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Explore The Benefits Of Alangium salvifolium/Ankol: Uses And More

Ankol, or Alangium salvifolium, is a medicinal herb that has been used traditionally to treat a wide range of illnesses. Every part of the...

Netra Tarpana For Eye Care: Explore Its Benefits, Procedure and More

Netra Tarpana is an essential Ayurvedic treatment focused on enhancing and maintaining eye health. This traditional therapy is rooted in ancient practices, where medicated...

Agni Karma In Ayurveda: Treatment, Procedure & Benefits

The father of surgery, Sushruta, has written about several surgical techniques as well as a few parasurgical ones. 'Agni karma' is one of these...

What Is Perimenopausal Syndrome And How Can Ayurveda Help?

Menopause marks the end of menstruation cycles for women. Perimenopause, on the other hand, means the transitional period before menopause. It is often confused...

पीरियड्स क्रैंप से निजात पाने के घरेलू उपाय

पीरियड्स क्रैंप (मासिक दर्द) एक सामान्य प्रकार की तकलीफ है जो किसी स्त्री को उसके मासिक धर्म के समय हो सकती है। यह दर्द...

अनचाही गर्भावस्था के कारण और लक्षण

मिथक: "यदि मेरा मासिक धर्म चल रहा है तो मैं गर्भवती नहीं हो सकती।" तथ्य: हालांकि मासिक धर्म के दौरान गर्भवती होने की संभावना कम...

Homemade Body Scrubs to Exfoliate Naturally

Exfoliation can be a remarkable way to keep your skin looking healthy and vibrant. Exfoliating with the use of a body scrub is quite...

Castor Oil Benefits for Joint Health

Are you experiencing joint pain? If yes, then don’t worry. Start massaging your joints with castor oil and see the difference. Castor oil provides numerous...

The Ultimate Natural Supplement for Fertility & Reproductive Wellness – Shatavari

Infertility or the inability to conceive naturally has become a growing problem worldwide, but it is also increasingly prevalent in India. According to the...

What Makes Yashtimadhu A Super Herb For Respiratory & Digestive Disorders

Also known as Mulethi and liquorice, Yashtimadhu is a perennial herb found in Asia and Europe with excellent medicinal properties. It is one of...




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