Easy Yoga Poses for Beginners

Reviewed By Experts

Are you interested in yoga? Are you aware of the various benefits of yoga? We can get you started in your journey towards wellness with some of the easiest yoga poses for beginners.These fundamental yoga poses can help you establish a strong foundation, and nurture both body and mind. Yoga offers a plethora of benefits that make it a wonderful addition to any routine. Its impact on physical health is remarkable, enhancing muscle tone, flexibility, strength, and balance. Moreover, its emphasis on pranayama breathing techniques fosters relaxation, effectively reducing stress levels. The ten Yogasanas for beginners that we will discuss in this article will help foster mindfulness and physical harmony. 

Why is yoga necessary?

  1. Stress Relief: With stress affecting a large percentage of adults, yoga, especially asana practice, has proven effective in reducing stress levels. [2]
  1. Flexibility: Yoga, in its various intensities, notably enhances flexibility, even in older adults, countering the natural aging process. [1]
  1. Strength Enhancement: Beyond stretching, certain yoga classes focus on strength-building, benefiting diverse populations, including cancer patients and older adults. [5]
  1. Anxiety Reduction: Studies indicate yoga asana and practices like yoga nidra can alleviate symptoms of anxiety disorders. [6]
  1. Mental Health Improvement: Yoga, both movement-based and breath-centric practices, showcases significant improvements in depressive symptoms and anxiety disorders. [3]
  1. Inflammation Reduction: Yoga, across styles and durations, has shown potential in reducing markers of inflammation, crucial in preventing various chronic conditions. [4]
  1. Boosted Immunity: Long-term yoga practice may positively impact immune system functioning, combating inflammation and enhancing cell-mediated immunity. [7]
  1. Cardiovascular Health: Pranayama techniques contribute to better cardiovascular functioning, positively influencing heart rate, blood pressure, and arterial health. [9]
  1. Better Sleep: Yoga aids in quicker sleep onset and deeper sleep, attributed to its calming effects and practices like yoga nidra. [10]
  1. Self-Esteem Improvement: Yoga shows promise in enhancing self-esteem and body image perception in adolescents and those with conditions like anorexia nervosa. [11]
  1. Improved Balance: Yoga significantly improves balance, vital for daily movements, with potential benefits for older adults and individuals with brain injuries. [8]
  1. Bone Health Support: Certain yoga postures engage isometric contractions that may improve bone density and potentially reverse bone loss in conditions like osteoporosis. [12]
  1. Posture and Body Awareness: Yoga fosters body awareness, improving posture and counteracting the effects of prolonged sitting and device use. [13]
  1. Burnout Management: Yoga-based interventions demonstrate effectiveness in reducing burnout effects, particularly in high-stress environments. [14]
  1. Brain Function Enhancement: Studies indicate yoga activates brain areas associated with attention, motivation, and neuroplasticity, promoting better brain functioning. [13]

10 Yoga Poses for Beginners

Here is a condensed overview of each yoga pose and its benefits. By practicing these yoga poses, you can start your journey towards physical and mental wellness without much ado. Learn about some of the best yoga poses for beginners::

1. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjariasana): [15]

Cat-cow offers a gentle way to prepare your back and engage your core muscles, avoiding strain on wrists and shoulders.

Steps to follow:

  • Start on all fours, hands under shoulders and knees under hips.
  • Distribute weight evenly on hands, spreading fingers wide.
  • Inhale, arch your back upward, lowering your chin to your chest (like a cat stretch).
  • Exhale, lower back down, lift head, and tilt it back, forming a scoop shape.


  • Improves digestion and flexibility.
  • Relaxes the mind.
  • Strengthens knee, wrist, and shoulder joints.

2. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): [17]

This pose stands out as widely recognized and popular, offering numerous advantages for building strength.

Steps to follow:

  • Begin on all fours, hands placed on the mat slightly in front of your shoulders.
  • Position knees directly under hips.
  • Exhale as you lift knees off the ground, raising buttocks and hips upward.
  • Create an inverted V-shape with your body.
  • Push the top of your thighs backward and stretch heels toward the floor.
  • Keep your head between your upper arms in alignment, avoiding it from hanging down.
  • To prevent lower back rounding, consider bending your knees slightly to elongate the back.


