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घुटने के दर्द के लिए जानू बस्ती के उपचार के बारे में जानें

जानू बस्ती आयुर्वेदिक उपचार घुटनों के जोड़ों को राहत और पोषण प्रदान करने पर केंद्रित है। संस्कृत में "जानू" का अर्थ घुटना और "बस्ती"...

जानिए मेधा वटी के सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य लाभों के बारे में

क्या आपको कभी अनिद्रा या नींद न आने की समस्या, कमजोर याददाश्त, तनाव और चिंता की समस्या हुई है या महसूस किया है कि...

जानिए सुपारी के #सर्वोत्तम स्वास्थ्य लाभों के बारे में

जब आपको थोड़ी ऊर्जा की जरूरत हो, तब पान सुपारी लें।" पान सुपारी, जिसे आयुर्वेद में "सुपारी" के नाम से भी जाना जाता है, पारंपरिक...

How To Purify Your Blood: 10 Effective Treatments & Home Remedies

This article is reviewed by an expert Having clean and pure blood is essential for maintaining good overall health. The blood carries vital nutrients, oxygen,...

Coconut Oil For Hair: Benefits And How To Use

This article is reviewed by an expert Coconut oil has gained immense popularity as a natural hair care remedy due to its nourishing and healing...

10 Best & Effective Ayurvedic Medicines for Weight Loss

This article is reviewed by an expert Obesity is no longer a problem for developed nations alone but has also reached epidemic proportions in India....

Gurmar: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Precautions & Side Effects

This article is reviewed by an expert Gurmar/ Gudmad, also known as Gymnema sylvestre, is an incredible herb renowned for its ability as a “sugar...

Vetiver: What Is It, Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Precautions & More

This article is reviewed by an expert Vetiveria zizanioides (L.) Nash or vetiver, commonly known as Khas-Khas or khus grass, is a remarkable plant native...

Autoimmune Disease: Causes, Symptoms, Types, Treatment & More

This article is reviewed by an expert Autoimmune diseases are complex and multifaceted conditions that have gained significant attention in the medical field. In these...

 Kutki: Benefits, Uses, Dosage, Side Effects & More

Reviewed by Experts Kutki, botanically described as Picrorhiza Kurroa, is a perennial herbaceous plant that is native to the Himalayan region, especially in Nepal. It...




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