What is Circumcised Penis?

Many of you must have heard about circumcised penis. The popularity of circumcision is declining today, but it remains a common practice in many nations. Different social, religious, and cultural factors could drive the choice to have one’s baby circumcised. 

Some medical specialist even suggests male babies or older men undergo circumcision. The procedure only involves the removal of the penis’s foreskin. This surgery has several benefits, which you can read further in this post. So, what is circumcised penis? Here’s what you must know about it.

What Is Circumcision?

The foreskin or hood of the skin of the penis acts as a cover for the glans or head of the organ. During the circumcision surgical procedure, the foreskin is removed, which removes the end of the penis. This is how you can define what is circumcised penis. Many families choose to conduct this procedure on their babies when they are born because of religious, cultural, or social beliefs. Some may choose circumcision for appearance or hygiene purposes, while others could choose not to undergo this surgical process. 

Primarily, doctors perform circumcisions during the first ten days of a newborn’s life. The surgery is done in a hospital via a trained paediatrician, obstetrician, or family doctor. Sometimes, it is also conducted as a religious ritual at home. Before the surgery, the doctor will discuss the entire process, benefits and possible risks associated with the baby’s parents.

It could take longer for premature newborns or those with specific medical issues to get circumcised. Certain newborns have physical problems affecting the penis that can be resolved surgically. Since the foreskin is used by surgeons in reconstructive procedures, they could not undergo circumcision.

Families may choose to postpone circumcision so that the decision can be made later by either the parent or the kid. After the infant stage, circumcision is often performed in an operating room under general anaesthesia, and it has certain risks.

Does It Affect Your approach To Hygiene?


If you know what is circumcised penis, you must be aware of the hygiene concerns associated with uncut penises. 

A foreskin that remains intact necessitates additional attention to hygiene. Failure to regularly clean beneath the foreskin can result in the accumulation of bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil, forming smegma. Smegma can cause an unpleasant odor and may contribute to inflammation of the glans and foreskin, known as balanitis. 

This inflammation can impede the ability to retract the foreskin, a condition referred to as phimosis. Both phimosis and balanitis may require medical intervention if left untreated. It’s important to note that these hygiene instructions are for adults only, as before puberty, the complete retraction of the foreskin may be challenging and should never be forced, even for cleaning purposes.

A circumcised penis doesn’t demand extra hygiene measures. Simply ensure regular washing during your bathing routine. Nonetheless, the absence of foreskin may render the penile skin more susceptible to dryness, chafing, or irritation. One can avoid this by opting for loose-fitting underwear and steering clear of tight pants.

Does It Affect Sexual Sensitivity?

When talking about what is circumcised penis, many individuals are eager to know how a circumcised penis affects sexual sensitivity. While the foreskin of the penis may be highly sensitive to touch stimulation, in no way does it imply that cut penises won’t feel the same. There is no established connection between one’s sexual satisfaction and circumcision. Even some individuals with uncircumcised penis find it difficult to experience sexual sensitivity. 

What Are the Benefits of Circumcision?

A doctor showing circumcision through peeling banana

Individuals who undergo circumcision are less likely to:

  • Contract HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) later in life
  • Experience urinary tract infections (UTIs), particularly in the initial year of life
  • Develop penile cancer, a rarity among both circumcised and uncircumcised individuals. The reason for the reduced risk is not yet conclusively linked to circumcision itself or variations in hygiene.
  • Encounter irritation, inflammation, or infections of the penis, as maintaining cleanliness is more manageable with a circumcised penis.

Can An Adult Get Circumcised?

Individuals who were not circumcised as infants have the option to get circumcised as they are older. Mostly, older boys and adults follow the same routine as newborns.

The surgery will probably be performed under anaesthesia at a hospital. The procedure can take a little bit longer than it does with young children. Stitches are necessary following the circumcision. You will discuss recuperation with your healthcare professional, including when you can get back to having sex.

Who Should Not Have A Circumcision?

If your kid has any of the following medical issues, your provider could advise against circumcising them right now or not at all.

  • Has potential surgical needs due to physical issues with the penis. (Surgeons may occasionally require the foreskin to address an issue.)
  • Had a premature birth.

The Bottom Line

So, now you know what is circumcised penis. For most circumstances, being cut or uncut has insufficient impact on your risk to justify the operation in every case. It does not affect your general sexual well-being.

The primary distinction is that, to lower the risk of infection and other ailments, uncut people must often wash beneath their foreskin.

Whether or not you are circumcised, it is still vital to take precautions against sexually transmitted infections, such as wearing condoms during intercourse.


Q1. Does getting circumcised hurt for adults?

The procedure does involve some discomfort during recovery, including potential stitches and sensitivity. But it is usually done under anesthesia so you don’t feel anything during surgery. Take it easy for 4-6 weeks after.

Q2. Do circumcised penises get less sensitive during sex?

Not necessarily. While the foreskin itself contains nerve endings, sensation during sex depends on more factors. Many circumcised men report totally fulfilling sex lives and sensitivity.

Q3. What hygiene steps do cut guys still need to take?

Even without foreskin, buildup under the penis head can occur. Rinse thoroughly with water, avoid harsh soaps, pat dry after bathing, and wear breathable fabrics to prevent irritation.

Q4. Will I last longer or shorter in bed without my foreskin?

It is quite hard to predict. Sensitivity varies greatly from person to person regardless of circumcision status. Things like age, hormones, and technique play a bigger role in duration.

Q5. What should I look out for risk or complication-wise after getting cut?

Look for signs of infection like unusual swelling, pain, fever or bleeding that won’t stop. Most heal without incident, but call your doctor if concerned.


Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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