Cure Hypertension with Sarpagandha


The current lifestyle is becoming more stressful day by day. Stress and anxiety have become common problems, leading to many diseases and disorders in the body. One of the major problems caused by stress and anxiety is hypertension or high blood pressure. Hypertension is a chronic disease that can lead to the development of many other severe diseases in the body such as cardiovascular diseases (CVD), kidney diseases, etc. The risk of getting a heart attack or a stroke elevates with high blood pressure levels. Therefore, recognising symptoms of hypertension and curing it is extremely essential. 

Ayurveda talks about many herbs that can aid in the treatment of hypertension. However, the most effective herb found in the ancient text is Sarpagandha. Sarpagandha is a small medicinal shrub that can be found in tropical and subtropical regions of many Asian countries such as India, China, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, etc. Also known as Indian snakeroot or Rauwolfia serpentina, it is widely used in making drugs for hypertension. 

How Does Sarpagandha Help Manage Hypertension?

Sarpagandha Acts as a Vasodilator

Sarpagandha is one of the best natural vasodilators. It helps in dilating the blood vessels by effectively widening them. This leads to a smooth flow of the blood and consequently lowers the levels of blood pressure in the body. 

Sarpagandha Contains Reserpine

Reserpine is an alkaloid that is mainly found in the roots of Sarpagandha. It is known to interact with the neurons in the central nervous system to reduce heartbeat and blood pressure levels in the body. The antihypertensive properties of Sarpagandha are mainly due to the presence of reserpine.  

Sarpagandha Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Sarpagandha is also known to effectively reduce stress and anxiety, owing to the presence of reserpine in it. This is the major reason for using Sarpagandha in managing hypertension as most of the times, hypertension is caused due to stress.

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Other Uses of Sarpagandha

Ayurveda elaborates many benefits and uses of Sarpagandha. Not only does it help in curing hypertension and anxiety, but also helps in the treatment of insomnia, constipation and fever. Sarpagandha can also be effective for curing insect bites, malaria, snake bite, stomach pain, etc. With numerous uses of this herb, it is one of the most widely used Ayurveda herbs in the world. However, the most prominent use of Rauwolfia Serpentina remains to be the treatment of hypertension.   

How to Take Sarpagandha? 

Sarpagandha is extremely effective in curing hypertension, but it comes with its own set of complications. It can interact with other medications and cause problems. Therefore, it must be taken only after consulting an Ayurveda doctor. This herb is easily available in the form of tablets but should only be taken if prescribed. 

How to Prevent Hypertension Naturally?

Sarpagandha can aid in the treatment of hypertension, but it must be accompanied by lifestyle modifications for effective results. Moreover, hypertension may lead to many other health disorders in the body, therefore, you must try to prevent it at any cost. These lifestyle changes help us in reducing the risk of getting high blood pressure levels. 

  • Stress and anxiety are the major reasons behind hypertension. Therefore, you must try to relieve yourself from stress using relaxing techniques such as meditation, Yoga and Pranayama. By reducing anxiety, you can also reduce the chances of hypertension.
  • Lose excess weight. Obesity is another major cause of high blood pressure. Be physically active and exercise daily to reduce excess weight in the body.
  • Ayurveda believes that Ahara can effectively combat and prevent any disease. Therefore, eat a balanced diet. Include more fruits, vegetables and whole grains in your diet to prevent hypertension. 
  • Smoking hardens blood vessels. Hence, quit smoking and also reduce your alcohol consumption. Alcohol significantly raises blood pressure levels.


According to Ayurveda, Sarpagandha is an effective herb in combating hypertension. The presence of reserpine in Sarpagandha aids in the treatment of high blood pressure levels. It is also one of the best vasodilators and effectively reduces anxiety and stress in the body. However, you must consult an Ayurvedic doctor before taking this drug. Hypertension is an extremely devastating disease in the body, therefore effective treatment is extremely important. The best part of using Sarpagandha is that you are taking a natural and holistic approach to cure hypertension.

This article is reviewed by Dr. Jyoti Lakhani

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Dr. Jyoti Lakhani

Dr. Jyoti has 15 years of experience in Clinical Practice, Research & Education in the field of Ayurveda with competency in acute & chronic conditions like Arthritis, Spondylitis, Osteoporosis, Sciatica etc. She has also expertise in treating Female Infertility disorders, other Gynecological Problems & General disorders.



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