Sprouts Benefits: 20 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Sprouts

Reviewed By Experts

Sprouts Benefits 20 Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Sprouts

Are you looking for a plant-based protein source? Sprouts can be one of the richest sources of protein from plants. Sprouts are not only versatile, tasty, and crunchy but are also loaded with vital nutrients. When you are consuming sprouts, you are giving your body the best nutritional support. In this article, we will learn about sprouts. Two critical questions about sprouts, i.e., what sprouts are and what sprout benefits are, will be answered here. Read on to learn more:

What are sprouts?

When exposed to warmth and moisture, seeds start germinating and growing, leading to a tail-like tiny white shoot jutting out of the seed. These baby shoots are rich in several health-enhancing phytochemicals. Therefore, sprouting is a functional strategy to improve the sprout’s nutritional value and health benefits by manipulating the phytochemicals in the germinating seeds. [1]

Why are sprouts healthy?

The process of germination and sprouting activates certain enzymes in the dormant seed. It triggers several enzymatic activities, breaking down stored carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins into simpler, absorbable forms. During this process, the degradation of organic acids, free amino acids, and sugars is remarkably increased, increasing the bioavailability of nutrients in sprouts. All these activities make sprouts a super healthy food. [1]

Nutritional value of sprouts (100 grams)

Carbohydrates6.2 gm
Proteins7.7 gm
Fibers1.9 gm
Omega-3 fatty acid16.6 mg
Omega-6 fatty acid43.7 mg
Folate63.4 mcg
Calcium13.5 mg
Zinc0.4 mg
Selenium0.6 mcg
Potassium155 mg
Magnesium21.8 mg
Sodium6.2 mg
Manganese0.2 mg
Copper0.2 mg
Iron0.9 mg
Phosphorus56.2 mg
Vitamin C13.7 mg
Vitamin E0.1 mg
Vitamin K34.3 mcg
Vitamin B60.1 mg

The popularity of Sprouts in India

Recently, sprouted foods have grown in popularity in our country, too, and India’s health-conscious population has started to rely on the therapeutic properties of such foods. Sprouts in Hindi are called Ankurit seeds/legumes/cereals and are used to make a wide range of tasty and healthy sprout recipes such as sprouts salad, sprouts sandwich, sprouts sabzi, sprouts stir-fry, sprouts frankie, sprouts poha, sprouts khichdi, sprouts pulao and the like.

Health Benefits of eating sprouts

1. Prevents constipation:

High amounts of insoluble fiber in sprouts can make your motion bulky and facilitate strain-less defecation.

2. Slows down aging: 

Antioxidants present in sprouts, especially moong sprouts, can slow down your biological clock. Moong sprouts nutrition consists of nutrition from micro & macronutrients that restrain the creation of free radicals. [2] This occurrence elongates your youthfulness.

3. Controls blood sugar:

Sprouts are suitable for people with diabetes as sprouts contain reduced carb levels and manage the secretion of insulin. Also, certain sprout enzymes affect how your body breaks down and uses the carbs. [1]

4. Improves digestive health:

The insoluble fibers in sprouts feed the good bacteria in your gut, supporting healthy digestion and reducing annoying symptoms like gas and bloating.

5. Promotes healthy hair:

Vitamins C and A in sprouts support the growth of hair follicles, and the zinc in sprouts can stimulate sebum secretion on your scalp, preventing dry, frizzy hair.

6. Fights viral infections:

Bioactive compounds in sprouts can reduce the viral load in someone infected with some virus. This is especially true in the case of moong sprouts.[1]

7. Improves blood circulation:

High amounts of copper and iron in sprouts, especially moong sprouts, can increase the red blood cell count and improve blood circulation.

8. Supports heart health:

Heart patients should consume sprouts salad daily as sprouts can reduce bad cholesterol or LDL and triglyceride levels and increase good cholesterol or HDL levels. This reduces the chances of cardiac attacks and atherosclerosis. [1]

9. Ideal for pregnancy diet:

High amounts of Folate in sprouts can support the healthy development of the fetus in pregnant women. Therefore, women who are carrying should eat sprout salad daily.

10. Acts as an immune booster:

One of the uses of eating sprouts is that it can boost your immunity power. Sprouts have a very rich nutritional profile. The bioactive components in sprouts can strengthen your immune system and keep diseases at bay. [3]

11. Manages weight:

Sprouts calories are low, and sprouts are nutritional powerhouses. Also, the fibers in sprouts can curb untimely hunger and make you feel full for a long time. Therefore, it is best to use sprouts for weight loss. In India, the popularity of moong sprouts among weight watchers is immense as moong sprouts calories are significantly low, and so, by eating moong sprouts, you can maintain a healthy weight.

12. Strengthens eyesight:

The Vitamin A in sprouts, especially Brussels sprouts, can nourish your cornea and prevent age-related vision loss.

13. Anticancer effect:

Sprouts have certain active compounds which can shield your organs against cancer [4] and can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells.

14. Good for your skin:

Essential Vitamins like A and C in sprouts can improve skin texture and clarity and help in collagen re-building.

15. Boosts metabolism:

The high content of fiber and antioxidants in sprouts can boost metabolism and keep you alert and active all the time.

