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घुटने के दर्द के लिए जानू बस्ती के उपचार के बारे में जानें

जानू बस्ती आयुर्वेदिक उपचार घुटनों के जोड़ों को राहत और पोषण प्रदान करने पर केंद्रित है। संस्कृत में "जानू" का अर्थ घुटना और "बस्ती"...

जानिए मेधा वटी के सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य लाभों के बारे में

क्या आपको कभी अनिद्रा या नींद न आने की समस्या, कमजोर याददाश्त, तनाव और चिंता की समस्या हुई है या महसूस किया है कि...

जानिए सुपारी के #सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य लाभों के बारे में

जब आपको थोड़ी ऊर्जा की जरूरत हो, तब पान सुपारी लें।" पान सुपारी, जिसे आयुर्वेद में "सुपारी" के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, पारंपरिक...

Dealing With PMS Naturally With Ayurveda

Premenstrual syndrome, commonly known as PMS, is a group of symptoms that is experienced by nearly 20% of the female population within the reproductive...

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis is one of the most common oral health problems. It can arise due to numerous reasons, the most significant being...

How to Cure Sore Throat with These Ayurvedic and Natural Remedies

A sore throat is a painful and dry feeling in the throat that causes throat irritation. It may make swallowing food not only difficult...

Home Remedies for Stomach Pain

Abdominal pain or stomach ache is one of the most common gastrointestinal disorders. Indigestion, constipation, diminished digestive fire, constipation, bloating, and gas are a...

Signs of Ovulation and How Can Ayurveda Help?

Ovulation is the process in which a mature egg is released from the ovary during the menstrual cycle. If the mature egg is fertilized...

Ayurvedic Kitchen Tools And Utensils

With the advent of modern kitchen tools and utensils, such as stainless steel, glass and non-stick cookware, we have completely forgotten about our traditional...

Soothe Dysmenorrhea Pain with Ayurveda

Do you suffer from severe pain and abdominal cramps during menstruation? If yes, then you may be suffering from dysmenorrhea.  Caused by stress, sedentary routine...




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