Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade

Prof. Dr. Subhassh Ranade

Prof. Dr. Subhash Ranade


  • M.A.Sc., In Ayurveda from Pune University.
  • B.A.M.S from Pune University.


Chairman at the International Academy of Ayurveda. 

Dr. Subhash Ranade is a leading personality in the realm of Ayurveda, serving as the chairman of the International Academy of Ayurved in Pune and the Director of the International Maharishi Ayurveda Foundation in the USA. 

He is renowned as a distinguished academician and a physician in the field of Ayurveda, possessing vast expertise in Ayurvedic medicines. Dr. Ranade has authored 168 books on Ayurveda and Yoga, which have been published in Marathi, Hindi, Malayalam, and 12 international languages including English, Spanish, French, Czechoslovakian, German, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.


    • Professor and Head of the Department of Interdisciplinary School of Ayurveda.
    • Professor and Head of the Department of Ayurveda at Pune University.
    • Principal of Ashtang Ayurveda College, Pune.
    • Served as a guide for M.D. and Ph.D. students at Pune University.
    • Acted as a referee for Ph.D. students at BHU (Banaras Hindu University).
    • Worked in Kayachikitsa and Nidan Department at Seth Tarachand Ramnath Charitable Hospital.
    • Served as Superintendent at the Charity Hospital of Ashtang Ayurveda College.
    • Provided Numerous Television Interviews On Ayurveda, Domestically And Internationally.
    • Author Of More Than 155 Books On The Topic Of  Ayurved and Yoga.
    • Consulting Editor For Various Health Magazines In India And Abroad.
    • Contributed To The First CD-ROM on Ayurveda.
  • Recipient Of Several Awards, Including:

-Life Time Achievement Award From Rashtirya Shikshan Mandal, Pune.

-Life Time Achievement Award from Spirit and Nature, Ojai, California.

-Pt. Shiv Sharma Oration And Award from IASTAM, Jamnagar.

-Fellow Of The National University Of Ayurveda (RAV) in Delhi.


Dr. Subhash Ranade has been an Ayurvedic academician and practitioner for the past 40 years. He has extensively utilized his profound knowledge of Ayurveda to spread Ayurvedic wisdom in India and around the world.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Ayurvedic Academician And Practitioner.
  • Actively Promotes Ayurveda Abroad.
  • Covers A Variety Of Topics Related To Ayurvedic Medicine And Wellness.