Haldi Doodh: The Magic Potion For Good Health

Haldi Doodh For Good Health

हल्दी दुग्धेन संयुक्ता, शुभतायाः कलशं ।

त्वचां कान्तिं वर्धयन्ती, आरोग्यं ददाति च ॥

If you have grown up in India, there is a high chance that you were given Haldi Doodh or turmeric milk whenever you felt sick. Even if you are not from India but have heard about Ayurveda, turmeric milk must have popped into your conversation. 

Haldi doodh, or turmeric milk, is probably the most popular Ayurvedic remedy. Also known as golden milk, it is for all practical purposes a superfood. It is used to treat numerous diseases and disorders, owing to the antioxidants and phenolic compounds found in Haldi or turmeric

Sometimes, ginger is also added to turmeric milk, further enhancing its effectiveness in fighting inflammation, joint pain, and common infections.

Let’s have a closer look at the benefits of turmeric milk and the steps to make it in this article.

The Many Benefits of Haldi Doodh

  • The key component of Turmeric is loaded with antioxidants, they’re essential to the functioning of your cells.
  • Reduce Inflammation and joint pain while ginger, cardamom, and all other ingredients have potent anti-inflammatory properties. 
  • Curcumin is a substance in turmeric that may increase levels of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Low levels of BDNF may be linked to disorders like Alzheimer’s disease. Ginger boosts brain function by improving reaction time and memory.
  • The effects may reduce joint pain and osteoarthritis. Haldi Doodh, meaning Turmeric Milk, is perfect for balancing all doshas in the body. 
  • A warm glass of this time-tested drink before going to bed can help you boost immunity and ensure faster recovery from cough and cold.

Let’s Have a Look at How to Make Haldi Doodh

Ingredients Needed

-1/4 teaspoon ground turmeric, or to taste

-1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom

-1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper

-1 pinch of ground ginger

-1 pinch of ground cloves

-1 pinch ground allspice

-1 cup milk

-3/4 teaspoon honey, or to taste

-1/8 teaspoon vanilla extract

How to make medicated milk


Step No. 1

  • Whisk turmeric, cardamom, black pepper, ginger, cloves, and allspice together in a small bowl.

Step No. 2

  • Heat milk in a small saucepan over medium heat until heated through, 3 to 4 minutes.
  • Stir honey and vanilla extract into the milk until completely dissolved.
  • Whisk 1 teaspoon turmeric mixture into milk mixture; reduce heat to medium-low and cook until flavours blend, 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Pour mixture through a strainer.

What is the Best Time to Drink Haldi Doodh?

In modern times, almost everyone’s sleep schedule seems to go for a toss at some point in their lives. Inadequate rest and sleep at the end of the day may not seem that big of an ordeal, but in the long term, it has detrimental effects. Thus, the best time to drink Haldi Doodh is at night since it helps to promote better sleep.


Haldi doodh is one of the simplest and most inexpensive health drinks that you can prepare at home. If you are health and fitness conscious, this drink would make the perfect addition to your regular diet. As low-grade or chronic inflammation has become a widespread problem due to obesity and stress, all of us can benefit from the anti-inflammatory effects of turmeric. Speaking of turmeric, keep in mind that this is the primary ingredient and all others like ginger and cinnamon are optional. Haldi doodh takes its name from haldi and so if you are strapped for time or running low on other ingredients haldi and milk are all that you need.


Can you lose weight by drinking Haldi Doodh?

Yes, you can lose weight by drinking Haldi Doodh, provided you are also on a calorie-restricted diet. Haldi Doodh can do wonders for your health. 

How many times a day can you drink Haldi Doodh?

The optimal way to enjoy the advantages of Haldi Doodh is to drink it once a day. If taken twice or three times, the benefits of curcumin may be outweighed by the excess of it.

Can you take Haldi Doodh at night?

Nighttime is the perfect time to enjoy the benefits of Haldi Doodh. It is rich, creamy, delicious, and packed with the nutrients that help support a restful sleep.

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Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.



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