Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Khadir And Its Uses

Discover The Incredible Benefits Of Khadir And Its Uses 1 8 11zon 1

As we search for natural solutions to promote health and well-being, an ancient plant used for millennia is gaining renewed attention. Known as Acacia catechu, this thorny tree native to Asia has a rich history intertwined with culture and traditional medicine. Science is now uncovering an array of potential benefits that make this unassuming plant worth a closer look for those drawn to nature’s remedies. Read on to understand in detail about the Khadira plant.

What is Khadir and its Importance in Ayurveda

Khadir, or Acacia catechu, is an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine. It’s a medium-sized, thorny tree that grows up to 13 meters tall and has compounds that have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. (2)

Ayurveda considers Khadir to have a cooling energy source known as Sheeta Veerya in Sanskrit. This means it can help pacify aggravating heat conditions in the body and mind. The heartwood of Khadir is rich in tannins and other phytochemicals that make it so useful. 

In Ayurvedic terms, Khadir balances all three doshas – vata, pitta, and kapha. But it’s beneficial for managing excessive pitta. So, skin inflammations, burning sensations, bleeding disorders, and hyperacidity benefit from Khadir’s calming qualities.

Health Benefits of Khadir

Mentioned below are the major Khadira benefits:

1. Anti-inflammatory properties

Khadira has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of bitter and astringent compounds, which reduce swelling, irritation, and pain in the skin, oral mucosa, and muscles. (3)

2. Wound healing abilities

Khadira promotes faster healing of mouth ulcers (1), canker sores and gum injuries, displaying wound healing abilities. It also acts as an effective local application for sore throat, bleeding gums, etc.

3. Antimicrobial effects

Khadira demonstrates antimicrobial effects with its antibacterial and antifungal properties that fight infections in the mouth, like dental caries and gum diseases. (4)

4. Oral tissue repair and strengthening

Khadira nourishes and regenerates gum tissue and oral mucosa, making teeth and gums healthier and stronger. It repairs and strengthens oral tissues.

5. Beneficial for skin

The rich antioxidants in khadira help protect against oxidative damage from UV exposure and pollution, reducing fine lines, age spots, and hyperpigmentation. Khadira is also antiseptic and can heal wounds, ulcers, and other minor skin irritations.

6. Detoxifying properties

The detoxifying properties of Khadira help remove toxins and impurities from oral tissues and purify the blood. (5) It counteracts the effects of unhealthy diets high in sugar.

Precautions to Take with Khadir

Khadir can affect blood pressure. If you are having surgery, you should stop taking Khadir 2 weeks before your surgery date. 

Khadir herb makes blood pressure harder to control during and after surgery. So, stopping it beforehand allows your blood pressure to be more stable and easier for your doctors to manage. 

How to Use Khadir?

Here are 3 ways to use Khadir Ayurveda:

1. Khadir Powder: Take 1-2 grams of powder with lukewarm water or honey twice daily after meals.

2. Khadir Capsules: Take 1 capsule with water, preferably after meals, once or twice daily.  

3. Khadir Decoction: Add 5-10 grams powder to 2 cups water, heat until reduced to 1/2 cup, strain and cool, add some water before consuming. Drink once or twice daily after meals

Recommended Dosage of Khadir

1. Khadir capsules – Take 1 capsule twice daily or as directed.

2. Khadir powder – Take 1-2 grams twice daily or as directed.

3. Khadir tablets – Take 1 tablet twice daily or as directed.

Side Effects of Khadir

Khadir plant is generally considered safe for most people when used for short periods. However, there isn’t a lot of research about taking it during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Since the safety is uncertain, check with your doctor first if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to get pregnant.


Khadir or Acacia catechu is an important Ayurvedic herb with many benefits – it is anti-inflammatory, promotes wound healing, has antimicrobial effects, helps repair oral tissue, is good for skin, and has detoxifying properties. Moderate doses are considered safe but check with a doctor if you are pregnant.


The information provided is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as medical advice, nor should it replace seeing a doctor or healthcare professional. Please consult a healthcare professional before taking any supplements or adding herbs to your health regime. The content above does not promise the information provided regarding potential benefits or side effects.


1. Can I Add Khadir In my regular diet?

Yes, Khadir herb is generally safe to consume and can be added to your daily diet. It is often eaten as a vegetable and has a slightly bitter taste. Start with small portions to see how your body responds.

2. What Are The Other Uses Of Khadir?

Khadira has traditionally been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat various ailments. A khadira decoction can be used as a gargle for sore throats. The bark is also ground into a powder and applied topically to help heal wounds, ulcers and skin infections. 

3. Does Khadir Promote Hair Growth?

Some initial research shows components in khadira may support hair follicle health. More studies are still needed, but trying khadira as a supplementary treatment for hair growth issues may be worthwhile.

4. What are the benefits of Khadir for skin?

Khadira is rich in tannins and flavonoids that are beneficial antioxidants for skin health. Using khadira powders or pastes may help firm skin, reduce acne breakouts, fade scars and improve skin complexion. 

5. What is the English name of the Khadira plant?

In English, Khadira is also called catechu, cachou and black catechu. The scientific name is Acacia catechu.


  1. Khadira promotes faster healing of mouth ulcers (
  2. It’s a medium-sized, thorny tree that grows up to 13 meters tall and has compounds that have antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.
  3. Khadira has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of bitter and astringent compounds, which reduce swelling, irritation, and pain in the skin, oral mucosa, and muscles.
  4. Khadira demonstrates antimicrobial effects with its antibacterial and antifungal properties that fight infections in the mouth, like dental caries and gum diseases.
  5. The detoxifying properties of Khadira help remove toxins and impurities from oral tissues and purify the blood.

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