Sugarcane juice, a popular natural cooling beverage derived from pressing sugarcane stalks, a perennial true grass belonging to the genus Saccharum, has been enjoyed for centuries due to its refreshing taste and numerous health benefits. [1]
Ikshu or Madhu Sharkara is the Ayurvedic term for sugarcane, and it comes with the distinct attributes of Madhura Rasa (Sweet), Vrushya (Aphrodisiac), and Brimhana (strengthening and nourishing). Other characteristics of Sugarcane are Snigdha, Guru, and Sheeta Veerya. Similar to pineapple juice, the fresh juice extracted from sugarcane is also a Vata-Pitta shamaka [2] In this article, we will delve into 20 incredible sugarcane juice benefits.
But first, let’s take a look at the nutritional value of sugarcane juice.
Nutritional value of sugarcane juice [3]
Popular in India and many other sugarcane-growing nations, sugarcane juice is a non-alcoholic energy drink that is best enjoyed during the warmest months of the year. It is one of the best natural coolants readily available in India.
Here’s what the nutrient composition of sugarcane juice looks like:
Nutrient | Percentage composition |
Water | 75-85% |
Sucrose | 10-21% |
Fibre | 10-15% |
Glucose & Fructose | 0.3-3% |
Sugarcane juice is super rich in phenolic acid, flavonoids, and different glycosides. This is why it has long been used as a nutritional drink in Ayurveda.
Some facts about sugarcane juice
- Regular use of sugarcane juice is recommended to keep the urinary flow clear and fast. It also helps keep kidneys healthy.
- Sugarcane juice or jaggery with dry ginger is taken to relieve hiccups.
- Since it is a natural coolant, it is useful for fatigue, thirst and burning sensations.
- Due to its high fibre content, it can also be used to treat constipation.
- It is also recommended for leprosy and intestinal troubles.
- It has Tridosha-hara properties as per Ayurveda.
Health Benefits of Sugarcane Juice
1. Has vata-hara properties:
According to Ayurveda, sugarcane juice is known to help pacify vitiated Vata Dosha and is also good for those having a Vata or a Pitta body type. [2]
Also read our blog on how to pacify vata dosha or pitta dosha
2. Offers nutrition:
Sugarcane juice offers santarpana and brumhana [2] and has a natural sugar content of approximately 15%, thus boasting exceptional rehydration properties and an immediate energy boost. It is also packed with essential minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. It is a potent source of vitamins including A, B-Vitamins, C, and E, all contributing to a holistic nutritional profile. With just 100 mL, one can find 39 sugarcane juice calories. [1]
3. Improves digestive health:
The presence of polyphenols in sugarcane juice and its sara quality helps to stimulate metabolism. The juice can also serve as a remedy to enhance digestion and address constipation due to its potassium content. By promoting the efficient operation of the digestive system, sugarcane juice aids in preventing stomach infections and contributes to overall gastrointestinal well-being. [1]
4. Allows for liver detoxification:
Sugarcane juice is believed to benefit liver health, as it plays a role in regulating bilirubin levels. The traditional medicine system suggests that consuming significant quantities of sugarcane juice can offer rapid relief from jaundice symptoms. [1]
5. Has anti-oxidant properties:
Sugarcane juice contains antioxidants that are capable of interrupting the cascade of free radicals, preventing harm to essential molecules. Regular consumption of sugarcane juice can help lower the risk of diseases caused by the damaging free radicals. [1]
6. Boosts immune system:
The high content of vitamin C in sugarcane juice and its ojasya property contribute to a stronger immune system by enhancing the body’s ability to fight against different microbial infections, such as viral, bacterial, and protozoan. [1]
7. Aids skin health:
Alpha hydroxy acids play a significant role in combating acne, diminishing blemishes, thwarting signs of ageing, and maintaining skin hydration. Among these, glycolic acid is particularly potent and is naturally found in sugarcane. [1]
8. Aids weight loss:
To answer the question, is sugarcane juice good for weight loss? – Unlike refined sugars, the natural sugars in sugarcane juice have a lower glycemic index. This means they are absorbed more slowly, preventing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels and aiding in brimhana or weight management. [1]
9. Beneficial in pregnancy:
A glass of sugarcane juice infused with a hint of ginger can aid in alleviating the morning sickness experienced by pregnant women. For those grappling with this common discomfort, it is advisable to consume small, frequent amounts of sugarcane juice during pregnancy—more than twice a day—to find relief from morning sickness. [1]
10. Boosts Dental Health:
Among the other benefits of drinking sugarcane juice is its high mineral content, including calcium and phosphorus, which can help strengthen teeth, reduce the risk of cavities, and provide protection against tooth decay and bad breath. [1]
11. Improves kidney’s function:
Sugarcane juice has diuretic properties, and incorporating sugarcane juice into your routine supports healthy urinary flow by facilitating proper kidney function. [1]
12. Helps with urinary problems:
