This Is How You Naturally Detox Your Body

Reviewed by Experts

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Are you looking for an effective natural detox? If yes, here is how to remove toxins using natural remedies and detox your body at home.

However, before we dig deep into it, let’s look at what Ayurveda says about toxins and detoxification. 

Importance of Detox [1]

  1. As per Ayurveda, one can slow down the degenerative processes of aging by practicing proper measures. One such detox process is Panchkarma.
  2. Regularly detoxing your body can achieve a disease-free and long-lasting old age.
  3. Detoxification is a primary preventive method that can help you nip many chronic and debilitating diseases in the bud.

Ayurveda on Detox [2]

According to Ayurveda, an aggravation in any of the three Doshas tends to affect Agni (the digestive fire) and produce Ama (toxins) in the body. 

Some main factors that can lead to this condition include poor digestion, consumption of incompatible foods, insufficient hydration, pollution, emotional and physical stress, etc. 

Ayurveda says that excess accumulation of Ama in deeper tissues, organs, or channels is highly detrimental to health. It is, in fact, known to be the cause of most diseases and disorders. Therefore, it is absolutely essential to eliminate the toxins from the body from time to time. 

Here is how Ayurveda proposes to do it.

Losing Toxins The Natural Way [2]

Going Greens

Anything we consume has a varied impact on our level of energy. In the summer, the best thing to eat is easily digestible food. Since the body’s digestion power is low, consuming these would do wonders for how we feel and how our body functions. Examples of easily digestible food include yogurt, boiled white rice, and salmon. Simple congee is a perfect pick, too. Salty, pungent food is to be avoided at all costs.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are extremely high in Vitamins, Potassium, Folic acids, Minerals, etc. These are essential for the body to function well. They contain healthy fats essential for the heart to function well. The best picks for the summer are – cucumber, berries, watermelon, citric fruits, and avocado.

Increase fluid consumption

Consuming fluids is especially important in the summer as our bodies are generally depleted of them. This helps replenish our systems and helps us feel cool. It is better to avoid alcoholic beverages in the summer. Fluids like Fruit juices, Lemon water, buttermilk, coconut juice, and green tea are easily available and have multi-fold benefits in the summer.

Changes in exercise schedules 

It is advisable not to exert the body too much in the summer. Engaging in excessive hours at the gym running on the ground should be avoided. Cooling Pranayama is one of the best methods to practice.

A few recommended asanas (which should be repeated 9-11 times for visible impact) are:

Sheetali Pranayama

This is to be practiced by rolling the tongue laterally, which leads to it becoming like a tube and then inhaling. This helps to calm the body in the summer.

Sheetkari Pranayama

This is folding the tongue inwards, breathing between the sides of the nose, and calmly exhaling from the nose.

Sadanta Pranayama

In this asana, the teeth are to be clenched, and we’re supposed to breathe from between them.

Yoga Asanas that can be practiced are – Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), Ardhkati Chakrasana (Half waist wheel pose), Konasana (Angle Pose), Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Marjariasana (Cat/ Tiger Pose & Breathing), Baddakonasana (Butterfly pose), Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose), Shashankasana (Moon Pose), Chakrasana (Wheel Pose), Navasana (Boat Pose), Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation Technique)

Changes in lifestyle

Since nights are short in the summer, sleeping during the day is acceptable. Wearing light-colored cotton clothes, sandalwood, and perfumes from flowers is advisable. Wearing sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 50 is very important before stepping out in the sun. Using an umbrella when the sun’s rays are persistent could aid. Being calm mentally is also very important, as the correlation between the mind and the body’s reaction has been scientifically proven.

These natural Ayurvedic detox methods will strain your body, allowing it to function well and restore inner strength. All these methods have proven to be effective, time and again. Since they are all natural methods, they are safe to try without worrying about side effects or negative reactions. Implementing these methods will help detox your body while positively impacting your overall health. 

Recipes for Detox Home Remedies

1. Start your day with lukewarm lemon water

The best way to remove toxins from your body is by drinking a warm glass of lemon water first thing in the morning. The recipe is simple.

  1. Take a warm glass of water.
  2. Add a dash of lemon to the glass.
  3. Sit and sip.

2. Beetroot Curd Salad

Beetroot is rich in fiber and many minerals, while curd is a probiotic. Mixing them together in a salad is a great idea of detox.

  1. Grate beetroot.
  2. Mix hung curd with beetroot and whisk it together.
  3. Add some salt and pepper to your taste.
  4. Have it before lunch, preferably in the mid-morning.

3. Cucumber Apple Water

As the name suggests, this recipe is pretty simple:

  1. Slice up a cucumber into many small pieces and add it to a water jug.
  2. Cut an apple into slices and add those to the jug as well.
  3. Keep that jug of water overnight like that.
  4. Strain and drink the next day.
  5. Don’t waste cucumber and apple. Eat them as well.
  6. If you don’t have apple, you can do it with only cucumber.

How often should you detox

If you don’t have any health issues, detoxing your body once a year is okay.

If you do have health issues, you can detox your body twice or a few more times throughout the year.

Why are Toxins Harmful?

Toxins in the body prevent conventional processes which result in an eruption of harmful diseases related to the heart, skin, liver, digestion, brain, stress and so on. Toxins disrupt the normal functioning of the body. 

One way of toxins entering the body is from the food we eat and some other ways are air pollution, disturbing the environment and climate change. The conditions of living are deteriorating with time due to mankind’s actions. To adapt to these changes is a challenge and with the busy life humans lead, it is hard.


1. How often should I detox my body using natural methods?

If you don’t have any health issues, detoxing your body once a year is considered sufficient. However, if you have health issues, you may opt for detoxing two or more times throughout the year.

2. What are some recommended Ayurvedic practices for natural detoxification?

The article suggests several Ayurvedic practices for natural detoxification, including dietary changes, increased fluid consumption, specific Pranayama techniques (Sheetali, Sheetkari, Sadanta), and recommended Yoga Asanas.

3. Are there any recommended recipes for detox home remedies in this article?

Yes, the article provides DIY recipes for detox home remedies. One such recipe is “Beetroot Curd Salad,” which involves grating beetroot, mixing it with hung curd, and adding salt and pepper. Another recipe is “Cucumber Apple Water,” which includes slicing cucumber and apple pieces into water and letting it sit overnight. These recipes are detailed in the section “Recipes for Detox Home Remedies.”


Embracing natural detoxification methods rooted in Ayurveda can help cleanse the body and promote overall well-being. By making simple yet impactful lifestyle changes, such as incorporating easily digestible foods, staying hydrated, and practicing specific Pranayama and Yoga Asanas, individuals can effectively eliminate toxins from their bodies to live a longer and a disease-free life.


  1. Ayurvedic Medicine: Antitoxification Versus Detoxification
  2. Ayurveda and Panchakarma: Measuring the Effects of a Holistic Health Intervention – PMC
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Dr Sunanda Ranade

Sunanda Ranade is Vice-Chairman of the International Academy of Ayurved, Pune, India, and an expert Ayurvedic gynecologist and nutritionist. She has been working in this field for the last 47 years. Dr. Sunanda Ranade holds a Doctorate in Ayurveda. She is also the author of several books on Ayurveda and Yoga, which have been published in Marathi, English, Spanish, and Portuguese.

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