Sex During Periods: Is it Safe to Have Sex During Periods?

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Across much of the world, patriarchal societies have created numerous myths and misconceptions about women’s reproductive health, particularly with regard to menstruation. These ideas have led to discrimination of women and stigmatizing the normal biological process. Today, the effects linger on, with most people having doubts and concerns about sex during periods. Modern science has helped to clear many of the misconceptions with evidence showing that sex during periods poses no health risks and can actually offer numerous health benefits. Nevertheless, it does pose some risks as highlighted in traditional wisdom including Ayurveda, but these can be protected against with modern contraceptives.

Is It Safe To Have Sex During Periods?

The short answer is a ‘yes’. Sexual activity is a normal part of any health life and menstrual periods should not be a barrier to sexual activity. However, this is a deeply personal choice and depends on your comfort levels as well as your relationship. 

Some risks may be higher during periods, but awareness of these risks allows you to safeguard against them to ensure that sex during periods is completely safe. Let’s take a closer look at the risks and benefits to make better informed decisions.

Sex During Periods: Is It Good Or Bad?

Benefits Of Sex During Periods

  • Pain Relief: Sexual activity can help alleviate menstrual cramps and reduce pain. Orgasms can trigger the release of endorphins, which act as natural painkillers and can provide temporary relief from menstrual discomfort 1.
  • Improved Mood: Hormonal changes during menstruation can sometimes lead to mood swings or feelings of irritability. Sexual activity and orgasms stimulate the release of dopamine and oxytocin, which can enhance mood, promote relaxation, and reduce stress 2. This also improves sleep quality, which can otherwise suffer during periods.
  • Increased Lubrication: Hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle can affect vaginal lubrication. Engaging in sexual activity can increase blood flow to the pelvic region, leading to improved vaginal lubrication and reducing discomfort or dryness.
  • Relieved Menstrual Symptoms: Some individuals experience symptoms such as bloating, breast tenderness, and water retention during menstruation. Sexual activity can help relieve these symptoms by promoting blood circulation and reducing fluid retention. Evidence also shows that sex during periods can relieve headaches or migraines 3,4.
  • Stronger Pelvic Muscles: Sexual activity, particularly activities like Kegel exercises or penetrative sex, can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This may have long-term benefits, such as preventing urinary incontinence and improving overall sexual health.
  • Enhanced Intimacy: Engaging in sexual activity during menstruation can foster a sense of intimacy and trust between partners, as it requires open communication and understanding.
safe period for sex

Side Effects Of Sex During Periods

The Ayurvedic perspective of sex during periods evolved over millennia and therefore focused primarily on the risks. This is why it was regarded as dangerous or threatening to the health of women. Some of the recommendations were based on assumptions and superstitions rather than observations. Hence, the Rajaswala Paricharya, for example, includes codes of conduct that forbid women from daytime napping, crying, bathing, laughing, talking, exercising and engaging in sexual activity 5. While these codes may have arisen because of limitations of scientific research at the time, the advice against sex during periods was based on certain risks.

The main threat since ancient times has been the increased risk of sexually transmitted infections STIs. Many STIs including HIV and hepatitis spread easily through contact with blood 6. This means that sex during periods can expose you and your partner to a higher risk of infection. Changes in the vagina during menstruation also increase this risk. This risk was well recognized in Ancient Ayurveda, giving rise to the recommendations against sex during periods. However, this risk can be mitigated with the use of barrier contraceptives such as condoms 7. Additionally, sexual activity with a monogamous partner, wherein both are free of infections, poses no risks at all. 

Can Sex During Periods Cause Pregnancy?

The chances of getting pregnant during menstruation are generally low but not impossible. While it is unlikely for pregnancy to occur during a natural menstrual period, it is important to remember that sperm can survive in the body for up to five days. If you have a shorter menstrual cycle or experience irregular periods, there is a possibility that ovulation could occur closer to the end of your period and in such cases sex during periods can cause pregnancy.

Tips For Safe Sex During Periods

You should follow these simple tips to ensure safe sex during periods to protect against the risk of infection or pregnancy, depending on your situation:

  • Discuss comfort levels, desires and concerns with your partner because mutual consent and open communication are crucial for a positive sexual experience.
  • It is important to use barrier methods such as condoms to reduce the risk of infection transmission.
  • To prevent pregnancy, consider using additional contraception methods. Consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable option for you.
  • Depending on personal preference and comfort, you may choose to use menstrual cups or tampons during sexual activity to minimize mess and maintain hygiene.
  • Prioritize good hygiene by cleaning the genital area before and after sexual activity to reduce the risk of infections. 


It’s important to note that individual experiences and preferences may vary. It’s essential to have open communication with your partner and prioritize your own comfort and well-being when considering sexual activity during menstruation.


Is it normal to want sex during periods?

Yes, changes in hormone levels during menstruation can increase your sex drive and arousal levels. For some women, however, the increased sensitivity during periods can make this painful.

Will sex during periods change your cycle?

No, sex during periods cannot change your cycle but it can ease period symptoms.

Isn’t menstrual blood unhygienic?

Menstrual blood comprises blood and vaginal fluid, as well as cells shed from the uterine endometrial lining. These are normal bodily fluids and there is nothing unhygienic or dirty about them.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for general information and not meant to substitute any medical advice. Please consult your doctor for appropriate medical consultation.



Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.