Bhujangasana: Benefits & How to do it Step by Step

Reviewed by Experts


Bhujangasana, also known as cobra pose in yoga, helps strengthen the back, tone abs, and improve overall flexibility. It is a great way to keep your spine healthy and a wonderful stress reliever that can leave you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

This article guides you through the step-by-step process of performing Bhujangasana correctly, ensuring you get the most out of this powerful yoga pose. We’ll also explore the numerous benefits of practicing this asana, from relieving back pain to improving your posture and digestion.

So, let’s dive in and discover the transformative effects of Bhujangasana.

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What is Bhujangasana?

Bhujangasana is a yoga posture that looks like a cobra lifting its hood. It is a back-bending pose that opens the chest and encourages deep breaths. The name Bhujangasana has a Sanskrit origin. It includes words ‘bhujanga,’ which means ‘serpent or snake,’ and ‘asana,’ which means ‘posture’ or ‘pose.’ The final pose resembles a cobra with its hood up and spine curved. [1]

This asana helps stretch your chest, shoulders, abdomen, and lungs while strengthening your spine and core muscles. Regular practice of this asana increases flexibility in the spine, improves posture, and reduces stress and anxiety. In addition, this pose has other benefits, like improved digestion and reduced fatigue. It is also therapeutic for asthma patients. [1]

What are the health benefits of Bhujangasana?

Here are some ways Bhujangasana can help you achieve a healthier and happier life:

  1. Strengthens and tones the spine

It helps strengthen and tone the spine, improving posture and reducing back pain. [1]

2. Strengthens abdominal muscles

This pose helps tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles, which can help improve digestion and reduce belly fat. [1]

3. Stimulates internal organs

It stimulates the internal organs, including the kidneys, liver, and digestive system, which can help detoxify. [1]

4. Stress relief

Practicing Bhujangasana can relieve stress and promote feelings of calmness. [1]

benefits of bhujangasana - livayur

5. Improves blood circulation

This pose improves blood circulation throughout the body, which can help elevate energy levels and provide better overall health. [1]

How to do the Bhujangasana pose Step by Step

Here are some steps to do Bhujangasana appropriately: [1]

  • Begin by lying on your stomach, keeping your legs straight and feet together.
  • Keep your palms on the floor, with fingers that point forward.
  • Your elbows should point backward and remain close to the body.
  • Close your eyes and rest your forehead.
  • Relax your lower back and body.
  • Raise the head and take it backward to ensure the chin points forward and the neck’s back gets compressed. Raise the neck followed by the shoulders.
  • Make your elbows straight with the help of your back muscles. Straighten the arm muscles to raise your trunk and arch the back.
  • Finally, your navel will get raised by about 2 cm, and the pubic bone will come in contact with the floor.

bhujangasana steps - livayur

With regular practice, you should feel yourself becoming more comfortable and confident in this pose. Take it slowly and focus on proper alignment. With time, you will find that your flexibility and strength increase significantly.

Precautions to keep in mind for Bhujangasana yoga

Doing the Bhujangasana appropriately is important for getting the most out of this pose and avoiding potential injuries. Before beginning, ensuring your body is up for it is essential. Here are a few precautions you should keep in mind when practicing Bhujangasana steps: [1]

  • People with back pain or injury should practice Bhujangasana only after consulting their doctor.
  • Avoid this pose if you’re suffering from a hernia, ulcer, or intestinal tuberculosis.
  • People with back muscles that are not flexible enough should avoid it.
  • Listen to your body, and don’t overdo the pose. If you feel any discomfort, stop immediately and rest.



1. What is Bhujangasana and its benefits?

Bhujangasana is a comprehensive asana that promotes physical and spiritual health. This yoga pose benefits the back, gluteus, body fat, and blood circulation. Maintaining strong legs and avoiding strain or weight on the lumbar spine is vital when performing this pose.

2. What is meant by Bhujangasana?

Sanskrit refers to the well-known yoga asana, Bhujangasana, as a cobra pose. It is a moderate backbend exercise usually performed as part of the sun salutation.

3. What are the aims of Bhujangasana?

Bhujangasana aims to gently bend your spine into a bow form while increasing the strength and flexibility of your lower back.


Practicing Bhujangasana can help you improve your overall physical and mental well-being. By doing Bhujangasana, you can strengthen your back and improve your posture. It can also help reduce stress, boost mood, and increase energy levels.

Practicing Bhujangasana safely and correctly is important, so follow the steps appropriately. Be mindful of pre-existing injuries or conditions, and consult with a medical professional if needed. With patience and dedication, you’ll be able to reap the wonderful benefits of Bhujangasana and experience a healthier, more balanced life.

The information provided here is not intended to replace professional advice or treatment.


  1. A Literature Review of Bhujangasana and Its Physioanatomical Aspect.

Suchitra Marwah

Suchitra is a certified yoga teacher with a specialized focus on Yoga for Children, Corporate professionals, Women's Health & Pregnancy