16. Treats malnutrition:

Those who are suffering from nutritional deficiencies must consume sprouts daily as sprouts’ nutritional value is immense. Essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and phytochemicals in sprouts [4] can eliminate the issue of malnutrition.

17. Supports muscle building:

One of the sprouts benefits is that it helps in building muscles due to their high content of amino acids and protein in sprouts.

18. Fights fatigue:

Sprouts are rich in magnesium, a mineral that can fight fatigue and restore energy levels.

19. Prevents anemia:

One of the benefits of sprouts is that they are a superb nutritional supplement. Due to the high content of iron, they can prevent anemia triggered by iron deficiency. [5]

20. Improves male libido:

Sprouts are high in Selenium, and Selenium can improve male reproductive health [6]. Therefore, problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation can be treated by eating sprouts.

How to consume sprouts?

  1. Consuming sprouts by boiling them and adding a dash of salt and lemon juice is one of the best ways of eating sprouts. Boiling destroys all bacteria in the sprouts. 
  2. Consuming sprouts at breakfast or as a mid-morning snack is the ideal way to consume sprouts. But you must avoid eating sprouts at dinner as the high fiber content of sprouts may cause indigestion.
  3. You may consume sprouts by adding them to curries or by stir-frying them.
  4. Flour made from sprouted grains may be used to prepare rotis, chapatis, and cheelas.

Interesting sprout-based recipes

You may include sprouts in the following recipes:

Sprouts Curry

This is a gravy made out of sprouts. You may use various types of sprouts in this curry. Lots of tomatoes, ginger, garlic, and onion may be used in this curry. You may use jeera powder, coriander powder, and chili powder for the seasoning.

Sprouts Salad

In this crunchy recipe, you will be using raw sprouts mixed with diced vegetables like tomatoes, onions, carrots, bell peppers, and boiled corn. Add black pepper powder, black salt, and lemon juice for taste.

Sprout Sandwiches

Instead of the potato filling, you may use cooked and lightly spiced sprouts to make sandwiches. This tasty and unique filling will make your sandwich taste amazing!

Sprouts Paratha

You may stuff the parathas with cooked sprouts to make highly tasty, satisfying, and nutritious parathas.


1. How to make sprouts?

To make sprouts, you need to follow the given steps:
• Keep the seeds/legumes in a bowl and fill the bowl with water until all the seeds are entirely immersed.
• Leave the immersed seeds in a dark place at room temperature for about 8 to 12 hours.
• Once the germination process is initiated, you must rinse and drain the seeds/legumes of excess water until sprouting starts.

2. What does Ayurveda say about consuming sprouts?

According to Ayurveda, the method of consumption of sprouts depends on the kind of Dosha or Prakriti one suffers from. Those with Vata Prakriti should not consume raw sprouts as the Kashaya Ras in raw sprouts may aggravate the Vata Dosha. They should consume sprouts only after boiling or cooking thoroughly. Those with Kapha Prakriti, too, should not consume raw sprouts. While cooking sprouts, they must use Kapha-balancing spices like garam masala, black pepper, and cinnamon. Those with Pitta Prakriti can consume raw sprouts, but only in the daytime.

3. Which is the best sprouts recipe for kids?

If you want your kid to eat sprouts, prepare a nutritious sandwich. Instead of cheese or butter, you’ll use a spicy sprout filling for this sandwich. Boiled moong sprouts or mixed bean sprouts can be used in the sandwich. You must sauté the sprouts with cumin, pav bhaji masala, chopped tomatoes, and onions. You can pack the sprouts sandwich for your kid’s tiffin. They will love it and devour it. The fiber and protein in sprouts will provide your kid with much-needed nutrition.

4. What is the difference between boiled sprouts and raw sprouts?

Raw sprouts are crunchy, while boiled sprouts are mushy and tender. Boiling makes sprouts more digestible. So, it is best to consume boiled sprouts. Also, boiled sprouts are safer to consume as they are free from harmful bacteria.

5. What is the best way to preserve sprouts?

You need to dry the sprouts thoroughly. You may use paper towels for this purpose. Next, put the sprouts in a glass jar or bowl and wrap the ball with a plastic cover.


Young baby sprouts and tender greens add texture, color, and diverse flavors to your dishes. From bean sprouts to lentil sprouts and nut sprouts in soups, salads, and sandwiches to tiny-minty greens in smoothies, desserts, and appetizers, sprouts are everywhere now. In this article, we have talked about how sprout nutrition can help your body. Include sprouts in your everyday diet and get stronger and healthier with every passing day.


The article aims to provide information for enhancing your scope of knowledge on the subject and is not medical advice. If you wish to adopt any of the remedies mentioned here, you must first consult a doctor.


  1. Edible Plant Sprouts: Health Benefits, Trends, and Opportunities for Novel Exploration
  2. Medicinal Role of Mung Bean Sprouts 
  3. A review on bioactive compounds in sprouts: extraction techniques, food application and health functionality
  4. The role of sprouts in human nutrition.
  5. A review
  6. Effect of iron deficiency and excess on biometric and biochemical parameters indicated in the radish sprouts (Raphanus sativus L. 
  7. Subvar. radicula pers.)
  8. Role of Selenium in male reproduction—A review
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Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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