it ok to masturbate during pregnancy?”

Benefits of masturbation during pregnancy

1. Stress Relief: 

Masturbation triggers the release of endorphins, providing a natural stress-relief mechanism for expectant mothers dealing with pregnancy-related anxieties. [6]

For many pregnant individuals, masturbation during pregnancy also serves as a crucial stress-relief method and a satisfying option when intercourse becomes challenging due to a growing belly. As pregnancy progresses, finding comfortable sexual positions becomes trickier, prompting the exploration of alternative pleasurable experiences.

2. Improved Sleep: 

The release of chemicals such as oxytocin and endorphins during orgasm can promote relaxation, potentially aiding in better sleep, which can be challenging during pregnancy. [7]

3. Enhanced Mood: 

Increased levels of feel-good hormones post-masturbation can uplift mood and alleviate mood swings commonly experienced during pregnancy.

4. Pelvic Floor Strengthening: 

Masturbation during pregnancy can help in strengthening pelvic floor muscles, which may aid in childbirth and postpartum recovery. [4] If the pelvic floor muscles of the woman are strong enough, then pelvic floor disorders such as pelvic organ prolapse, bowel and bladder incontinence may be avoided after vaginal delivery. [5]

5. Pain Relief: 

Orgasms can release endorphins that can help to alleviate mild pregnancy-related discomforts such as headaches or back pain. [1]

Amidst the myriad discomforts of pregnancy, from morning sickness and low back pain to swollen feet, seeking physical pleasure through masturbation can provide welcome relief.

6. Increased Intimacy and Comfort: 

Exploring one’s body and sexual desires during pregnancy can enhance intimacy with one’s partner and foster a sense of comfort with physical changes.

7. Hormonal Balance: 

Masturbation during pregnancy may contribute to hormonal balance, regulating hormone levels during pregnancy.

8. Improved Blood Flow: 

A rush of blood to the pelvic area during arousal and orgasm can promote better circulation, benefiting both the mother and the developing baby. [2]

9. Sexual Exploration: 

Pregnancy can be a time of sexual discovery and exploration, allowing you to understand your changing bodies and sexual preferences better.

10. Self-Care and Body Positivity: 

Engaging in self-pleasure can encourage body positivity and self-care as a unique means to embrace and understand their evolving bodies, fostering comfort amid startling physical changes. [3]

Safety considerations to keep in mind while masturbating during pregnancy

1. Positioning and Comfort: 

Opt for comfortable positions that don’t strain the abdomen or cause discomfort, considering the changes in the body during pregnancy.

2. Gentle Stimulation: 

Avoid vigorous or rough movements to prevent any harm to the uterus or abdomen.

3. Cleanliness and Hygiene: 

Ensure hands and any objects used are clean to prevent infections, which could potentially affect the pregnancy.

4. Communication with Healthcare Providers: 

If there are any concerns or complications during pregnancy, consult a healthcare provider for guidance or advice regarding sexual activity, including masturbation.

5. Avoiding Pressure Points: 

Steer clear of putting pressure on specific points, such as the abdomen or lower back, which could trigger discomfort or complications.

6. Emotional Comfort and Relaxation: 

Prioritize emotional comfort and relaxation during the act to avoid unnecessary stress or anxiety, which might affect both the mother and the baby.

Risks and precautions to consider when masturbating during pregnancy

  1. Masturbation usually poses no risks for women with low-risk pregnancies and no complications. However, in cases where preterm labor is a concern, vaginal penetration or orgasms might trigger early labor. Doctors might advise avoiding intercourse or orgasms to lower the risk of premature delivery in such situations.
  2. There is a slight risk of causing small tears in the genital area during masturbation, especially if a woman has long nails, leading to bacterial infection, which can be more severe during pregnancy.
  3. To minimize this risk, maintaining short nails and ensuring the cleanliness of hands and sex toys is crucial. Using a latex or nitrile glove with cotton ball tips while masturbating can offer added protection.
  4. There is also a risk of contracting STIs from shared sex toys. Covering toys with a condom and changing it between each use can reduce this risk.
  5. Certain complications like placenta previa, weakened cervix, premature membrane rupture, or a history of premature labor might prompt doctors to recommend avoiding orgasms and sexual activity, including masturbation, during pregnancy.
  6. Orgasms can cause uterine contractions that might lead to early labor or complications in some cases. In situations where vaginal penetration is discouraged, alternative forms of sexual engagement like mutual masturbation with a partner may be considered.
  7. Couples seeking intimacy might explore sensate focus exercises, emphasizing mindful touching and improved communication to strengthen their bond without engaging in sexual activity.
  8. If there is a rupture of membranes or vaginal bleeding, refraining from masturbation and sexual activity and seeking immediate medical advice is crucial. Consult a doctor about specific risks during pregnancy to ensure the well-being of both the mother and the baby.


1. Is it safe to experience orgasms during pregnancy?

Yes, it is safe for a pregnant woman to experience orgasms. Inquiries about engaging in sexual activity during pregnancy are common among couples seeking advice from their obstetrician. In most cases, engaging in sex during pregnancy is safe if done appropriately. It is entirely normal for a pregnant mother to have an increased desire for sex and orgasms during this time, and experiencing orgasms is considered a normal and safe part of pregnancy.

2. Does ejaculating inside a pregnant woman benefit the baby?

There is a common concern among men about the potential harm caused by penetrative sex during pregnancy and worry about injuring the future child. However, it is important to note that there is no harm to the baby from semen or sperm deposited in the vagina during penetrative sex. So, rest assured, this act won’t pose any danger to the baby.

3. Does female masturbation impact the baby during pregnancy?

Many women might feel hesitant or embarrassed to inquire about the safety of masturbation during pregnancy and its potential effects on the developing baby. The straightforward answer is that masturbation is a natural and normal activity. Unless there are specific high-risk conditions present in the pregnancy, it is generally considered safe for women to engage in masturbation during this time.

4. Which positions should be avoided during pregnancy?

Avoiding lying flat on your back, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, is recommended. This position can put pressure on the major blood vessels in the abdomen due to the weight of the enlarged uterus. When lying on your side, maintain alignment in your body, slightly bending your knees, and refrain from twisting to ensure comfort and safety during pregnancy.

5. Can you practice masturbation after pregnancy?

Yes, masturbation is considered safe after childbirth, similar to oral sex. Engaging in self-pleasure, either individually or as a couple through mutual masturbation, can serve as a viable alternative to intercourse during the initial weeks postpartum. It can aid in maintaining intimacy between partners and gradually easing back into sexual activity after childbirth.


So, to answer the question, is it okay to masturbate during pregnancy, masturbation during pregnancy is considered safe, offering various benefits for many expecting mothers. It can aid in stress reduction, promote relaxation, and maintain sexual intimacy. However, certain precautions should be considered, especially in high-risk pregnancies, to prevent potential complications like premature contractions or infections. Ensuring hygiene, avoiding strenuous movements, and consulting healthcare providers for guidance are vital. Overall, unless advised otherwise due to specific medical concerns, moderate and comfortable masturbation can be a safe and healthy aspect of pregnancy, contributing to emotional well-being and intimacy for expecting couples.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice.

Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. The influence of sexual arousal on subjective pain intensity during a cold pressor test in women
  2. Women’s Orgasm
  3. Masturbatory Behavior and Body Image: A Study Among Brazilian Women
  5. Pelvic floor muscle strength and the incidence of pelvic floor disorders after vaginal and cesarean delivery
  6. Masturbation and Coping
  7. The influence of sexual activity on sleep: A diary study

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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