12 Amazing Health Benefits of Maze Spice ( Javitri )

Reviewed by experts

12 Amazing Health Benefits of Maze Spice Javitri

Are you a fan of aromatic and flavorful spices? Mace spice, or javitri, can be a healthy addition to your pantry. Derived from the nutmeg tree, javitri offers more than a delightful addition to your culinary creations. This often-overlooked spice boasts impressive health benefits that may surprise you. This article explores 12 such benefits of javitri. So, let’s delve in and discover how it can contribute to your well-being.

Quick Read/Know Your Ingredient: Javitri or Mace Spice 

What is Javitri or Mace Spice? 
Javitri is a crimson-red colored thread-like material that covers the nutmeg. It has a powerful aroma and a spicy flavor that tastes like pepper and cinnamon together.

What are some Javitri benefits?
It improves heart functioning, the ability to relax blood vessels, aids in digestion, enhances appetite, 

How do you consume Javitri?
It can be added to curries, sauces, and pickles. It can also be added to tea for its subtle flavor (like pepper or cinnamon).

How regularly can you consume Javitri
In moderation, Javitri can be consumed regularly. 

Are there any precautions to take? 
Some people may experience nausea and dizziness.

What is mace spice (Javitri)?

Mace spice comes from the outer covering of the nutmeg seed (Myristica fragrans). While nutmeg is the inner seed, mace is the lacy, reddish-orange aril surrounding it. The delicate spice has found use for centuries in traditional medicine and culinary practices across cultures. 

With its distinct aroma and slightly sweet and peppery flavor, Javitri adds depth and complexity to both sweet and savory dishes. Beyond its culinary applications, Javitri has gained attention for its potential health benefits. It is a versatile and valuable addition to any spice collection. [1]

12 health benefits of mace spice (Javitri)

Let’s explore 12 fascinating ways mace spice can positively impact your well-being: [1]

1. Antimicrobial activity

Mace spice exhibits antimicrobial properties that help combat various harmful bacteria and fungi.

2. Hypolipidaemic and hypocholesterolemic effect

Research suggests that Javitri may have a beneficial effect on lipid levels in the body. It can help lower cholesterol and promote heart health.

3. Antidepressant activity

Studies have shown that Javitri may possess antidepressant properties. It contributes to mood improvement and overall mental well-being.

4. Antidiabetic activity

Javitri has antidiabetic effects. It potentially assists in managing blood sugar levels and supporting diabetes management.

5. Aphrodisiac activity

Traditionally, Javitri has found use as an aphrodisiac. It can enhance sexual desire and performance.

6. Cytotoxicity

Certain compounds in Javitri have demonstrated cytotoxic effects, indicating potential anticancer properties.

7. Memory enhancing activity

Mace spice can help with memory enhancement. It offers cognitive benefits and supports brain health.

8. Antioxidant activity

Rich in antioxidants, Javitri helps protect the body against oxidative stress. It reduces chronic disease risks and promotes well-being.

9. Hepatoprotective activity

Studies have shown that Javitri possesses hepatoprotective properties. It supports liver health and aids in the prevention of liver damage.

10. Hair dye

Javitri has been used as a natural hair dye, providing a safe, chemical-free option for colouring hair.

11. Traditional medicine

Mace spice has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Various cultures have used it for its medicinal properties.

12. Culinary versatility

Beyond its health benefits, Javitri adds a unique flavour and aroma to various dishes. It is a versatile and enjoyable addition to your culinary endeavours.

Nutritional Value of mace spice (Javitri)

PrincipleNutrient ValuePercentage of RDA
Energy 475 Kcal24%
Carbohydrates50.50 g39%
Protein6.71 g12%
Total Fat32.38 g162%
Cholesterol0 mg0%
Dietary Fiber20.2 g54%
Vitamin-A800 IU27%
Sodium80 mg5%
Potassium463 mg10%
Calcium252 mg25%
Copper2.467 mg274%

How to Consume Mace Spice (Javitri)

Here are a few suggestions on how to consume mace spice:

• Ground mace spice

Grind the dried mace blades into a fine powder using a spice grinder. This powdered form can be added to soups, stews, and curries. Start with small amounts and adjust based on your taste preferences.

• Infused liquids

Javitri imparts its distinct flavour when infused in liquids. You can add whole mace blades to hot beverages like milk, tea, or herbal infusions, allowing them to steep for a few minutes.