Sugarcane juice, when mixed with lime juice and coconut water, aids in mootrashodhana, which is the relief of searing pain that is frequently associated with pitta-derived urinary tract infections, STDs, kidney stones, and prostatitis. [1]
13. Treats febrile disorders:
These are often observed in infants and children and can give rise to elevated temperatures and subsequent protein loss, potentially leading to seizures. Sugarcane juice plays a vital role in recuperation by replenishing lost proteins and aiding in the recovery process. [1]
14. Has anti-cancer potential:
Enriched with notable levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese, regular consumption of sugarcane juice has been associated with potential cancer-fighting properties, particularly prostate and breast cancers. [1]
15. Regulates blood sugar levels:
To answer the question, is sugarcane juice good for diabetes? – Consuming sugarcane juice is advisable for individuals with diabetes. Its natural sugar content, characterized by a low glycemic index, helps regulate blood glucose levels, preventing sudden spikes in sugar levels for diabetic individuals. [1]
16. Works as an Aphrodisiac: [1]
The vrushya property of sugarcane juice helps improve vigor and acts as an aphrodisiac. [2]
17. Regulates respiratory health:
Some traditional medicinal practices use sugarcane juice in Balajeerakadi Kashaya, which has beneficial effects on respiratory health and the treatment of conditions like bronchial asthma, cough, and cold. [2]
18. Provides energy boost:
Sugarcane or Ikshu Maharasa, is capable of promoting body strength and alleviating general weakness. This makes it a great choice to replenish energy levels after a workout or during fatigue. [2]
19. Aids cardiovascular health:
The antioxidants in sugarcane juice help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, contributing to improved cardiovascular health and a minimized risk of heart disease. [1]
20. Has anti-Inflammatory effects:
Some compounds found in sugarcane juice exhibit anti-inflammatory properties, which can be beneficial for reducing inflammation and preventing chronic inflammatory conditions. [4]
How to consume sugarcane juice
Here’s how sugarcane juice should be prepared and consumed [3]:
- The cane is crushed using a roller crusher to obtain the juice, which can then be consumed with or without ice cubes.
- You can also add lime, ginger, mint and some more sugar to the mix, as per your dietary preferences.
- The sugarcane juice should mainly be consumed fresh, as the quality of the juice deteriorates during storage due to the presence of simple sugars.
Side Effects of sugarcane juice
There are no immediate side effects of sugarcane juice that are observed in a healthy individual. However, here are a few things to keep in mind while consuming sugarcane juice on a regular basis:
- Sugarcane juice should be consumed within 30 minutes of its extraction, if not stored in a refrigerator. The quality of the juice degrades with time after storing it. [3]
- In a few studies, the presence of carcinogenic compounds has been found in sugarcane juice. It isn’t certain, but the quality or variant of sugarcane might be a possible reason behind it. Hence, only purchase it from your trusted vendors or extract it at home. [5]
- Due to its high fat and sugar content, it isn’t recommended for people with diabetes or those struggling with obesity. Despite its anti-diabetic properties, it is best to consult a medical expert before including sugarcane juice in a diabetic patient’s diet regimen as the research has been mostly limited to type 2 diabetes mellitus. [6]
1. Does sugarcane juice assist with bone health?
Sugarcane juice contains calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are highly necessary for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Regular consumption can contribute to reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
2. How does sugarcane juice help with anaemia prevention?
The iron content in sugarcane juice can help prevent iron deficiency anaemia, a condition characterized by a dearth of red blood cells due to low iron levels.
3. What are the disadvantages of sugarcane juice?
Sugarcane juice should be consumed soon after extraction as it tends to oxidate after about 15 minutes. [1]
Sugarcane juice offers an array of impressive health benefits, ranging from hydration and digestion to immune support and cardiovascular health. However, it is important to consume it in moderation, as excessive consumption may have considerable side effects, especially in the long run. It is also crucial to choose fresh, natural sugarcane juice without added sugars or artificial additives for maximum health benefits. When consumed mindfully, with the proper knowledge of sugarcane juice’s benefits and disadvantages, it can be a delicious and healthy addition to your overall wellness journey.
This article is written from a health and wellness perspective only and is not a piece of medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.
- Potential Health Benefits of Sugarcane
- Review on Ikshu and its Vikaras
- Journal of Sugarcane Research (2017) 7 (1) : 01 – 10
- Phytochemical profile of sugarcane and its potential health aspects
- Phytochemical profile of sugarcane and its potential health aspects
- Preliminary study: the use of sugarcane juice to replace white sugar in an effort to overcome diabetes mellitus