Coconut Milk: Nutrition, Benefits, Uses & How to Make

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coconut milk - livayur

Coconut Milk is a thick, white liquid obtained from comminuted coconut pulp. [1] It is a traditional ingredient for food in Southeast Asian, South Asian, East African, and Caribbean cuisines. When the scraped coconut endosperm (Kernel) is processed through specific steps, the aqueous extract we get is coconut milk. [2] The richness and creamy texture of coconut milk comes from its high oil or fat content. Coconut milk can be extracted both domestically and commercially. [2] In the case of domestic extraction, warm water is used, while water may or may not be used for commercial extraction. Also, commercial extraction is, in most cases, done mechanically. There are three many types of coconut milk: Thick coconut milk, thin coconut milk & coconut skimmed milk.

  • Thick coconut milk: It is rich, thick, and creamy in texture and has the highest fat content. It is also called coconut cream.
  • Thin coconut milk: This is comparatively thinner in consistency and contains nearly 20% fat.
  • Coconut skimmed milk: This type contains only traces of fat.

Coconut Milk Nutrition Facts

Coconut milk has high protein content. The major types of proteins present in coconut milk are glutein, globulin, prolamin, and albumin. [1] Medium-chain fatty acids, lipid carbohydrates, and phenolic substances in coconut milk [2] further add to its nutritional value.
Several minerals and vitamins too are found in coconut milk. Here is a detailed listicle presenting the coconut milk nutrition facts:

One cup of coconut milk contains 552 Calories, 5 grams of quality protein, 5 grams of fiber, 57 grams of fat, 13 grams of carbs, 11% of Vitamin C, 32% of Copper, 22% of Iron, 10% of Folate, 18% of Potassium, 110% of Manganese, 21% of Selenium, and 22% of Magnesium.

Coconut Milk Qualities & Attributes

According to Ayurveda, the creamy white milk oozing out of the white coconut flesh has the following attributes:

Guna (Qualities)

  • Sthira (stable)
  • Snigdha (oily)
  • Sheeta (coolant)
  • Manda (thick)
  • Guru (heavy)

Rasa (taste)

Madhura (sweet)

Veerya (power or potency)

Sheeta (cold)

Effect on Doshas

In the ancient Ayurvedic healing system, coconut milk is advised to people with an imbalanced Vata. An aggravated Vata can make your skin and hair dry and parched. By applying and drinking coconut milk, you can rectify the imbalanced Vata. Also, as per the doctrines of Ayurveda, coconut milk can cool down an agitated pitta.

Therapeutic attributes

  • Brimhana (nutritive)
  • Vrishya (aphrodisiac)
  • Balya (tonic)
  • Rasa-mamsa/Majja vardhaka (muscle strengthening)

Coconut Milk Benefits

coconut milk benefits
Coconut milk can benefit your health in the following ways:

Lowers Cholesterol

Coconut milk is rich in soluble fibers and that makes it a good lipid-lowering agent. [3] It can reduce the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and increase the good cholesterol (HDL) levels. [2]

Fights Oxidative Damage

Phenolic compounds in Coconut milk can protect your organs from oxidative damage and thus protect you from many life-threatening conditions. [2]

Treats Gastric Ulcers

Coconut milk is an effective remedy for gastric or peptic ulcers. By drinking coconut milk you can maintain the health & integrity of your gastric mucosa. [4]

Is antimicrobial in nature

Lauric acid in Coconut milk can destroy virus and bacteria and is therefore, an effective remedy for infections. [5]

Coconut Milk Uses

The main coconut milk uses include:

Culinary application:
Coconut milk can be used to flavor your savory vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. [2] It can add richness, aroma, and texture to food items such as soups, stews, baked goodies, smoothies, milkshakes, ice creams, porridges, and beverages like tea and coffee.

As hair wash:
There are several Coconut Milk benefits for hair. It conditions your scalp and hair thoroughly. [7] It also boosts hair growth and treats scalp-related issues like dandruff.

As skin moisturizer:
There are plenty of Coconut milk benefits for skin. Coconut Milk may be applied to the skin as a natural moisturizer. It softens skin texture, removes scars & blemishes [6], and treats inflammatory skin conditions like acne.

As a therapeutic agent:
Coconut milk may be used as an immediate energy booster for fatigued people. It can also serve as a nutritional health drink for growing kids and as an aphrodisiac drink for both men and women.


  • How to make coconut milk?

coconut milk how to make

Wish to know coconut milk how to make?
Step 1: To prepare coconut milk, the mature coconut fruit must first be de-shelled, pared down, and fragmented. [8]
Step 2: The next step is to scrape the white meat inside the fruit.
Step 3: Next, add lukewarm water to the ground, shredded coconut meat, and run the blender to get a thick and smooth puree.
Step 4: Then strain the puree through cheesecloth.
Step 5: Squeeze out the liquid part from the solid residue, which must be discarded later.
The creamy white liquid that you get is your coconut milk!

  • Is coconut milk the same as regular Cow’s milk?

No, it is entirely different from Cow’s milk. Cow milk is a dairy product derived from an animal, a cow, whereas coconut milk is non-dairy, plant-based milk. Coconut milk has fewer calories and proteins compared to cow milk. Coconut milk, unlike cow milk, is lactose-free. Coconut milk has a floral flavor which is missing in cow milk.

  • What is the best coconut milk recipe for Indian desserts?

Coconut milk is naturally sweet, thick, and luxurious. During the Indian festivals, desserts are prepared in every home. This coconut milk pudding recipe will steal your heart!

Ingredients needed:
✓ Coconut Milk
✓ Half cup sugar
✓ 5 tbsp corn flour

How to prepare?
Step 1: Add sugar to coconut milk and place the vessel in the gas oven.
Step 2: Add corn flour and keep stirring continuously to avoid lumps.
Step 3: Once the mixture thickens, please turn the flame off and let it cool down.
Step 4: Grease a bowl with ghee and pour in the mixture
Step 5: Garnish with chopped pista and saffron strands
Step 6: Refrigerate it
Step 7: Take it out after 8-9 hours
Your delicious coconut milk pudding is ready for serving


Coconut milk is a nutrient-rich non-dairy milk type. It is a fond choice for lactose-intolerant people looking for vegan and versatile milk options. Like any other coconut-based product, it may provide you with health benefits. Coconut milk can flavor your desserts and stews and add richness and texture to dishes. Add coconut milk to your everyday life and experience its unmatched richness.

Disclaimer: The content provided by this article is solely for informational purposes and is not professional medical advice. If you wish to use coconut milk to cure any ailment, consult a doctor first.


  1. Coconut Milk
  2. Antioxidant and Nutritional Properties of Domestic and Commercial Coconut Milk Preparations
  3. Impact of a Traditional Dietary Supplement with Coconut Milk and Soya Milk on the Lipid Profile in Normal Free Living Subjects
  4. Gastroprotective and mucosa homeostatic activities of coconut milk and water on experimentally induced gastropathies in male wistar rats
  5. Lauric acid inhibits the maturation of vesicular stomatitis virus
  6. Coconut Milk as an Alternative of Cosmetic Material for Thinning Hyperpigmentation on the Face Skin
  7. Coconut Milk As An Alternative Hair Conditioner
  8. Production of coconut milk: A sustainable alternative plant-based milk
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Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.