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आंखों का सूखापन दूर करने के घरेलू उपाय

“अमीर बनने के लिए कभी भी अपने स्वास्थ्य को जोखिम में न डालें। क्योंकि ये सत्य है कि स्वास्थ्य ही धन है।” धनं प्राप्तुं कदापि...

एड़ी के दर्द का घरेलू उपाय | Home Remedies for Heel Pain

“व्यायामस्य कारणं मम जीवनस्य गुणवत्तायाः कृते एव । “मैं व्यायाम इसलिए करता हूं क्योंकि मैं अपने जीवन की गुणवत्ता का आनंद लेता हूं। कुछ लोगों की...

भूख कम करने के घरेलू उपाय (Bhookh Kam Karne Ke Upay) | Home Remedies To Reduce Hunger

“आत्मपरिचर्या स्वार्थी नास्ति। शून्यपात्रात् सेवितुं न शक्नोषि । “आत्म-देखभाल स्वार्थी नहीं है। आप खाली बर्तन से सेवा नहीं कर सकते” क्या भूख कम करने के घेरलू...

Cough: What is acute cough, its causes, home remedies, and more

Reviewed By Experts Cough - A natural bodily reflex Did you know that coughing is the most natural and healthy function of your body? But only...

How to Reduce Body Heat Naturally: 15 Best Home Remedies

In Ayurveda's holistic approach to health and well-being, the equilibrium of one's internal body temperature plays a crucial role in maintaining vitality. The ancient...

How to get Pink Lips Naturally at Home: 15 Best Home Remedies

This article has been reviewed by experts People often desire pink and soft lips because they are considered a sign of good health, attractiveness, and...

Body Odour: Causes, Prevention & Home Remedies

This article has been reviewed by experts अर्धशक्त्या निषेव्यस्तु बलिभि: स्निग्धभोजिभि:। शीतकाले वसन्ते च मन्दमेव ततो अन्यदा।। (अष्टांग ह्रदय संहिता सुत्र २।११) ardhaśaktyā niṣevyastu balibhi: snigdhabhojibhi:। śītakāle vasante...

Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda: Ayurvedic Therapies & Home Remedies

Reviewed By Experts Migraine is described as a Shiro roga in Ayurveda. It is a tridoshaj vyadhi of the head, according to Acharya Sushrut. Other...

8 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Grey Hair Naturally

This article has been reviewed by experts The loss of pigment deposited within hair shafts, which is a visible symptom of ageing, is the cause...

How to Stop Periods Immediately: 12 Best Home Remedies

Reviewed by experts The body's natural rhythms are held in profound reverence in Ayurveda. The menstrual cycle is central to this intricate harmony, known in...




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