Vrikshasana: Benefits of Vrikshasana & How To Do It Step by Step

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Vrikshasana Benefits of Vrikshasana How To Do It Step by Step 1

Yoga offers us easy solutions, simple techniques, and methods to maintain good health. Asanas, or yoga postures, not only strengthen the body but also the mind (1).

One of the most popular Yoga Asanas is Vrikshasana or Tree Pose. 

Let’s read more about Vrikshasana, its benefits and the steps to do it in this article.

What Is Vrikshasana (1)?

The Tree Pose, or Vrikshasana, is a yoga posture known for its numerous health benefits. 

Vrikshasana comes from the Sanskrit word “Vrksa”, which means “tree”. The pose is named so because the body in the final position resembles a strong, tall tree. 

Vrikshasana is a standing and balancing pose that helps improve neuromuscular coordination and promotes bone development, as all the muscles are stretched in the same direction, aligning the vertebral column.

Since Vrikshasana is considered a base pose, it also serves as a foundation for various yoga postures and variations. 

How To Do Vrikshasana or Tree Pose (1)?

  • Begin by standing upright with your feet together and knees straight, arms at your sides.
  • Without bending your left knee, lift your right foot and grasp the ankle with your right hand.
  • Fold your right leg at the knee joint and place your right heel on your left thigh as high as possible, toes pointing downwards. Press the right heel into the inside of the thigh.
  • Balance yourself on your left leg and bring your palms and fingers together at the middle of your chest in a prayer pose.
  • Inhale and slowly raise your joined hands above your head, stretching up and standing straight. Maintain balance and look straight ahead, breathing normally.
  • Exhale and lower your hands back to the middle of your chest. Lower your right leg and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the pose on the other leg.

vrikshasana benefits

Benefits of Vrikshasana or Tree Pose (1)

Neuromuscular Coordination

Primary Benefits: Vrikshasana, or the Tree Pose, is renowned for its ability to improve neuromuscular coordination.

Secondary Benefits: As such, this posture can help enhance balance, endurance, and alertness.

Bone & Joint Health

Primary Benefits: By stretching all the muscles in the same direction, Vrikshasana helps boost bone health and support proper alignment of the vertebral column.

Secondary Benefits: As a result, it promotes spine health, knee and hip joint health, and shoulder health.

Female Health

Primary Benefits: Vrikshasana can help alleviate premenstrual symptoms such as leg and abdominal cramps.

Secondary Benefits: It hence aids in promoting female health. 

Leg Health

Primary Benefits: Vrikshasana is also an excellent way to tone leg muscles.

Secondary Benefits: As a result, it helps strengthen the tendons and ligaments of the feet.

Mental Health

Primary Benefits: As you must balance your body on one leg, practising Vrikshasana can also improve concentration.

Secondary Benefits: Additionally, it also helps alleviate stress and anxiety. 

Tips for Beginners (1)

If you’re a beginner, Vrikshasana, or the Tree Pose, can be challenging at first. Bringing your left foot high inside the right thigh may be difficult, so you can place it lower on the right leg instead. However, be careful not to place it directly on the right knee, as this can cause injury. The same applies when switching sides. To help with balance, you can use a wall for support as you practise.

Before starting the exercise, it’s important to focus and concentrate. Take several deep breaths and fix your gaze on a point directly in front of you. This will help you stay centred and steady as you transition into the Tree Pose. 

Precautions and Contraindications (1)

While the Tree Pose (Vrikshasana) is a relatively simple yoga posture, it’s important to take certain precautions to avoid injury.

Vrikshasana is a balancing pose. Therefore, it’s essential to be aware of your body and surroundings to prevent falling.

Patients with arthritis or vertigo should also steer clear of this posture, as it can exacerbate their symptoms. 

Obese individuals may also find it difficult to maintain balance in this pose and should avoid it.

On a Final Note 

Vrikshasana, also known as the Tree Pose, is a popular yoga posture that offers numerous health benefits, including improved neuromuscular coordination, bone health, and concentration. 

While this posture may be challenging for beginners, with practice and focus, it can be mastered. 

However, as with any exercise, it’s important to take precautions to avoid injury. You can also consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns. 

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general information and not meant to substitute any medical advice. Please consult your doctor for appropriate medical consultation.


  1. https://eprajournals.com/IJMR/article/3803/download

Suchitra Marwah

Suchitra is a certified yoga teacher with a specialized focus on Yoga for Children, Corporate professionals, Women's Health & Pregnancy