BMI Disclaimer
Kindly note:
BMI is not an accurate measure when it comes to analysing body fat
- BMI measures overall health status in relation to height and weight. No mention of body fat percentage or muscle mass.
- It does not distinguish water weight, bone mass, etc.
- It is not specific to the sex of a person. For e.g.: the BMI of males and females is the same whereas the male has more muscle mass and the female has more fat mass which is not mentioned in the BMI chart
This website’s & BMI Calculator’s complete content is only meant to be used for information dissemination. The information is not meant to be used in any way or form for the diagnosis, cure, or prevention of any disease or lifestyle disorder. While the BMI calculator is a good indicator of health & associated risk but it is not a holistic measure of health. Please be aware that none of the services provided by the website are meant to replace the advice from your personally trained medical practitioner or any other medical professional. The application of any comments or advice with regard to your symptoms or medical condition is not in any way the responsibility of the organization.