Nadi Pariksha: Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis for Body & Mind

Nadi Pariksha, or pulse diagnosis, is an intricate practice that dates back thousands of years and remains a cornerstone of Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment. 

In this article, we will share insights about this age-old practice, the significance of nadi pariksha in Ayurveda, how to check nadi and much more!

Nadi Pariksha & Role in Ayurveda [1] [2] 

The significance of Nadi Pariksha is that it is effectively used in Ayurveda to assess Tridoshas and various physiological and psychological states of the individual. The traditional texts such as Sarangadhara Samhita, YogaRatnakara, Basavarajeeyam, and Bhavaprakasha have discussed Nadi Pariksha in detail. As per Ayurveda balanced Tridoshas represent good health and vitiated doshas lead to diseases and these diseases can be diagnosed from Nadi thus signifying the importance of Nadi Pariksha.

History of Nadi Pariksha [3]

According to Ayurveda, any disease in our system indicates an imbalance in our doshas. Thus, the key to curing and keeping our body in good health is to balance the doshas. In the 13th century, the Sharangdhar Samhita for the first time, described pulse diagnostics, emphasizing the connection between Nadi and Tridosha. It was later stated once more in the 16th century in Shri Bhav Mishrji’s script Bhavprakash.

Nonetheless, Nadi Pariksha gained prominence after its mention in the Yogratnakar in the 17th century thanks to 48 shlokas that described the Nadi science. The text outlines specifics such as when Nadi Pariksha should occur, guidelines for the patient and the Vaidya or Ayurvedic doctor, what should be done before and after and methodology on how to check nadi.

What is Nadi Pariksha?

Ayurvedic diagnosis and treatment are based on the complex practice of Nadi Pariksha, or pulse diagnosis, which has been practised for thousands of years. It is based on the idea that a person’s pulse provides essential information about their physical, mental, and emotional health. 

What is the right time for the Nadi Pariksha test? 

It is advised that the diagnosis be done early in the morning, three hours after eating, or on an empty stomach for accuracy. This principle is based on the observation that the diagnosis process becomes distorted once the food metabolism process starts. 

How is Nadi Pariksha done ? [2]

The Nadi Pariksha in Ayurveda is one of the best diagnostic instruments for comprehending the many facets of human health. It is one of the Ashta Sthana Pariksha (eight examination places). The comprehension of Tridosha is likewise based on Nadi Pariksha. Nadi Pariksha can determine the dosha’s vikrut avastha (vitiated state) and prakrut avastha (healthy state). 

The question regarding how to check nadi, following is the procedure followed for Nadi Pariksha

  1. The early morning hours are the best period for Nadi Pariksha (pulse examination).
  2. The patient is made to lie comfortably on the examination table or sit in a chair.
  3. The radial artery, which is situated in the wrist region, is often where the pulse is examined.
  4. The examination is performed in the left hand for females and the right hand for males.
  5. The patient’s hand is gently held at the elbow joint by the Ayurvedic practitioner, who then uses their right hand’s fingers to feel the patient’s pulse on their wrist.
  6. The index, middle, and ring fingers of the hand of an Ayurvedic practitioner are positioned close to one another on the wrist area.
  7. Gently palpating, pushing, tapping, and rolling the artery beneath the fingers are the methods used to do the examination.
  8. While investigating, a note of the pulse of each dosha: the weaker Vata dosha pulse is felt at the index finger, moderate Pitta dosha pulse is felt at the middle finger, and the ring finger’s fast-beating pulse is associated with the Kapha dosha.
  9. Examination of the pulse is done to know the healthy state, individual dosha, combination of dosha, and the pathological conditions.

Special Facts about Nadi Pariksha 

Nadi in Ayurveda refers to the human body’s subtle energy channels. The following are some of the special facts about Nadi Pariksha.

  • Nadi Pariksha in Ayurveda not only treats the disease but also tries to find the root cause of the problem for a comprehensive solution.
  • It offers holistic insights into the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of health.
  • Nadi Pariksha is not only used for diagnosing existing health issues but also for preventive healthcare by detecting the dosha’s imbalances.
  • Nadi Pariksha is non-invasive and painless, making it suitable for all age groups.

What is disclosed during Nadi Pariksha?

As per Ayurveda, any imbalance in the doshas in the body can lead to several ailments. The main focus of Nadi Pariksha is on the assessment of these doshas so that before the symptoms start manifesting, the problem can be identified and appropriate measures can be taken to avoid complications. 

Nadi Pariksha Benefits

The following are the Nadi Pariksha benefits:

  • To detect imbalances in the doshas and the corresponding subtypes throughout the body, Nadi Pariksha is used as a diagnostic method.
  • Nadi Pariksha determines the root causes of illness before symptoms appear.
  • Since every person has a different constitution, Nadi Pariksha enables early intervention and individualized treatment plans.

Nadi Pariksha’s Role in Diagnosis of Life-threatening Diseases

Nadi Pariksha is an age-old Ayurvedic method of pulse diagnosis. It is accurate in diagnosing various illnesses such as mental, emotional, and physical disorders. It’s a non-invasive science that makes it possible to address health problems at their core rather than just treating their symptoms.


In order to determine doshas, Ayurveda has placed a strong emphasis on measuring the pulse at the radial artery. There are eight places to detect nadi, according to the classical text Basavarajeeyam: two at the radial artery, two at the ankle, two at the neck region, and two at the nose region. Since it’s crucial to evaluate Tridoshas for the diagnosis and treatment of any disease, Nadi Pariksha, which is based on the radial artery, has been used extensively. It is evident from the Ayurveda that nadi pariksha has a major role in disease diagnosis. 


This article is from a health and wellness perspective only and does not constitute medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a trained medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


Who is eligible for the Nadi Pariksha treatment?

Nadi Pariksha helps diagnose individuals suffering from potential chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, mental health issues, severe joint pains and skin diseases. Individuals suffering from these diseases are eligible for Nadi Pariksha.

Are there any side effects of Nadi Pariksha? 

Although Nadi Pariksha has no known side effects, there are certain precautions to keep in mind while undergoing this diagnosis. It is advisable not to perform Nadi Pariksha immediately after the bath, after waking up from sleep and after taking food.

How long does a Nadi Parikshan session typically last?

The duration of the Nadi Pariksha can vary depending on the individual and the practitioner. It is advisable to consult your healthcare provider.

How frequently should Nadi Parikshan be conducted for optimal health monitoring?

Periodically, Nadi Pariksha is done during the course of the treatment to evaluate the outcome. 


  1. Traditional practices and recent advances in Nadi Pariksha: A comprehensive review. P. Venkata Giri Kumar, Sudheer Deshpande and H.R.Nagendra. 2019 Oct-Dec; 10(4): 308–315. Published online 2018 Aug 10. 
  2. Naadi Pareeksha: a scope to new era. Mayuri Gujrathi, Amit Gujrathi, Sunil Khandare amd K. K. Upadhay. April-June: 2021|Volume: 09th |
  3. Diagnostic aid in Ayurveda – Nadi Pariksha. Dr. Ritika Khajuria, Tapsy Sharma, Ruchi Gupta and Vasundhra Parihar. Nov-Dec 2019  
  4. Pulse (Nadi) Analysis for Disease Diagnosis: A Detailed Review. Published: 20 October 2022. Sachin Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar and Karan Veer.

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