• Spice blends

Javitri blends wonderfully with other spices, enhancing their flavours and creating complex taste profiles. It is common in spice mixes like garam masala, curry powders, and mulled spice blends.

• Savoury dishes

Javitri complements savoury dishes exceptionally well. Add a pinch of ground Javitri to marinades, sauces, gravies, or vegetable dishes to enhance the taste and aroma.

Side Effects of Mace Spice (Javitri)

Mace is POSSIBLY SAFE when consumed by mouth and used properly. It is a commonly used spice in many cuisines. 

However, when taken in dosages greater than those found in food, mace may be dangerous. Myristicin, a substance found in mace, has been connected to hallucinations and other adverse mental effects. Larger amounts of nutmeg have been known to cause agitation, hallucinations, nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, and irregular heartbeats. Myristicin is also present in mace, thus theoretically it might have the same negative consequences.

Mace spice (Javitri) and Ayurveda

There are many Javitri benefits – ayurveda. Ayurvedic practitioners have long recognized the qualities of mace spice and its benefits for well-being. In Ayurvedic philosophy, Javitri possesses warming properties, making it particularly beneficial for balancing the Vata and Kapha doshas. Ayurveda utilizes Javitri for its digestive support, as it can enhance the digestive fire and aid in assimilating nutrients. 

Additionally, Javitri can calm the mind and nervous system. It reduces stress and anxiety while promoting mental clarity. The ancient healing system also values mace spice for its potential aphrodisiac properties, as it can support sexual vitality and reproductive health.

Medicinal Use of Mace Spice (Javitri)

While there are many mace medicinal uses, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before using Mace for medicinal purposes, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions or are on medications. 

Digestive Health: Traditionally, mace spice has been used to promote better digestion. Some of the substances in it may help relieve digestive problems such as indigestion, gas, and bloating. One herbal remedy that helps with stomach distress and aids with digestion is mace.

Pain Relief: Mace has been used topically to treat pain and reduce inflammation in traditional medicine. Use of its properties in oil or ointment form may have analgesic effects.

Oral Health: Antimicrobial substances have been demonstrated in Mace. It has been utilized to fight oral microorganisms and advance oral health in oral hygiene procedures like gargling water infused with mace.

Respiratory Benefits: Mace has been used as a respiratory treatment in several cultures. Because of its possible expectorant qualities, it may help reduce the symptoms of colds, coughs, and asthma.

Similar to nutmeg, mace also has antioxidants that can assist the body in fighting off free radicals, which may improve general health and lower the risk of chronic illnesses.

Fact Check!

Did You Know?

That mace (javitri) is from the same plant as Nutmeg? The nutmeg seed’s outer layer is the source of mace. It is costlier than nutmeg since the process of harvesting mace is labor-intensive. Whole Mace can be stored for several years (in an airtight container away from light and moisture).Different regions have their preferred uses for mace. For instance, it is frequently used in European baked goods and savory foods, but it is also a major element in Indian garam masala spice blends.


• What is mace root powder?

Mace comes from the aril surrounding the nutmeg seed rather than the root. Mace spice comes from the outer covering of the nutmeg seed and is used in powdered form.

• What are mace spice benefits?

Mace spice offers numerous potential benefits, including antimicrobial activity, antidepressant activity, and antidiabetic activity. It has also found use in traditional folk medicine for various purposes.

• What are the common uses of mace spice?

It is a versatile spice used in various culinary preparations. Mace spice adds a unique flavor and aroma to soups, stews, curries, and sauces. It is also common in spice blends like garam masala and curry powders.

• How do you use mace as a medicine?

It is traditionally used in herbal medicine for its potential health benefits. It can be a part of herbal formulations or consumed as tea or decoction. However, consulting with a qualified healthcare professional or Ayurvedic practitioner for guidance on specific medicinal uses and appropriate dosage is essential.


v is a captivating spice that goes beyond its culinary allure. With several potential health benefits, Javitri has gained recognition in traditional and scientific communities. Its long history in Ayurveda and traditional folk medicine further highlights its therapeutic potential. 

Whether you sprinkle it in your favorite dishes, infuse it in beverages, or explore its applications in herbal medicine, Javitri offers a delightful journey into the world of flavor and well-being. So, unlock the wonders it holds for your health and culinary experiences.


The information provided here is not intended to replace professional advice or treatment.


  1. Biological Effects of Myristica fragrans

Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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