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घुटने के दर्द के लिए जानू बस्ती के उपचार के बारे में जानें

जानू बस्ती आयुर्वेदिक उपचार घुटनों के जोड़ों को राहत और पोषण प्रदान करने पर केंद्रित है। संस्कृत में "जानू" का अर्थ घुटना और "बस्ती"...

जानिए मेधा वटी के सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य लाभों के बारे में

क्या आपको कभी अनिद्रा या नींद न आने की समस्या, कमजोर याददाश्त, तनाव और चिंता की समस्या हुई है या महसूस किया है कि...

जानिए सुपारी के #सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य लाभों के बारे में

जब आपको थोड़ी ऊर्जा की जरूरत हो, तब पान सुपारी लें।" पान सुपारी, जिसे आयुर्वेद में "सुपारी" के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, पारंपरिक...

Mugwort: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, Dosage and More

Reviewed By Experts Want to know What is Mugwort? Well, Artemisia vulgaris L. commonly known as Mugwort is a celebrated herbal species with immense significance in...

Dashmularishta: Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Precautions and Side Effects

Reviewed by Experts Do you know about the Ayurvedic Dasha Moolas (the ’10 roots’)? These roots are the major ingredients for many Ayurvedic medications. Dashmularishta...

12 Effective Home Remedies for Diarrhea

Reviewed By Experts Diarrhea, known as Atisara in Ayurveda, is a common health issue for children and adults alike. 'Ati' stands for 'excess,' and 'saranam'...

10 Best and Most Effective Herbs for Vaginal Dryness

Reviewed By Experts Vaginal dryness stands for the lack of lubrication at the opening of the vagina and vaginal canal. In Ayurvedic language, this is...

Chandanasava: Ingredients,Benefits,Uses,Dosage and Side Effects

Reviewed By Experts Chandanasava is an Ayurvedic formulation used to treat male sexual dysfunction and Kidney issues primarily. Apart from that, this poly-herbal and fermented...

Swarna Bhasma Ingredients, Benefits, Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

Reviewed by experts Ayurveda offers a wealth of remedies drawn from nature's bounty. Ayurveda underscores the importance of mind, body, and spirit harmony in pursuing...

20 Proven Ashwagandha Benefits for Men

This article has been reviewed by experts The herb Ashwagandha, scientific name Withania somnifera, is an evergreen shrub that is commonly referred to as "Indian...




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