Back Pain at Work: Causes, Factors, and How to Prevent Back Pain

Back Pain at Work Causes Factors and How to Prevent Back Pain 1Back pain is, perhaps, one of the most discomforting forms of pain. It can get all the more irritating and discomforting if you catch a pain at your workplace or while working. Back pain, or kateegraham as referred to in Ayurveda, is considered to be a problem caused due to impaired digestion and the aggravation of vata dosha.

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An unhealthy digestive system causes the buildup of ama or toxins that combine with vata and accumulate in the minute channels of the body which leads to backache. Apart from that, many underlying diseases such as obesity, etc and occupations such as routine office work (desk jobs), construction, factory work, etc increase the risk of developing backaches. Here are some effective and easy cures to relieve back pain according to Ayurveda.     

Common causes of back pain at work

1. Staying immotile

Sitting in a poor posture in a chair without any proper back support, especially in a desk job or a stable job can contribute to back pain.

2. Exerting force

Exerting pressure on the back by moving heavy objects or lifting heavy weights can be one of the common causes of back pain.

3. Improper movements

Repetition of specific actions that involve twisting of the spine can cause injury to the back.

The factors that can affect the back at the workstation are as follows: 

  • Seating posture
  • Layout of the desk equipment
  • Chair height
  • Position of your chair

back pain at work

How to prevent back pain at work following these simple measures

1. Observe your posture

  • Ensure good posture while sitting and choose a chair that makes you feel comfortable.
  • Also, adjust the height of the chair accordingly, so that it supports your spinal curves and helps you rest your feet flat on the floor.
  • Do not put a mobile phone or wallet in the back pocket while sitting to avoid putting extra pressure on the lower back as well as the buttocks.

2. Move your body

  • Do not sit in a confined place for a prolonged period. Try to change the position often to avoid pressure on your lower back.
  • Walk around and gently stretch the muscles to relieve muscle stiffness.

3. Alter repetitive tasks

  • Avoid performing repetitive tasks, such as lifting heavy loads, and frequently talking over the phone for longer periods while typing or writing.
  • Do not bend, twist or try reaching an object in an incorrect position.

4. Take regular breaks

  • Avoid sitting for long periods and take frequent breaks to provide sufficient relaxation to the muscles.
  • This can prevent excessive strain on the muscles and prevent muscle stiffness. Take a break and move away from the screen to ensure muscle relaxation.

5. Choose the right chair

  • Ensure that your swivels, so that you can turn around your body to avoid exertion or excessive pressure on your back.

6. Proper back support

  • Opt for a chair that has a proper built-in back support to make yourself comfortable.
  • Also, placing a small pillow or a rolled-up towel behind your back can fill the lower back space and prevent back pain.

Exercises to Prevent Back Pain 

Performing certain simple exercises at your desk can help to prevent back pain.

  1. Long spinal stretch

    Sit up straight, place your feet flat on the floor, and spread them apart. Keep your fingertips on the feet between both feet and stretch down until your palms are flat. Hold on the position for 30 seconds and repeat this three times.

  2. Lower spine stretch

    Sit firmly keep your feet flat on the floor and ensure that your sitting bones are properly rested on your seat. Place your right hand on the armrest and stretch your left hand straight above your head. Now bend your spine slightly towards your right. Stay in this position for 30 seconds and repeat this thrice on each side. 

For full-body stretching you can read our related article on 15 Best Full Body Stretching Exercises

Along with the above-mentioned tips, try balancing your vata dosha by maintaining a balanced diet and looking after your digestive health.

When the pain is too much to bear, you can also opt for traditional Ayurvedic massages that can help you relieve the pain temporarily.

Apart from that ensure that you examine your work environment and address factors that might nudge or aggravate the pain. Such small and simple steps to ease back pain can help you in the long run and prevent you from falling prey to severe health issues. 


Dr. Shankar Rao

Dr. Rao has achieved great success in his career, with 5 research projects and 4 books to his credit, as well as a Monograph. In addition to receiving the Bharat Scout & Guide Award from the President of India, Dr Rao has also won the Young Scientist Award from S.V. University, Tirupati.


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