Hadjod Uses, Benefits, Dosage, Side Effects & More

Reviewed by experts


Hadjod is scientifically known as Cissus quadrangularis. It is a perennial plant indigenous to various parts of Asia and Africa, renowned for its multifaceted utility in traditional and contemporary medicine. This botanical marvel has garnered attention for its diverse uses and potential health benefits. 

This article explores the various applications of hadjod plant and its potential benefits. We will also offer insights into recommended dosages and the possible hadjod side effects. Understanding the properties and applications of hadjod will help you make informed choices about your health.

Nutritional Value of Hadjod [1]

Components Value

Therapeutic Uses of Hadjod [3] [4] 

  • Hadjod stem: It is used to treat a range of illnesses. 
  • Hadjod leaves: The tender shoots of this plant are regarded as stomachic.
  • Powdered Hadjod leaves: The powder of hadjod plant is used for digestive issues.
  • Hadjod juice: The juice is applied externally and administered internally for the union of fractured bones.
  • Hadjod shot juice: This juice relieves epistaxis (nose bleeding) when sprayed into the nostrils. 
  • Hadjod shoot ash powder: Dysentery is treated by ingesting the powdered shoot ash.
  • Powdered Hadjod root: Used to treat gout and constipation, as well as to unite bone fractures.

What is hadjod?

Hadjod is a perennial plant that has gained recognition for its diverse medicinal properties. Over the years, people have used it in traditional medicine systems. Its distinctive four-angled stem characterizes hadjod. It is commonly known by various vernacular names, including “Veldt grape” and “Devil’s Backbone.” 

Ayurveda mentions numerous hadjod powder benefits. Its diverse applications include bone health promotion, weight management support, and anti-inflammatory attributes. Hadjod’s unique qualities make it a subject of interest for traditional herbal remedies and modern scientific research, positioning it as an intriguing component of natural medicine. [1]

hadjod plant

(Source: https://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0378874121005845-ga1_lrg.jpg)

What are the uses of hadjod

Here are the diverse applications of hadjod in traditional and contemporary medicine. [2]

  1. Bone strengthening

Hadjod is notably effective in strengthening bones. Its ability to promote bone health makes it a valuable resource for individuals seeking to fortify their skeletal structure.

hadjod tablet
  1. Pitta dosha increase

In Ayurvedic medicine, hadjod powder can help increase the Pitta Dosha. It is one of the three fundamental energies that govern physiological and psychological processes in the body.

  1. Constipation relief

It is famous for its laxative properties, aiding in the relief of constipation and promoting regular bowel movements.

  1. Aphrodisiac and improved vigor

It is an aphrodisiac and can help enhance vigor, making it relevant in traditional systems of medicine for addressing issues related to sexual health and vitality.

  1. Worm infestation

Hadjod has anthelmintic properties, which can help alleviate worm infestations in the digestive tract.

  1. Infected wounds

Ayurveda mentions numerous hadjod plant benefits. Hadjod has been employed in treating infected wounds in traditional medicine, potentially owing to its antimicrobial attributes.

  1. Mobility induction

Hadjod has traditionally been used to induce mobility, potentially benefiting those with mobility issues or joint discomfort.

  1. Indigestion relief

Hadjod helps relieve indigestion, contributing to improved digestive comfort.

  1. Digestive aid

Hadjod’s digestive properties extend beyond indigestion relief, which can help promote overall digestive health.

What are the benefits of hadjod

Here are the various benefits of hadjod for your health. [1]

  1. Single bone remineralization

Hadjod’s unique ability to facilitate the remineralization of single bones can be valuable for bone health maintenance.

  1. Fracture bone treatment

It can aid in treating fractured bones, contributing to the healing process.

  1. Anti-arthritic effects

Hadjod’s anti-arthritic properties make it relevant for supporting joint health.

  1. Reduction of bone abrasion

The stem powder of hadjod has significantly reduced bone abrasion, which can benefit musculoskeletal health.

  1. Muscle health and cortisol blockade

Hadjod can block cortisol’s muscle-damaging effects, leading to new muscle tissue formation.

  1. Alterative and anthelmintic

Hadjod exhibits alterative properties, aiding in natural detoxification. It also acts as an anthelmintic, combatting intestinal parasites. 

  1. Dyspeptic and digestive support

It offers relief from dyspepsia and promotes healthy digestion.

hadjod benefits
  1. Analgesic for eye and ear conditions

Hadjod has traditional applications as an analgesic for relieving discomfort associated with eye and ear ailments.

  1. Irregular menstruation

Hadjod can help address irregular menstrual cycles in women.

  1. Asthma management

It shows promise in managing asthma symptoms and offering respiratory relief.

  1. Back and spine health

Hadjod may contribute to alleviating complaints related to back and spine issues.

  1. Cardiotonic and androgenic properties

The plant possesses cardiotonic attributes that might impact cardiovascular health and androgenic properties with potential implications for hormonal balance.

  1. Antioxidant and antimicrobial

It exhibits antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, suggesting potential roles in countering oxidative stress and microbial infections.

  1. Lipid-lowering agent

Hadjod has shown promise as a natural lipid-lowering agent, potentially aiding in managing cholesterol levels.

15. Benefits in inflammation [1]

Hadjod helps treat disorders related to fractures, lessen pain and swelling, and promote the healing of fractures. Hadjod’s anti-inflammatory qualities are a result of the presence of luteolin and beta-sitosterol flavonoids. 

16. Benefits in ulcers [1]

The antiulcer potential or ulcer healing speed may be enhanced by the phytochemicals found in hadjod, such as polyphenols, glycosides, and vitamin C. 

