Explore the Medicinal Uses of the Ayurvedic Herb Piper Cubeba

Piper Cubeba Benefits

Kabab Chini is a type of perennial flowering vine belonging to the Piperaceae family and is extensively know by its scientific name: Piper Cubeba. It is also commonly known as Java Pepper, Tailed Pepper and Kababcheeni. It offers a wide array of healthful properties. This herb is indigenous to Indonesia’s Java and Sumatra islands, resulting in the name Java Pepper. It is also extensively cultivated in Malaysia and India, where it is used as an important herb in the ancient medicine system – Ayurveda.

More About Piper Cubeba

Piper Cubeba is primarily cultivated for its fruit as well as essential oils. Ripe cubeb berries bear a close resemblance to black pepper and the dried, unripe fruit is extensively used for its medicinal properties. In Hindi, the herb is known as Sheetalchini because it imparts a cooling sensation when placed on the tongue.

Piper Cubeba is widely used in Asian cooking, which imparts the aroma and fragrance of a wide combination of spices such as cardamom, cinnamon, clove and nutmeg. In addition, it is used to enhance the flavour of both spicy and sweet dishes. The powerful therapeutic characteristics of Kabab Chini ensure that the herb is extremely valuable in traditional medicine to treat several diseases and maladies. This efficacious herb is known to boost immunity, keep infections at bay, stimulate digestion and fortify bones.

In India, Piper Cubeba is known as Chinikabab (Gujarati), Kankol (Marathi), Val milagu (Tamil), Valmulaku (Malayalam), and Toka Miriyalu (Telugu) and Kabab Chini or Sheetalchini in Hindi.

Bioactive Compounds in Piper Cubeba

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Piper Cubeba has a host of bioactive compounds that exhibits powerful pharmacological properties, including anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, anti-asthmatic, anthelmintic, antiseptic, aromatic, cardiotonic, carminative, rejuvenating, thermogenic and anaesthetic characteristics. It serves as an excellent appetiser, astringent and diuretic. These properties help in the treatment of diseases such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, dysentery, enteritis, syphilis, gonorrhoea, asthma and urogenital diseases.

Myriad Medicinal Uses of Piper Cubeba

Promotes Optimum Digestion

Piper Cubeba has amazing potential when it comes to enhancing the process of digestion. Its strong digestive traits kindle the fire of digestion and support optimum absorption and assimilation of nutrients from the food. Moreover, this herb also offers phenomenal respite from bloating, indigestion, flatulence, gas formation and several other gastrointestinal problems.

Helps Combat Respiratory Problems

This herb helps in the dilation of bronchi and bronchioles, which results in optimising airflow to the lungs. Further, it also helps to clear mucus because of its bronchodilator and antitussive properties. Daily consumption of supplements of Piper Cubeba helps in clearing congestion and irritation in the nasal passage and throat, making it highly beneficial in combating respiratory problems.

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Serves as a Powerful Anti-inflammatory Agent

This herb has strong anti-inflammatory properties that work extremely well in easing pain, swelling and inflammation. The paste that is derived from this plant’s dried fruits offers excellent relief from mouth ulcers as well as inflammation of the gums.

Boosts Sexual Health

Piper cubeba is tremendously valued as an excellent aphrodisiac herb in the science of Ayurveda. It is known to improve libido as well as fertility in men. It also stimulates the production of testosterone, which improves stamina and virility in men. In addition to these, consuming the powder obtained from the plant along with milk is known to augment flow of blood to the reproductive organs. It is also proven to be effective in treating erectile dysfunction.

Offers Relief from Urinary Problems

Piper Cubeba offers relief from diverse urinary problems such as burning sensation during urination, urinary incontinence and painful urination. It serves as an excellent diuretic and helps treat dysuria. Piper Cubeba powder can be taken by infusing it with cow’s milk, which helps in treating prostate and bladder inflammation, urinary retention and infections of the ureter. Overall, it stimulates proper urination.

The Final Word:

Piper Cubeba or Kabab Chini is generally safe for most individuals when consumed in specified amounts by mouth. On some occasions, it may lead to headache in a few individuals. Piper Cubeba has been bestowed with powerful nourishing and therapeutic properties, making it a potent herb in enhancing overall health and wellbeing. The recommended dosage is ½ to 1 teaspoon of Piper Cubeba powder.


Dr. Shankar Rao

Dr. Rao has achieved great success in his career, with 5 research projects and 4 books to his credit, as well as a Monograph. In addition to receiving the Bharat Scout & Guide Award from the President of India, Dr Rao has also won the Young Scientist Award from S.V. University, Tirupati.

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