Gastrointestinal Disorder: Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

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Gastrointestinal disorders are among the most common health problems experienced by individuals of all ages. These disorders affect the digestive system and can cause discomfort, pain, and disruption in normal bowel movements. In Ayurveda, gastrointestinal disorders are classified based on the doshas or the body’s constitutional elements. This article will provide an overview of the types, causes, symptoms, and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders according to Ayurveda. [1]

Types of Gastrointestinal Disorders According to Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, gastrointestinal disorders are classified into six categories based on the doshas. These categories include:

Vataja Grahani

These disorders are caused by an imbalance in the Vata dosha, which controls movement and circulation in the body. Examples of Vataja gastrointestinal disorders include constipation, bloating, and abdominal pain.[1] [5]

Pittaja Grahani

These disorders are caused by an imbalance in the pitta dosha, which controls metabolism and digestion. Examples of Pittajaja gastrointestinal disorders include heartburn, acid reflux, and ulcers.[1] [5]

Kaphaja Grahani

These disorders are caused by an imbalance in the Kapha Dosha, which controls moisture and stability in the body. Examples of Kaphaja gastrointestinal disorders include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.[1] [5]

Causes of Gastrointestinal Disorders According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda believes that gastrointestinal disorders can be caused by a range of factors, including diet, lifestyle, and emotions. Poor dietary choices, such as eating heavy, oily, or spicy foods, can disrupt the balance of Doshas in the body and lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Similarly, an unhealthy lifestyle, such as lack of exercise or excessive stress, can also contribute to digestive problems.[2] [5]

Emotions can also play a role in gastrointestinal disorders according to Ayurveda. Strong emotions such as anger, fear, or anxiety can cause imbalances in the Doshas, leading to digestive problems. Ayurveda recommends managing emotions through practices such as meditation and yoga to maintain balance in the body.[2] [5]

Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Disorders According to Ayurveda

The symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders according to Ayurveda can vary depending on the type and severity of the disorder. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn. In addition, individuals may experience fatigue, loss of appetite, and weight loss.[1] [2] [5]

Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders According to Ayurveda

Ayurveda offers a range of treatment options for gastrointestinal disorders, including herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications. The treatment plan for each individual will depend on the type and severity of the disorder, as well as their overall health.[5]

Herbal Remedies

herbal remedies - gastrointestinal disease
Herbal remedies are commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat gastrointestinal disorders. These remedies can include herbs such as amla, turmeric, and ginger, which can help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and boost the immune system.[1] [2] [5]

Dietary Changes

dietary changes - gastrointestinal disorders
Dietary changes are also an essential part of Ayurvedic treatment for gastrointestinal disorders. Ayurveda recommends eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Individuals may also need to avoid certain foods that can aggravate their symptoms, such as spicy or fried foods.[1] [2] [3] [5]

Lifestyle Changes

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Lifestyle modifications can also help to improve gastrointestinal health according to Ayurveda. These modifications can include regular exercise, stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation, and adequate sleep.[1] [2] [5]

Treatment based on Dosha

In addition to these general recommendations, specific treatments may be recommended based on the type of gastrointestinal disorder. For example, individuals with Vataja gastrointestinal disorders may benefit from warm, soothing foods and herbal remedies that help to reduce inflammation and promote regular bowel movements. Individuals with Pittaja gastrointestinal disorders may need to avoid acidic and spicy foods and instead focus on cooling, soothing foods and herbs. Kaphaja gastrointestinal disorders may benefit from warm, spicy foods and herbs that help to stimulate digestion and reduce nausea.[1] [2] [5]

Overall, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders that takes into account the individual’s unique constitution and symptoms. By addressing the underlying imbalances in the Doshas, Ayurvedic treatments can help to alleviate symptoms and promote long-term digestive health.[5]


1. What are some common dietary changes recommended by Ayurveda for gastrointestinal disorders?
Ayurveda recommends a healthy diet consisting of whole foods, vegetables, fruits, and grains to aid digestion and eliminate toxins from the body. It also recommends avoiding processed and fried foods, spicy and sour foods, and consuming food in a calm and peaceful environment

2. How long does it take to see results from Ayurvedic treatments for gastrointestinal disorders?
The duration of Ayurvedic treatments and the time it takes to see results can vary depending on the individual’s constitution, the nature and severity of the disorder, and the type of treatment used. Some people may experience immediate relief, while others may require longer-term treatment and lifestyle modifications to see lasting benefits. Your Ayurvedic practitioner can guide you on the expected duration of treatment and what to expect.

3. Can Ayurvedic treatments be used in conjunction with conventional medicine for gastrointestinal disorders?
Ayurvedic treatments can complement conventional medicine for gastrointestinal disorders, but it’s important to consult with both your Ayurvedic practitioner and your primary care physician to ensure that they are compatible and safe.

4. What are the Doshas, and how do they relate to gastrointestinal disorders?
According to Ayurveda, the Doshas are three fundamental energies that govern the body and mind. The Vata Dosha governs movement and is associated with the colon and the nervous system. The Pitta Dosha governs metabolism and is associated with the small intestine and stomach. The Kapha Dosha governs structure and is associated with the stomach and pancreas. Imbalances in the Doshas can contribute to gastrointestinal disorders and other health problems.

5. How can Ayurvedic treatments help balance the Doshas?
Ayurvedic treatments aim to balance the Doshas by addressing the root cause of the disorder and restoring harmony to the body and mind. This may involve herbal remedies, dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, or detoxification therapies, depending on the individual’s constitution and the nature of the disorder.


Gastrointestinal disorders can be disruptive and uncomfortable, but they are also highly treatable through Ayurvedic medicine. By understanding the different types of gastrointestinal disorders and their underlying causes, individuals can work with an Ayurvedic practitioner to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs. With the right combination of herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, individuals can achieve optimal digestive health and improve their overall well-being.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is only for informational purposes, please consult a trained Ayurvedic practitioner every time before initiating any treatment.



  1. Management-Of-Grahani-Roga-In-Ayurveda-A-Case-Study (
  2. An Approach To Grahani Roga Through Ayurveda: A Review Article
  3. Therapeutic Uses of Triphala in Ayurvedic Medicine
  4. Management Of Amla-Pitta (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) By Ayurveda Drugs: A Case Study
  5. Management of Grahani Roga by Ayurveda principles and lifestyle modification

Dr. Shankar Rao

Dr. Rao has achieved great success in his career, with 5 research projects and 4 books to his credit, as well as a Monograph. In addition to receiving the Bharat Scout & Guide Award from the President of India, Dr Rao has also won the Young Scientist Award from S.V. University, Tirupati.