17. Benefits in worm infections [1]

Hadjod has anthelmintic properties. Alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, and phenols are some of the compounds that may be involved in the extract’s anthelmintic action.

18. Benefits in infections [3]

Numerous bacterial and viral infections can be treated with hadjod. A partly purified extract of the hadjod stem contains remarkable antiviral action due to the presence of steroids and flavonoids.  

19. Benefits in cancer [3]

Hadjod has demonstrated antitumor and anticancer action in a range of cancer cell lines, such as osteosarcoma, leukemia, and breast cancer.  

What is the dosage of hadjod

In Unani medicine, hadjod is administered in various forms, each with specific recommended dosages. The typical dosages for hadjod in Unani medicine include. [2]

  1. Decoction of dried stem

A decoction prepared from the dried stem of hadjod is commonly recommended at a dosage of 10-30 ml, to be taken twice daily. 

  1. Stem juice

Hadjod stem juice is another viable option, typically recommended at 10-20 ml dosage, to be taken twice daily. This juice is famous for its concentrated nutritional content.

  1. Stem powder (churna)

Hadjod stem’s powder or churna is administered at 3-6 grams and taken twice daily. This form of hadjod allows for convenient incorporation into various preparations or as a standalone remedy.

What are the side effects of hadjod

While hadjod is generally safe, there are some potential side effects. Although relatively rare, hadjod side effects may include gastrointestinal discomfort. In some exceptional cases, individuals may also experience mild allergic reactions characterized by skin rashes or itching. 

It’s vital to know that adverse reactions to hadjod are infrequent and often mild. Nevertheless, as with any herbal remedy, it is advisable to exercise caution. Adhere to recommended dosages and consult a healthcare professional before incorporating hadjod into your regimen, particularly if you have pre-existing medical conditions.

Ayurveda and hadjod

In Ayurveda, the stem of the hadjod holds a distinguished reputation for its multifaceted therapeutic properties. This botanical marvel is esteemed as an alterative, facilitating the body’s natural detoxification processes, and as an anthelmintic, effectively combatting intestinal parasites. 

Hadjod’s role as a dyspeptic and digestive aid contributes to digestive wellness, and its tonic properties support overall vitality. Additionally, it serves as an analgesic in managing discomfort associated with eye and ear ailments. People have also used it traditionally to address arthritis-related pain. 

Ayurvedic practitioners also recognize its potential in treating irregular menstruation and asthma, making it a versatile herb in women’s health and respiratory wellbeing. Furthermore, hadjod plays a significant role in alleviating complaints associated with the back and spine, underlining its relevance in musculoskeletal health. [1]


1. What is a hadjod plant?

Hadjod is a perennial plant indigenous to Asia and Africa. It is renowned for its diverse medicinal properties and is traditionally used in herbal medicine.

2. What are hadjod benefits?

Hadjod offers many potential health benefits, including bone health support, relief from joint discomfort, weight management, anti-inflammatory properties, and possible aid in digestive issues. It is also reputed for its role in gynecological health, asthma management, and its ability to strengthen bones.

3. What are the hadjod tablet benefits?

Hadjod tablets typically contain the concentrated extract or powder of the hadjod plant. The benefits of hadjod pills are similar to those of the plant itself. They may promote bone health, alleviate joint discomfort, support weight management, and offer potential anti-inflammatory effects. Hadjod tablets are convenient for those who prefer a standardized dosage.

4. What are hadjod tablets uses?

Hadjod tablets promote bone health, aiding joint comfort, assisting weight management, and potentially reducing inflammation. They may also help manage gynecological issues and asthma symptoms.

5. Is it safe to consume hadjod powder?

Hadjod powder is usually safe when consumed within recommended dosages. However, as with any herbal supplement, it’s essential to follow the recommended guidelines and consult a healthcare professional before use, especially if you have underlying health conditions. Adherence to dosage instructions helps ensure safety and effectiveness.

6. How to apply hadjod oil?

To apply hadjod oil, cleanse and dry the affected area first. Then, take a small amount of the oil and gently massage it onto the skin or affected joint, using circular motions. It finds everyday use for joint discomfort, so focus on the area of pain. Ensure the oil is adequately absorbed and avoid applying excessive pressure during the massage. It’s advisable to follow the specific instructions on the product label for best results.

7. How can I keep my bones and joints healthy?

For seniors seeking relief from bone and joint discomfort, Zandu presents the Ultimate Bone & Joint Kit. This kit comprises four essential components tailored to address their specific needs. The Seniorz Complete Joint Expert Tablet promotes joint health and mobility, while the Seniorz Complete Joint Expert Lepa offers topical relief to aching joints and muscles. Seniors can also benefit from the Seniorz Bone Strength Tablet, which enhances bone density and strength. Additionally, the Seniorz Pain Relief Oil provides quick and effective relief when applied to sore joints and muscles.


Hadjod stands as a botanical treasure with a rich history in traditional medicine. Its versatile applications, from bone health and joint comfort to digestive support, underscore its significance in holistic wellbeing. While hadjod offers many potential benefits, it is crucial to approach its use with mindfulness. Adhere to recommended dosages and seek guidance from healthcare professionals where necessary.


The information provided here does not intend to replace professional advice or treatment.


  1. Studies on the physico-phytochemical and anti-arthritic properties of hadjod (Cissus quadrangularis) Stem Powder. 04 August 2017
  2. A review on Cissus quadrangularis. 05 June 2017
  3. Mukherjee T, Saha N, Palbag S. Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and pharmacology of ayurvedic plant hadjod-Cissus quadrangularis L. Int. J. Res. Ayurveda Pharm. 2016
  4. Bafna PS, Patil PH, Maru SK, Mutha RE. Cissus quadrangularis L: A comprehensive multidisciplinary review. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 2021

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