Haridra Khand: Ingredients, Benefits, Uses, Dosage and Side Effects

Reviewed By Experts

haridra khanda uses

Haridra Khand, or Curcuma longa, is a potent herbal formulation cherished in Ayurvedic medicine for its remarkable therapeutic properties. This herbal concoction is primarily celebrated for its main ingredient, Haridra, more commonly known as Turmeric. [1]

Traditionally, Haridra is known for its Varnya (complexion-enhancing), Medaghna (fat-reducing), Vrana Ropak (wound-healing), Visodhani (detoxifying), and Stanya Sodhak (breast milk-purifying) qualities. Haridra holds not only medicinal but also cosmetic and religious importance in Ayurvedic practice. It plays a pivotal role in preventing and managing Prameha (diabetes). This versatile herb finds widespread usage in treating conditions such as Krimi (parasitic infections), Aruchi (loss of appetite), Apachi (skin disorders), Pandu (anemia), and Visa (poisoning). [1]

Throughout various ancient texts and Nighantu (lexicons), Haridra is referred to by different names and is associated with different preventive aspects and diseases. In different Samhitas (compendia of Ayurvedic knowledge) and Nighantus, Haridra appears under diverse classifications, such as Mahakashaya (major group of herbs), Ganas (groups of herbs with similar properties), or Vargas (categories of herbs). [1]

This comprehensive guide will delve into the ingredients, benefits, uses, dosage, and potential side effects of Haridra Khand powder.

Ingredients of Haridra Khand

Some of the main Haridra Khand ingredients include:

  • Haridra 
  • Triphala
  • Trikatu
  • Shunthi [2]
  • Goghrita
  • Godugdha
  • Sharkara
  • Maricha
  • Pippali 
  • Patra
  • Twak
  • Ela
  • Vidanga
  • Trivrit
  • Nagakeshara
  • Loha Bhasma [4]

Benefits and Uses of Haridra Khand

Haridra Khand offers a wide range of health benefits due to its carefully selected ingredients. Here are some of the primary Haridra Khand uses:

Anti-inflammatory Properties: 

Haridra Khanda is renowned for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. It can help alleviate inflammation associated with various health conditions, including arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and skin disorders.

The composition of Haridra Khand includes ingredients with Vata-Kapha Shamaka (balancing Vata and Kapha Doshas) properties, accounting for approximately 34% of its composition, as well as Tridosha Shamaka (balancing all three Doshas) properties, constituting about 33%. These qualities play a pivotal role in restoring imbalanced Doshas to their normal levels. [2]

Blood-purifying properties: 

The primary component of Haridra Khanda is turmeric, which undergoes processing with ghee and sugar candy. Turmeric is renowned as an exceptional blood purifier, adding to the Haridra Khanda uses and making it suitable for addressing disorders originating from Rakta Dushti (blood impurities). [2]

Wound Healing Properties (Vranalekhana): 

haridra khand uses

Haridra possesses attributes like Tikta Rasa (bitter taste), Katu Vipaka (pungent metabolic taste), Ushna Virya (hot potency), and Laghu and Ruksha Gunas (light and dry qualities). These characteristics classify it as an effective Lekhana Dravya, which means it acts as a scraping agent on Apachit Meda (accumulated fat). [2]

Aids in Digestion: 

Haridra Khand ke fayde also includes its ability in digesting Aama (undigested toxins), Kapha, and Meda. In addition to Haridra, other ingredients in Haridra Khand uses in Hindi include its ability to exhibit Deepana (appetite-enhancing) and Pachana (digestive) properties, aiding in Samprati Ghatana (preventing disease progression) by addressing Agnimandya (digestive weakness). Trikatu, another component, enhances Agni (digestive fire) and facilitates the elimination of Aama (toxins) from the body. [2]


Triphala is yet another potent ingredient in Haridra Khand that acts as a detoxifying and anti-cancer agent. Triphala demonstrates the ability to induce cytotoxicity (cellular death) in tumor cells while sparing the cells that are normal. Triphala has also been shown to reduce tumor incidence and enhance antioxidant status. [2]

Helps in weight management: 

haridra khand ke fayde

Trikatu strengthens the reproductive system, aids in weight management by curbing food cravings, and exhibits anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, primarily due to Sunthi (ginger) in its composition. Sunthi acts as a Vata Shamaka (balancing Vata dosha) agent, mitigating various bodily pains attributed to aggravated Vata Dosha. [2]

Other benefits

It is found to be effective in treating conditions such as Udarda (urticaria), Shitapitta, and Kotha (skin disorders characterized by itching and eruptions). Haridra, along with other ingredients, demonstrates remarkable efficacy in managing skin-related issues due to their Pitta-Kaphahara (balancing Pitta and Kapha doshas) properties. The presence of Goghrita (cow’s ghee) and milk contributes to Pitta balance, while Loha Bhasma plays a role in enhancing immunity.

Apart from this, Haridra Khand is also indicated for conditions like Pandu (anemia), Shotha (inflammation/swelling), and Jwara (fever). Abhraka Bhasma excels in addressing Pranavaha Srotovikaras (disorders of the respiratory system) and serves as a potent Rasayana (rejuvenating agent). [4]

Dosage of Haridra Khand

The dosage of Haridra Khand can vary depending on the specific health condition, the individual’s constitution (Prakriti), and the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner. However, here is a general guideline for its dosage:

5gms mixed with lukewarm milk to be taken twice daily half an hour before food. [3]

Side Effects of Haridra Khand

Haridra Khand is generally considered safe when taken in the recommended dosages and under the guidance of a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. Moreover, according to research papers, Haridra Khand appears to have minimal reported side effects


1. Does Haridra Khand help deal with uterine fibroids?

Yes, it has been observed that it was observed that Ayurvedic medicines with specific properties, including Vata-Kapha Shamaka (balancing Vata and Kapha doshas), Rakta-Shodhak (blood-purifying), Lekhana (scraping), Shothghna (anti-inflammatory), and Kledaghna (removing excess moisture), such as Haridra Khanda, yielded significant effectiveness in alleviating uterine fibroids (Garbhashaya Lekhana). [2]

2. Can Haridra Khanda help with respiratory issues?

Yes, Haridra Khand can be beneficial for Vataj pratishaya (Allergic rhinitis) and help alleviate symptoms of Anadha  Pihita  (nose  block  and irritation),  Tanu  Srava (nasal discharge), Nistodha Shankha (pain in  temporal region), Kshawthu  (sneezing). [1]

3. What is the best way to consume Haridra Khand?

It can be cooked in clarified butter (Goghrita) until it reaches a deep brown color. Simultaneously, a mixture of sugar (Sharkara) and cow’s milk (Godugdha) can be heated and stirred until it achieves a consistency resembling two threads. [4]


Haridra Khand is a versatile Ayurvedic formulation that harnesses the healing properties of turmeric and other carefully selected herbs. It is a meticulously crafted formulation that leverages the diverse properties of its ingredients to balance Doshas, purify the blood, aid in digestion, promote wound healing, and offer a wide range of therapeutic benefits. Its comprehensive approach to health and well-being aligns with the holistic principles of Ayurveda, making it a valuable remedy in traditional Ayurvedic medicine.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  2. Ayurvedic intervention in the management of uterine fibroids: A Case series
  3. A clinical study on the management of vicharchika (eczema) by brihat haridrakhanda and lepa of arka taila in children
  4. Critical analysis of Haridra Khanda – An Ayurvedic Formulation

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