  • Calms the nervous system and boosts flexibility.
  • Decompresses the spine and tones arms and legs.

3. Child’s Pose (Shishuasana):

This pose is your opportunity to reset. It serves as a valuable space to catch your breath during a class if necessary.

Steps to follow:

  • Lower your buttocks toward your heels.
  • Bring your chest towards the floor over your knees.
  • Lower your shoulders and head to the floor.
  • Position your arms alongside your body, palms down.
  • Optionally, support your head by folding your arms under your forehead.
  • Breathe deeply and relax for your desired duration.


  • Eases constipation and soothes the nervous system.
  • Stretches hips, thighs, and leg muscles.

4. One-Legged Forward Bend (Janu Shirasana):

This pose suits practitioners of all levels, offering a comprehensive full-body stretch and a gentle twist for the spine.

Steps to follow:

  • Sit comfortably with legs extended straight in front, maintaining an erect spine.
  • Bend your left knee, placing the left foot against the right thigh (left knee on the floor).
  • Inhale, raise both arms overhead, stretching up, and slightly twist to the right from your waist.
  • Exhale, lead forward from the hip joints, keeping the spine straight, and hold for a few seconds.
  • Inhale while returning to an upright position and exhale as you bring your arms back down.
  • Repeat the sequence on the other side.


  • Stretches the lower back and shoulder blades.
  • Massages abdominal and pelvic organs.

5. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): [18]

This pose serves as the basis for various other postures that demand balance and mindfulness. It is in this pose that practitioners establish the essential alignment and stability essential for mastering more advanced yoga poses.

Steps to follow:

  • Stand with feet together and arms beside your body.
  • Ground your feet, ensuring all four corners press into the ground.
  • Straighten your legs, engaging thigh muscles and tucking in the tailbone.
  • Inhale, elongate your torso, and extend arms up and outward.
  • Exhale, releasing shoulder blades away from the head towards the back waist.
  • Lower arms back to your sides as you exhale.


  • Improves posture, concentration, and leg muscles.
  • Lengthens the spine and releases facial tension.

6. Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana):

This pose is often referred to as Butterfly Pose because of the leg movement, resembling the graceful flapping of a butterfly’s wings.

Steps to follow:

  • Sit comfortably with legs extended in front.
  • Bend knees, bringing feet closer to the pelvis with soles touching each other.
  • Maintain an upright, straight sitting position.
  • Focus on breathing evenly and steadily.


Enhances bowel movements and groin flexibility.

Relieves menstrual discomfort.

7. Angle Pose (Konasana):

Ease stiffness and soreness after a long workday with this accessible angle pose that offers a full-body stretch, alleviating back discomfort.

Steps to follow:

  • Stand upright with feet hip-width apart, arms alongside your body.
  • Inhale, lifting your left arm upward, fingers pointing to the ceiling.
  • Exhale, bending to the right while keeping the chest facing forward and left arm extended.
  • Ensure both knees remain straight and turn your head to gaze at the lifted left palm.
  • Inhale, returning to the center with an upright body.
  • Exhale, lowering the left arm.
  • Repeat the sequence with the right arm, leaning your upper body gently towards the left while keeping the chest forward to stretch the right side.


  • Relieves back pain and enhances spine flexibility.
  • Tones upper body and abdominal organs.

8. Full Yogic Breath: [16]

Full yogic breathing, a profound deep breathing technique, yields numerous benefits for practitioners.

Steps to follow:

  • Full yogic breathing combines belly breathing, chest breathing, and clavicular breathing.


  • Revitalizes the body and expands lung capacity.
  • Reduces stress and anxiety.

9. Warrior (Virabhadrasana): [19]

Virabhadrasana, stands as a potent and empowering posture within yoga. Embrace your inner strength, courage, and grace with this pose. 

