10 Best Home Remedies for Itchy Eyes

Reviewed By Experts

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Have your eyes itched ever? If yes, you will understand what it means to have itchy eyes. Itchy eyes are a troublesome condition in which your eyes start itching, forcing you to rub your eyes now and then. Initially, it will be like slow-building itchiness, but gradually the itchiness picks up pace, worsens, and makes life miserable. Pruritus is the medical term used to describe the condition of itchy eyes. [1]. This article will introduce you to the various remedies for itchy eyes to try at home. Read on:

What are the Causes of Itchy Eyes 

Reasons for itchy eyes may be categorized into two broad categories: ophthalmologic conditions and dermatologic conditions. [1]

To answer the question ‘Why are my eyes itchy,’ you need to run a glance at the table given below:

Ophthalmologic ConditionsDermatologic Conditions
Dry eyes syndrome [1]Atopic dermatitis [1]
Blepharitis [1]Allergic contact dermatitis [1]
Ocular surface disease [2]Irritant contact dermatitis [1]
Mechanical lid anomalies [2]
Meibomian gland dysfunction
Infectious conjunctivitis
Giant papillary conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis

Apart from the above-mentioned reasons, there are other causes or triggers of itchy eyes. Therefore, to answer the question, of what causes itchy eyes, we’ll list out the possible triggers:

  1. Eye strain
  2. Contact lens
  3. Medications like prostaglandin analogs, antibiotics [1], birth control pills, antidepressants, beta-blockers, antihistamines, analgesics
  4. Exposure to smoke and dry air
  5. Incomplete eye closing
  6. Computer use
  7. Menopause

What are the Symptoms of itchy eyes

Some of the most common itchy eye symptoms are as follows:

  1. Eye pain
  2. Watering of eyes
  3. Redness of eyes
  4. Swollen eyes [11]
  5. Sticky discharge from the eyes
  6. Burning sensation in the eyes
  7. Puffy eyes
  8. Sensitivity to light [11]
  9. Gritty feeling in the eyes

10 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Itchy Eyes

1. Try a cold compress

A cold compress may be applied to the eyes to soothe pain, irritation, and itchiness. A cold compress can reduce the tendency to rub the eyes again and again. You can use an ice pack or a washcloth soaked in cold water to apply the compress. [3]

2. Use honey as an eyedrop

Eyes red and itchy? Honey can destroy germs and microbes, causing eye infections, redness, tearing, over-secretion of mucus, eye pain, and itchiness. The anti-inflammatory properties of honey make it an ideal natural eye drop for itchiness in the eyes. [4]

If you want to learn more about honey, read our related article on – 10 Amazing Benefits of Honey for Hair and Skin

3. Use sandalwood as a cure

The cooling and anti-inflammatory properties of sandalwood can bring relief from eye itchiness. A decoction made out of sandalwood can be used as natural eye wash twice or thrice a day.

4. Apply the magic paste of Hogweed

Make a smooth paste out of the leaves of Hogweed (Punarnava) and apply it topically on the closed eyes. Its cooling impact brings relief from irritation and itchiness. The juice of the leaves may also be used as natural eyewash. [6]

5. Treat with coconut oil

Coconut oil can soothe itchy eyes. It is a great remedy for eye rewetting as it collects over the physiological tear film levels and acts as a top shield.

Read our related article on – 20 Surprising Benefits of Coconut Milk for Hair, Skin & Health

6. Try frequent eyewashes

Using homemade saline eyewashes frequently is the simplest itchy eyes home remedy. Salt in the water can destroy eye infections and also clean your eyes of excessive sticky mucus. [5]

7. Heal with Clitoria leaves

Clitoria (Aparajita) flowers may be used in the form of a paste over your closed eyes. The anti-inflammatory properties of these flowers can relieve eye soreness and itchiness.

8. Use juiced radish greens

Radish (Muli) greens may be used to make juice, and by consuming that juice, one can get relief from eye soreness and itchiness. The juice can also make one of the best eye drops for itchy eyes.

9. Use nutritional human milk

Using human milk for itchy eyes is a practice in many cultures. This itchy eyes home remedy is used mainly for infants as a first-line itchy eyes home treatment. [7]

10. Use Castor oil to alleviate the itch

Castor oil is one of the best eye drops for itchy eyes. Castor oil is an effective natural plant-derived oil that can lubricate your eyes. The ricinoleic acid present in Castor oil can relieve eye itchiness caused due to dry eyes syndrome and Blepharitis. That compound can treat the deficiency of tear film lipids. [8]

Want to know more about castor oil? Read our related articles on castor oil
1. Top 12 Surprising Benefits for Castor Oil for Hair & Skin

2. Castor Oil Benefits for Joint Health

Did you know?

