What is Average Penis Size in India?

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Do you have a normal size? No, we aren’t referring to your cloth size. As an adult man leading a sexually active life, we are talking about penile length. How many times did you ask yourself- is your penis size normal? Perhaps you have also wanted to know what is average penis size in India.

Many individuals experience a lot of stress and anxiety about their penile length. Is it big enough? Is my penis small? Am I capable of satisfying my partner sexually? These are some questions that keep on hovering over your mind while hampering your self-image and self-confidence. However, such fears are often baseless. 

Penis sizes may vary in length between 5.1–5.5 in (12.9–13.97 cm). On average, these results may vary but it is most likely to be on the smaller end. 

Read on to know what is average penis size in India in detail. 

What is the Average of a Penis in India?

Women and men alike have been eager to learn what is average penis size in India. They must know that there exists a slight deviation between what men consider normal and what is the actual size. 

The majority of persons with male genitalia think that an erect penis typically measures at least 15.24 cm (6.0 inches). Men frequently put their sexual desirability on the size of their penis, and they often give false information to seem desirable to others. Other research indicates that penises typically measure these sizes:

  • Flaccid penis length: 9.16 cm (3.61 in)
  • Flaccid stretched penis length: 13.24 cm (5.21 in)
  • Erect penis length: 13.12 cm (5.17 in)
  • Flaccid penis girth: 9.31 cm (3.67 in)
  • Erect penis girth: 11.66 cm (4.59 in)

According to statistics, the majority of men have normal-sized penises, and more recent research indicates that men may not think their penis is as large as they actually are.

Does Penis Size Really Matter?

For many men, their penis size is a cause of concern. Many things can lead to the anxiety that arises when you believe that your shaft is smaller than the normal man’s and causes males to question if their tool is pleasing enough, from the irrational expectations established by adult film industries to simple bragging that men do in jest. The actual reality, though, is very different.

Even while the size of your penis depends on a number of physical reasons, the hype around it can negatively impact your sexual health, exacerbate body dysmorphic disorder symptoms in men of all ages, and distort your idea of what is average penis size in India.

What Determines Penis Size?  

Your penis size is primarily determined by genetics. Penis size is influenced by inherited factors, much like eye and skin colour. According to studies, height is another element that strongly predicts the size of a flaccid penis. Unsurprisingly, heredity also plays a role in determining what is average penis size in India.

Aside from these significant variables, the following minor variables may affect the size of your penis: 


Any hormonal problems that develop during pregnancy may have an impact on the fetus’s body, including the male child’s penis. This may occur, for instance, if the expecting woman generates insufficient amounts of the hormone human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), which is necessary for the foetus to develop testosterone. A disorder known as androgen insensitivity might potentially result in abnormalities in penis size if the foetus is unable to react to testosterone. 


Pregnancy-related malnutrition may impede the healthy growth of the foetal penis. Similar to this, teenagers who experience malnutrition throughout puberty may experience delayed puberty, which is linked to smaller penis and testicles.

Environmental Chemicals

Numerous substances found in the environment, including pesticides, plasticizers, fertilisers, and phthalates, can harm a foetus’s development of the penile organ. This occurs as a result of their endocrine-disrupting effects, which prevent the foetus from producing hormones.

Penis length is connected to several misconceptions. For instance, many think that behaviours of masturbating and foot size have an impact on penis size. Research, however, hasn’t turned up any proof of this.

Can You Increase Penis Size? 

Most advertised penis-enlargement methods don’t work. And some can cause permanent damage to your penis. So, you can try products infused with Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Shilajit, Safed Musli, etc. Here are some of the most widely promoted products and techniques:

  • Pills and lotions- Typically, the producers of these claim that the vitamins, minerals, herbs, or hormones they contain expand the penis. One should be cautious when consuming such products.
  • Vacuum pump- Used to treat erectile dysfunction, vacuum pumps suck blood into the penis, causing it to expand. A hoover pump has the ability to enlarge a penis momentarily. However, overusing or prolonging one might harm the penis’ elastic tissue, resulting in erections that are not as hard.
  • Exercises- These movements, also known as jelqing, involve moving your hands back and forth to force blood from the base to the top of your penis. There is no scientific evidence that this procedure works, even if it seems safer than alternative approaches. Moreover, it may result in discomfort, deformity, and scarring.
  • Stretching- Stretching is the process of applying light strain to the penis by fastening a stretcher or extender device, often known as a penile traction device.


Before you start fretting about whether your natural anatomy measures up or is appealing to potential sexual partners, it’s crucial to recognize that comparing yourself to others serves no purpose. As long as your anatomy is functioning effectively, there’s no need to dwell on such minor details.

Size is not a determining factor, and anxieties about the adequacy or size of your penis might be self-imposed concerns. Regardless of your size, your penis possesses the ability to provide pleasure and satisfaction to your partner. The key to a fulfilling sexual experience lies not in the size of your anatomy but in the techniques, movements, and positions employed during intimate moments.


Q1. Is the reported average penis size smaller for Indian guys compared to Western countries?  

Yes, studies show the average Indian penis size is a bit smaller at around 5-6 inches erect. This likely results from ethnic differences in hormones, height and genetics.

Q2. Do things like masturbation or diet during puberty affect what my adult penis size becomes?

No, activities like masturbation have no true impact on final size. Your genes and maternal health in the womb largely shape anatomy. Proper childhood nutrition ensures you reach your genetic potential. 

Q3. Are penis enlargement pills or devices sold online safe if I want a longer penis?

Use extreme caution with enlargement products, especially those peddled online. While some Ayurvedic remedies show minor promise, many “guaranteed solutions” risk damage. Acceptance of your natural size is healthier.

Q4. Is a shorter penis still able to satisfy women sexually and achieve reproduction?

Yes, for most females, intimacy derives from foreplay, touching erogenous zones, and emotional connection – not just size during penetration.

Q5. Do taller men necessarily have correspondingly bigger penises?

No correlation. A big muscular dude could have a smaller penis than a shorter, scrawnier guy or vice versa. Height/weight relates to factors separate from the hormones driving penis growth during puberty.


Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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