Steps to follow:

  • Begin in mountain pose.
  • Exhale, stepping your left foot back about four feet, creating a lunge position with the right ankle above the right knee.
  • Raise your arms overhead, keeping them straight with biceps near ears.
  • Turn your left foot approximately 90 degrees to face the left wall.
  • Ensure the left heel aligns perpendicularly with the right heel.
  • Expand your chest, draw shoulders back, and lower toward the floor while lifting your arms.
  • Maintain square hips facing the front and continue steady breathing throughout the posture.


  • Improves balance, stamina, and lower back strength.
  • Releases stress in the shoulders and legs.

10. Corpse Pose and Yogic Sleep (Savasana and Yoga Nidra): [20]

Allocate 5-20 minutes for relaxation after your asana practice. If time is limited, opt for Savasana.

Steps to follow:

  • Lie down on your mat in a comfortable position.
  • Relax your body and mind.


  • Facilitates complete relaxation after practice.
  • Prepares the nervous system to absorb the benefits of yoga postures.


1. What is a recommended starting point in yoga for beginners?

Hatha yoga is often the most common Yoga poses for beginners. It is commonly considered an introductory form, offering a gentle and foundational approach to yoga practice.

2. What are some different forms of yoga?

Among various yoga styles are hatha, Iyengar, vinyasa, hot yoga, and ashtanga. Vinyasa offers an aerobic workout, elevating heart rates, while ashtanga emphasizes mindful movement, ideal for a more meditative practice. Each style offers distinct benefits and focuses, catering to diverse preferences and fitness goals.

3. Is it suitable for beginners to practice yoga daily?

Starting with short sessions of 15 or 20 minutes daily, and taking one or two days off each week, minimizes the risk of overuse from postures. According to experts, this approach is excellent for beginners and maintains a relatively low risk of strain or overuse-related complications.

4. What is a good approach to selecting yoga poses for practice?

Consider dedicating each week to exploring a specific pose more deeply by practicing it daily. You might choose an asana that has been recently taught in your classes. You may also explore poses from an introductory yoga resource that is in accordance with your interest and imagination.

5. What is a common initial pose in yoga practice?

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) is often among the first poses introduced to beginners in yoga. It serves as a versatile transitional pose and can also be used for resting during practice.


As a beginner, you can try these ten easy yoga poses for beginners and get introduced to physical and mental harmony. Each pose offers a gentle yet impactful way to enhance flexibility, strength, and balance. From the foundational Mountain Pose to the calming Corpse Pose and beyond, these poses nurture the body, soothe the mind, and pave the way for a transformative yoga journey. 


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice.

Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. The effects of selected asanas in Iyengar yoga on flexibility: pilot study
  2. The Effect of Yoga on Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Women
  3. The Efficacy of Yoga as a Form of Treatment for Depression
  4. Chronic Inflammation
  5. The effects of yoga compared to active and inactive controls on physical function and health related quality of life in older adults- systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
  6. Evidence Map of Yoga for Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
  7. Effects of stress on immune function: the good, the bad, and the beautiful
  8. Impact of 10-weeks of yoga practice on flexibility and balance of college athletes
  9. Effects of yogic breath regulation: A narrative review of scientific evidence
  10. Interrelationship between Sleep and Exercise: A Systematic Review
  11. Yoga and body image: Findings from a large population-based study of young adults
  12. Twelve-Minute Daily Yoga Regimen Reverses Osteoporotic Bone Loss
  13. What Has Neuroimaging Taught Us on the Neurobiology of Yoga? A Review
  14. Feasibility, Acceptability, and Outcomes of a Yoga-Based Meditation Intervention for Hospice Professionals to Combat Burnout
  15. 2 Cat, cow and child pose sequence
  16. Yoga Vijnana
  17. Downward Facing Dog pose
  18. Tadasana (Mountain pose). Standing with the feet
  19. The asana Virabhadrasana (warrior’s pose) in yoga
  20. Yoga Nidra’s efficacy on enhancing Wisdom

Suchitra Marwah

Suchitra is a certified yoga teacher with a specialized focus on Yoga for Children, Corporate professionals, Women's Health & Pregnancy

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