Though itchy eyes push you to rub your eyes continuously, it can do more harm than good. Rubbing of the eyes may aggravate the itchiness and worsen the status of the infection.

Do these home remedies have side effects?

Most of the remedies for itchy eyes mentioned above are safe. However, research on this matter is limited. However, some of the above ingredients may produce a mild burning sensation and temporary blurry vision. People with complicated eye issues like glaucoma or cataracts, or those wearing contact lenses must avoid using these home remedies without consulting a doctor. Also, it is recommended for anyone enthusiastic about trying out these remedies for itchy eyes to talk to their doctor before using them.

When to seek medical help for itchy eyes?

You shouldn’t delay to visit a doctor in case of the following occurrences:

  1. If itchy eyes problem does not subside within a few days
  2. If the itchiness of the eyes worsens with time
  3. If your vision starts weakening
  4. If there is severe eye pain
  5. If you develop an eye infection
  6. If you have a feeling that something is lodged in the eyes
  7. If you see the halo around the lights
  8. If you feel a kind of eye strain while opening your eyes


1. Do itchy eyes heal?

In most cases, itchy eyes do not stay long and might even heal without treatment, remedies, or medications. To be on the safe side, you must consult a doctor if you feel something is stuck in your eyes.

2. What does Ayurveda say about the issue of itchy eyes?

According to Ayurveda, all three doshas, i.e., Kapha, Pitta, and Vata, take part in an allergic reaction affecting the eye. Allergy is a generalized body response whose result is seen in the eyes. Hence, generalized remedial modalities help calm down the overall response of your immune system. 
Treating eye itchiness through Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies free from harmful side effects can relieve you. Kandu (itching) is often associated with other issues like Sangharsha (foreign body sensation), Toda (Pricking pain), Achchasruta (watering), Alpa Dushika (discharge), and Parushya (dryness). 
As a remedial measure, one can use the following curative ingredients: Mahatriphaladya Ghrita, Haridrakhand, Rasayanadi Yoga as the internal healing potion and the Shigruharidradi eye drop, Bilvadi Ashchyotana, and the Triphala Ashchyotana. By applying these curative measures, you can get relief from itchy eyes. [9]

3. Are itchy eyes a serious problem?

No, an itchy eye problem is not a serious problem. Seasonal allergies can trigger itchy eyes. If the problem lingers and does not subside on its own, you can opt for the Ayurvedic Netradhara itchy eyes treatment to get quick relief. To offer the therapy, the therapist will tell you to lie down flat on your back. You’ll be asked to close your eyes initially while the therapist pours herbal decoction over your eyes. You’ll be asked to blink several times when the procedure is being carried out. That way, the decoction enters your eyes and flushes out all dirt, germs, and impurities from your eyes, giving you a crystal-clear vision.

4. In which season does the itchy eyes issue become most common?

The spring season when the weather turns warm suddenly, the problem of itchy eyes becomes widespread.

5. Which is the simplest home remedy for itchy eyes?

Washing the eyes several times with cool water is the simplest itchy eyes home remedy.

6. Can rose water help you get relief from itchy eyes?

The fragrant rose water comes with a cooling effect on the eyes, and can relieve itchiness. But you cannot use the Rosewater used for cosmetic purposes to treat your itchy eyes. The Rose water meant for the eyes is specially formulated and medicated. [10]


Itchy eyes are a bothersome situation. The problem can negatively affect the quality of your life. Apart from OTC medicine for itchy eyes and itchy eyes treatment from an ophthalmologist, you can also try the simple home remedies for itchy eyes mentioned in this article. If the remedies for itchy eyes do not work even after trying for 2-3 days, you must see a doctor.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. The prevalence and characteristics of chronic ocular itch: a cross-sectional survey
  2. Itchy eyes case study
  3. An RCT to Assess the Effectiveness of Cold Compress on Relieving Symptoms of Allergic Conjunctivitis amongst Indian Children
  4. A Double Blind Clinical Trial on the Efficacy of Honey Drop in Vernal Keratoconjunctivitis
  5. Efficacy of a saline rinse of the ocular surface immediately upon awakening: a novel therapeutic approach for dry eye disease
  6. Ophthalmic uses of Boerhaavia Diffusa L. (Punarnava): Review
  7. Efficacy and safety of breast milk eye drops in infants with eye discharge
  8. Therapeutic potential of castor oil in managing blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction and dry eye
  10. Herbal drugs used in treatment of cataract
  11. What Are Eye Allergies?

Dr. Jyoti Lakhani

Dr. Jyoti has 15 years of experience in Clinical Practice, Research & Education in the field of Ayurveda with competency in acute & chronic conditions like Arthritis, Spondylitis, Osteoporosis, Sciatica etc. She has also expertise in treating Female Infertility disorders, other Gynecological Problems & General disorders.

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