10 Foods to Avoid if You Have Enlarged Prostate

Reviewed By Experts

foods to avoid with enlarged prostate

Enlarged prostate glands, or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a quite common condition that affects many men as they age. In Ayurveda, the condition is referred to as Mootraghata. While diet or Ahara alone may not cure or directly shrink an enlarged prostate, making careful dietary choices can help manage symptoms and support prostate health. Certain foods have been linked to exacerbating BPH symptoms, and avoiding them can play a significant role in maintaining prostate wellness. [1]

It’s essential to focus on dietary choices, lifestyle habits, and Ayurvedic treatments to ensure the regular detoxification of bodily tissues (Dhatus). Particular emphasis should be placed on maintaining the health of the Rakta (blood), Mamsa (muscles), and Medha (fat) Dhatus. In one of the Ayurvedic texts, it has been written “dosha dhatu mala mulam hi shariram”. This implies that the biological energies or Doshas work only through malas and Dhatus, which are the mediums. [9] These three components collectively make what your body is. Contaminated or faulty foods or Aharas may only lead to accumulation of toxins or Ama, the culprit behind Mootraghata or Enlarged prostate.

 This article will discuss the top 10 foods to avoid with enlarged prostate.

Foods to avoid with enlarged prostate

  1. Red Meat:

One of the main foods to avoid with enlarged prostate is red meat, especially processed and high-fat varieties, which has been associated with an increased risk of BPH. In Ayurveda, red meat is considered a tamasic food leading to a host of health issues like diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, increased uric acid levels, strokes, etc. These meats can lead to inflammation and may contribute to hormonal imbalances that worsen prostate symptoms. [1]

  1. Dairy Products:
dairy products

Among the other foods to avoid with enlarged prostate are dairy foods, including whole milk, butter, and margarine, which are rich in saturated fats that may contribute to inflammation. Studies have suggested a connection between high dairy consumption and an increased risk of BPH. [2]

  1. Sugary Foods:

Sugar is also among the most common foods to avoid with enlarged prostate. Excessive consumption of added sugar and sweets can cause weight gain and inflammation, which may worsen BPH symptoms affecting prostate health. Opt for whole fruits and limit added sugars to support a healthier prostate. [6]

  1. Spicy Foods:
spicy foods

Spicy foods are tamasika foods, and are also among the foods to avoid with enlarged prostate as they can irritate the bladder and exacerbate urinary symptoms like urgency and frequency. If you have an enlarged prostate, reducing the consumption of spicy foods, such as those flavored with mustard, pepper, and horseradish, is advisable to prevent discomfort. [4]

  1. Alcoholic beverages and caffeine: 

Studies have shown that when the human body responds to substances like coffee, beer, and high-alcohol (Madya) beverages, the Pitta Dosha and Rakta Dhatu get vitiated. [8] This may lead to abnormal  blood flow to the prostate, leading to its enlargement. As a result, it is recommended to consume these substances in moderation or put them on the list of foods to avoid with enlarged prostate. Opting for green tea can be a preferable choice, given its benefits for prostate health. [4]

  1. High-Sodium Foods:

Foods high in sodium are foods to avoid with enlarged prostate as they can lead to increased sympathetic nerve activity, which may worsen urinary symptoms that can impact prostate health. Opt for fresh, whole foods and season your meals with herbs and spices instead of excessive salt. [7]

  1. Processed Foods:

Processed foods are also foods to avoid with enlarged prostate as they often contain high levels of unhealthy fats, sodium, and additives that can contribute to inflammation and overall poor health. These foods may also contain preservatives that can impact hormone balance. Focus on a diet rich in whole and unprocessed foods for optimal prostate health. [5]

  1. High-Fat Foods:

Diets high in fats such as saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated have been linked to inflammation and hormonal imbalances that can exacerbate BPH symptoms. [3] Incorporating high-quality fats and unsaturated fatty acids from sources like avocados, olives, olive oil, fish, and organically raised cow milk products like coconut oil and butter is crucial for supporting both testosterone production and maintaining a healthy prostate. [4]

  1. Fried food and meat: 

Cooking meat through methods such as pan frying and grilling at high temperatures leads to the creation of heterocyclic amines. Heterocyclic amines have demonstrated strong carcinogenic properties on prostates and are thus foods to avoid with enlarged prostate. [3] 

  1. Excessive zinc intake: 

The utilization of zinc supplements has been linked to an elevated likelihood of prostate cancer and thus falls on the list of top food and drinks to avoid with enlarged prostate. [3]


• How do foods with high oxalate content worsen enlarged prostate?

Foods that are high in oxalates, such as spinach, beets, and sweet potatoes, can contribute to kidney stone formation, worsening urinary symptoms. While these foods are generally healthy, consuming them in moderation is a good idea if you have an enlarged prostate and a history of kidney stones.

• What are the foods to avoid with an enlarged prostate?

Refrain from consuming liquids a few hours before bedtime or heading out. It is also advisable to restrict caffeine and alcohol intake, as these substances can trigger the need to urinate and aggravate the pitta and Vata Doshas.

• What are the foods that you should eat if you have an enlarged prostate?

Opt for tridoshic foods, such as soaked walnuts and almonds, which are considered balancing foods for all doshas. Steer clear of foods that may exacerbate a specific dosha, such as overly dry, oily, greasy, cold, hot, excessively spicy, or inadequately spiced foods. For enhanced wellness, incorporate daily urine-purifying spices like turmeric, cumin, and fennel.


While diet alone may not cure an enlarged prostate, making informed dietary choices and knowing about the foods to avoid with enlarged prostate can significantly impact your overall prostate health and manage BPH symptoms. By avoiding or limiting the intake of foods that can exacerbate inflammation, hormonal imbalances, and urinary symptoms, you can support your well-being and improve your quality of life. A well-balanced diet rich in whole, nutrient-loaded foods is the cornerstone of prostate health and overall wellness.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment.


  1. Food groups and risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia
  2. Diet and prostate health: an underrated tool?
  3. Diet, lifestyle and risk of prostate cancer
  4. Prostate health in India (BPH & Prostate Cancer)
  5. Prostate Cancer Severity in Relation to Level of Food Processing
  6. Food groups and risk of prostate cancer: A case-control study in Uruguay
  7. Association between sodium intake and lower urinary tract symptoms: does less sodium intake have a favorable effect or not?
  8. Ayurveda Management of Madhyaja Yakrit suska (Alcoholic Liver cirrhosis): case series
  9. An Understanding of Rasa Dhatu as Described in Ayurveda in the Light of Modern Science 

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma

Dr. Pawan Kumar Sharma is an adept medical professional with an M.D in Ayurveda from Gujrat Ayurveda University where he was the university topper of his batch. In his B.A.M.S years in the renowned Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Dr Sharma was awarded two gold medals for his academics.

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