Take a Break From Stress With Meditation

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The hectic modern lifestyle that we follow today is one of the main reasons for stress. There’s so much pressure on everyone, everybody is stressed, but in a different way.

Stress is commonly defined as a feeling of trouble or a feeling of threat by life or for life. The reasons for stress and anxiety can be many or can be one. Some common reasons include chronic illness, disruptive family, no education, violence in the community, financial burdens, problems in a relationship, or uncertainty about the future.

Physical symptoms of stress include headaches, back pain, body stiffness, tight muscles, upset stomach, heavy chest, lack of appetite. Behavioural symptoms of the condition include frequent anger issues, not being able to sit still, difficulty in sleeping, worrisome attitude, breakdowns, etc.

Today, there is no escape from stress, but it can be reduced and managed well without it negatively impacting your life.

One such tried and tested way of reducing stress is meditation. Here’s how meditation can help you deal with stress.

How to Manage Stress with Meditation?

Meditation is being practised for centuries. It is a state of mind when you have left all your jumbled thoughts aside and have started focusing on the deep state of relaxation and a tranquil mind. You focus on your attention.

It gives a sense of calmness, peace and completeness which benefits both emotional well-being and overall health.

Meditation is not restrictive till here. If you want to go deeper, you can adhere to the power of meditation.

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Benefits of Meditation

  • Find a new profound meaning for life
  • Deeper understanding of everything around you
  • Self-awareness
  • Increased consciousness and attentiveness
  • Increase in observation
  • Reduction of negative emotions
  • Increase in patience and tolerance
  • Deduction in anger
  • Enhanced creativity
  • Escalated intuition power
  • Developed will power
  • Stress relief

Meditation also helps in other illnesses such as cancer, asthma, chronic pain, sleep issues, anxiety, headaches due to tension, depression, heart problems and more.

How to Meditate? 

  • Sit cross-legged, comfortably on a floor in a quiet place and in conformable clothes
  • Close your eyes
  • Take long, deep breathes, focus on the breaths
  • Give attention to your attention


Your half-hour of everyday can give you a stress-free life every day. Managing and eliminating the stress element from life is crucial and if not now, then stress problem in life will become grim. The answer to this problem and most of the problems of life is meditation. It helps you calm down and not think, because it is not always important to stress your mind. With meditation, you can achieve ultimate serenity.

This article is reviewed by Suchitra Marwah

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Dr. Ashwini Konnur

Dr. Ashwini has 17 years of experience in Clinical Practice, Research & Education in the field of Ayurveda with competency in acute & chronic conditions & lifestyle diseases. She has also expertise in treating Female Infertility disorders, other Gynecological Problems & General disorders along with specialised focus in Ayurvedic detoxification therapies, Panchakarma & other Ayurvedic treatments



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