Try Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicose Veins for Quick Relief

ayurvedic treatment for varicose veins

Have you noticed any swelling, pain or discolouration in your legs and feet? If so, then you may be suffering from varicose veins. 

Varicose veins are one of the most common circulatory disorders in which valves in the veins get damaged and prevent the smooth flow of blood, leading to swelling, pain and discolouration in the affected region. It not only causes discomfort but also increases the risk of getting varicose ulcers. Therefore, it is crucial to treat varicose veins on time. 

Fortunately, you don’t have to depend on pharmaceutical treatments that are fraught with side effects or resort to surgery anymore. Ayurveda offers a number of natural treatments that can help provide relief from varicose veins.

The Ayurvedic Perspective of Varicose Veins

It is often hard to connect modern diseases with specific conditions that are described in classical Ayurvedic texts. However, the symptoms of varicose veins most closely resemble the conditions of Siragata Vata as described in the texts of Acharya Charaka. It also has strong similarities to some other conditions mentioned in classical texts, such as Sira Granthi, SiragataVata and Vatarakta. No matter the terminology used, it is clear that the condition was known to ancient Indian physicians who not only described it, but also described its pathology and treatment. Varicose veins in this Ayurvedic context is believed to be a result of vitiation of all the doshas, including Rakta, Mamsa and Meda Dhatu. Of course, the most valuable insights are with regard to the Ayurvedic treatment of varicose veins using natural methods and herbal medicines.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Varicose Veins

Increase Physical Activity

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As a circulatory disorder, the condition was more common in courtiers and others who spent extended periods standing or inactive. Ayurvedic physicians recognized this and understood that regular exercise can improve circulation, aiding blood flow from the legs and it can also lower blood pressure, which otherwise exacerbates varicose veins. Low impact exercises that are gentle on the legs and calf muscles are ideal and can include yoga, as well as activities like swimming, walking, or cycling. 

Diet Therapy

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Healthy digestion and nutrition are regarded as the foundation of good health in Ayurveda, so it’s no surprise that healthy eating is also regarded as important in the management of varicose veins. It is advisable to limit your intake of high sodium or salty foods as they can cause water retention and increase blood pressure, making varicose veins symptoms worse. Instead, your diet should focus on whole foods, especially foods with high potassium and fibre content, such as fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. 

Massage Therapy

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Abhyanga or massage therapy is regarded as one of the most effective ways to relieve varicose veins and is usually administered with Ayurvedic massage oils containing herbs such as Nirgundi. The practice has been shown to help lower blood pressure in some patients, which can help manage the condition, as high blood pressure in the veins can contribute to varicose veins.  

Ayurvedic Herbs and Medicines

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Herbs play an important role in the Ayurvedic treatment of varicose veins and the most notable herb in this regard is Gotu Kola. Research suggests that supplementation with the herb can help to strengthen weak veins and it can also relieve venous insufficiency. Similarly, herbs like Guduchi and Manjistha are also known to help provide relief from varicose veins symptoms and are commonly used in Ayurvedic medications to improve circulation and treat varicose veins. 

In addition to the home treatments and remedies for varicose veins listed here, it is also advisable to make lifestyle changes that will help reduce pressure on the legs. Some such practices can include sitting with the legs elevated, maintaining healthy body weight, spending less time standing for long periods and staying active not just with exercise. If you still have trouble finding relief from varicose veins, seek help from an Ayurvedic physician as treatments like Basti Karma – a medicated herbal enema, are also proven to be effective even when dealing with complications like venous ulcers (4)


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