Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Pashanbhed And Its Uses

Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Pashanbhed And Its Uses 1 11zon

Used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine, the herb Pashanbhed holds intriguing health benefits that modern science is only beginning to unlock. With research indicating the potential to support kidney and urinary tract health, this unassuming pashan bhed plant offers medicinal promise.

In the section below, we’ll discuss the pashanbhed herb and all the advantages it provides. From traditional applications to emerging research, its versatility and therapeutic effects deserve an open-minded look.

What is Pashanbhed and its Importance in Ayurveda

Pashanbhed, known as “Ashmabheda” in Sanskrit, is a medicinal herb traditionally used to help alleviate conditions like kidney stones or bladder stones. (1) It’s known to have diuretic, lithotriptic, and analgesic properties that help flush out and break down stones, while relieving pain.

In Ayurveda, pashanbhed is valued for supporting overall kidney and urinary tract health. It helps remove excess waste material and toxins from the body. The ancient Ayurvedic texts describe it as a potent herb that acts against various stubborn health issues affecting the renal system. (2)

Besides kidney stones, pashanbhed is also used to help with painful urination, urinary tract infections, and even joint pain caused by high uric acid levels. It’s said to help detoxify and regenerate kidney tissues.

Chemical Constituents of Pashanbhed

Here are the key chemical constituents of Pashanbhed:

  • Bergenin – A major phenolic compound, makes up about 0.9% of Pashanbhed
  • Other phenolic compounds like afzelechin, leucocyanidin, gallic acid, tannic acid, methyl gallate, catechin, catechin glycosides
  • Sterols like sitoindoside I, β-sitosterol, β-sitosterol glycosides
  • Carbohydrates like glucose (5.6%) (3)
  • Tannins (14.2-16.3%)
  • Mucilage and wax

Pashanbhed Uses and Benefits

1. Kidney Stone Prevention

Pashanbhed can help prevent kidney stones and may help pass existing small stones by improving urine flow and reducing stone-forming minerals in the kidneys. It’s gentle yet effective for this purpose.

2. Managing Diabetes 

Some research shows Pashanbhed can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels, which is beneficial for managing diabetes. (4) It may promote insulin secretion from the pancreas.

3. Liver Health

Pashanbhed acts as a liver cleanser and protects the liver from toxins and inflammation. This helps improve overall liver function and health. (6)

4. Diuretic 

Pashanbhed increases urine output, helping flush out excess water, salts, toxins and even stones from the kidneys and urinary system. This cleanses the kidneys and may prevent stone formation.

5. Reproductive Health

Pashanbhed plant is thought to act as an aphrodisiac by improving blood flow and hormone regulation. It may aid in sexual and reproductive health issues in both men and women.  

6. Skin Health

Applied topically, Pashanbhed promotes wound healing and may clear skin problems like wounds, cuts, and burns. (5) It has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

7. Relieving Piles

Pashanbhed can provide relief from the pain, inflammation and bleeding associated with haemorrhoids (piles). It improves circulation in the anal area and has anti-inflammatory action.

Precautions to Take with Pashanbhed 

  • Pashanbhed has a heating effect on the body. People with a pitta body type or those prone to acidity, heartburn, or ulcers should use it cautiously.
  • It can irritate the gastrointestinal tract of some people. Start with small doses and increase gradually. Discontinue use if you experience abdominal pain, cramps, nausea or diarrhoea. 
  • Pashanbhed acts as a diuretic so it can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss. Drink plenty of fluids while taking it. Those with kidney disease may want to avoid it.
  • It can lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. Monitor your blood sugar closely and adjust medicines if needed. 

How to use Pashanbhed

The most common preparation for taking pashanbhed orally is a powder or tablet. The typical adult dosage is 1-3 grams per day in divided doses or as directed by an Ayurvedic practitioner. The powder can be taken with water, juice, honey, or ghee. Pashanbhed tablets should be swallowed whole with water. 

Recommended Dosage of Pashanbhed

There is no universal dosage for Pashanbhed herb that applies to everyone. The appropriate amount to take can vary from person to person based on factors like age, overall health, and the severity of one’s medical issues. An Ayurvedic practitioner is best equipped to evaluate each individual case and decide the optimal Pashanbhed dosage.

Pashanbhed Side Effects

When appropriately used, pashanbhed herb is generally safe. But taking too much may cause diarrhoea, swelling, low mood, red skin rashes, abnormal heart rhythms, central nervous system depression, or reduced urination. It’s best to stick to recommended doses.


1. What are the uses of Pashanbhed?

Pashanbhed is used in Ayurvedic medicine for treating kidney stones, urinary tract infections, jaundice, and other liver problems. It has diuretic and lithotriptic properties.

2. What are the side effects of Pashanbhed?

Some potential side effects of Pashanbhed include stomach upset, diarrhoea, vomiting, and electrolyte imbalance if taken in high doses. It should be used cautiously.

3. Is Pashanbhed helpful in teething troubles?

There is no evidence that Pashanbhed helps treat teething troubles in babies. It is mainly used for urinary conditions, not dental issues.

4. What are the other names of Pashanbhed?

Some other common names for Pashanbhed are Pashana, Pashanbheda, Zakhmehayat and Asmaribheda. Its botanical name is Bergenia ligulata.

5. Can Pashabhed be useful in case of skin burns and boils?

Yes, Pashanbhed has been used topically in Ayurvedic medicine to treat minor skin burns and boils due to its antimicrobial properties. However, more research is needed to establish efficacy.


Pashanbhed plant is an Ayurvedic herb traditionally used to support kidney, urinary tract, and overall health. Modern research is confirming many of its health benefits. It shows promise as a therapeutic botanical medicine when used appropriately under professional guidance.  


The information provided is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical advice nor recommends using Pashanbhed to treat any condition. Consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before using this herb medicinally.


  1. Pashanbhed, known as “Ashmabheda” in Sanskrit, is a medicinal herb traditionally used to help alleviate conditions like kidney stones or bladder stones.
  2. The ancient Ayurvedic texts describe it as a potent herb that acts against various stubborn health issues affecting the renal system. (
  3. Carbohydrates like glucose present in the Pashanbhed (5.6%)
  4. Some research shows Pashanbhed can help lower blood sugar and insulin levels, which is beneficial for managing diabetes. (
  5. Applied topically, Pashanbhed promotes wound healing and may clear skin problems like wounds, cuts, and burns.
  6. Pashanbhed acts as a liver cleanser and protects the liver from toxins and inflammation. This helps improve overall liver function and health. (

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