Must-Know Benefits and Side Effects of Sesame Seeds

sesame seeds benefits

Also known as Til, sesame seeds are one of the most used Ayurvedic herbs. Without sesame seeds and oils, most Ayurvedic medicines will be nonexistent. Sesame offers numerous health benefits to the body and helps to cure several diseases. It is scientifically termed Sesamum indicum and is often called “the queen of oil seeds” in Ayurveda. 

Sesame Seeds in Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, sesame seeds have Tikta (bitter), Madhura (sweet) and Kashya (astringent) taste. They are rich in ten potent Gunas or qualities and exhibit Ushna or hot potency. Therefore, they help to correct digestive fire and reduce Ama from the body. Sesame seeds also help pacify Vata and Kapha Dosha in the body while slightly increasing the Pitta Dosha.  

Medicinal Properties of Sesame Seeds

  • Sesame seeds are one of the best sources of dietary fibres. They help to boost your digestive health and reduce the risk of heart health, cancer, etc.
  • They also supply high levels of plant proteins to your body, which is essential to build muscles, hormones, etc. 
  • Sesame seeds are abundantly rich in calcium. They help strengthen your bones and improve the health of your muscles, hormones, blood vessels, etc. 
  • They also help provide vitamin B to the body. Vitamin B is essential to convert food into energy. 
  • Highly rich in antioxidants, sesame seeds help to fight oxidative stress caused due to free radicals. 
  • They exhibit anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce chronic inflammation in the body.

Benefits of Sesame Seeds

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  • Lowers Cholesterol and Triglycerides Levels:

Sesame seeds have polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats that help to reduce the levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Therefore, Ayurveda highly recommends sesame to improve heart health

  • Regulates Blood Pressure Levels:

Rich in magnesium, vitamin E and other antioxidants, sesame seeds help to regulate blood pressure levels in the body and prevent heart diseases and strokes.

  • Aids in Diabetes Management:

Pioresinol, a compound found in sesame seeds, helps to control blood sugar levels in the body. Therefore, it is one of the best foods to include in your diet if you have diabetes. 

  • Boosts Immune System:

Sesame seeds are rich in zinc, selenium, iron, vitamin B6, vitamin E and other nutrients that are highly beneficial in boosting immunity in the body. 

  • Treats Arthritis:

The antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties of sesame seeds help reduce inflammation and oxidative damage in the body, thereby helping to treat arthritis.   

  • Supports Thyroid Health:

Selenium present in sesame seeds helps to stimulate the production of thyroid hormones in the body and improve overall thyroid health.

  • Helps in Menopause:

During menopause, the levels of estrogen drop in women. Sesame seeds contain phytoestrogens that help relieve symptoms of low estrogen in the body, such as hot flashes. In addition, sesame seeds also reduce the risk of getting breast cancer during menopause.  

  • Boosts Digestion:

Known as one of the best laxatives in Ayurveda, sesame seeds help boost digestion and cure gastrointestinal problems such as constipation.  

  • Improves Skin and Hair Health:

Rich in vitamin E, sesame seeds are also highly effective in improving skin and hair health.

  • Promotes Dental Health:

Ayurveda mentions the use of sesame seeds in removing dental plaque and treating toothaches. They are one of the best herbs to boost your dental health. 

How To Use Sesame Seeds?

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  • You can use sesame seeds while cooking your food. You can also make candies and desserts from sesame seeds such as laddus. 
  • Using sesame oil to massage your body and hair is also another way of yielding the benefits of sesame. 
  • You may also use sesame oil for oil pulling. It helps to detoxify your body and boost your oral health. 

Precautions and Side Effects

Some people may suffer from sesame allergies and experience allergic reactions such as swollen throat, wheezing, coughing, dizziness, swelling in the lips and eyelids, tightness in the chest, congestion, hay fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, etc. Sometimes sesame allergies may also become life-threatening. Therefore, it is advised to check if you have a sesame allergy before including sesame seeds in your diet.


Sesame seeds are highly rich in nutrients and offer myriad benefits to your body. They help to regulate blood pressure levels, lower blood sugar levels, reduce inflammation, cure arthritis, boost the immune system and improve digestion. Regular consumption of sesame seeds can help you keep your Vata and Kapha in balance. However, you must check for sesame allergy before using sesame seeds, as sesame allergy can cause some adverse side effects.


Dr. Deepa Kadam

Dr. Deepa has over 25 years of experience making her one of the notable medical professionals in the field of Ayurveda with expertise in Ayurvedic pharmacology.

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