Shatavari: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects & More

LA Shatavari 1

Shatavari is an admired herb in Ayurveda. Scientifically known as Asparagus racemosus, Shatavari holds a significant place in traditional Indian medicine for its adaptogenic and rejuvenating properties. This Ayurvedic herb has helped support women’s reproductive health and enhance vitality for centuries. Over the years, it has garnered increasing attention in modern wellness programs due to its numerous benefits and versatile applications.

As curiosity about natural remedies and holistic wellness grows, Shatavari emerges as a subject of study. This article examines Shatavari’s uses, potential benefits, historical significance, contemporary applications, and considerations. So, let’s understand how including this herb in your health regimen will be a wise choice.

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Quick facts about Shatavari

  1. Shatavari is a climbing plant with significant importance in Ayurvedic practices. [1]
  2. Widely distributed globally, Shatavari is common in tropical regions of Africa, Java, Australia, Sri Lanka, and Southern parts of China and is primarily cultivated in India. [1]
  3. Acknowledged as a crucial medicinal plant, Shatavari is classified as a ‘rasayana’ in Ayurveda. It signifies its role in promoting well-being by enhancing cellular vitality and resistance. [1]
  4. With its versatile applications, Shatavari is a critical component in around 64 Ayurvedic formulations. [1]
  5. The term “Shatavari” conveys the meaning of “one who acquires 100 husbands or enough for many.” [2]
  6. Shatavari is symbolically called “100 spouses,” highlighting its ability to enhance fertility and endurance. [2]
  7. Within Ayurveda, this remarkable plant has the distinction of the “Queen of Herbs” due to its association with enhancing love and passion. [2]

What is Shatavari?

Shatavari is one of the most commonly used herbs in Ayurveda. Its therapeutic attributes are present in Ayurveda and other traditional medical systems like Siddha and Unani. Recognized for its versatile applications, many healthcare practitioners suggest Shatavari as a general tonic. 

Additionally, it holds a particular significance as a female reproductive tonic. Its usage potentially helps support and promote women’s reproductive health. The acknowledgment of Shatavari in multiple traditional medicinal systems highlights its status as a herb with diverse therapeutic properties. [2]

Different names of Shatavari

Here are the different names of Shatavari in other Indian regions and languages. [1]

  1. Sanskrit: Satavari 
  2. Hindi: Satavari, Shatawar, Satmuli 
  3. Bengali: Shatamuli 
  4. Marathi: Shatavari, Shatmuli 
  5. Gujarati: Satawari 
  6. Rajasthani: Norkanto, Satawar

Nutritional value of Shatavari

Here’s the nutritional value of Shatavari grown in India. [3]

Nutritional propertiesPercentage (%)
Crude protein5.6 +- 0.0
Total fatless than 1%
Crude fiber18.5 +- 0.1
Energy value22 kcal/100g

Chemical composition of Shatavari

ZLpIlkGiwRvCbWbyCDhhKZ 1TZviCoKSeSN4sZ4hxEXPtKiET7ixwyo3pnkxvzOiKrJ5dJkJ3WG6Y5cH0s hO9mCfA80XH4HsDnSMFecljwmzrTuQ 3nhnIR2J gHki8pv 5oj2R65 9cjd8d0qFu50


Benefits of Shatavari

While Shatavari has numerous benefits, here are some common ones.

1. Supports reproductive health

Shatavari helps address various reproductive issues in females. It includes irregularities in the menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, amenorrhea, sexual weakness, dysfunctional menopause, pelvic inflammatory diseases, and more. [2]

2. Offers anti-proliferative activity

Identified through various experiments, Shatavari demonstrates remarkable potential in reducing cell viability and mortality rates. [2]

3. Improves cellular resistance

The adaptogenic properties of Shatavari make it a potent rasayana spice. It helps enhance the body’s ability to adapt to changes and improve cellular resistance. [2]

4. Supports cardioprotective activity

The supplementation of Shatavari root powder helps lower total lipid concentration, peroxidation, LDL, and VLDL, contributing to cardiovascular health. [2]

5. Combats bacterial actions

Methanol extracts from Shatavari roots exhibit antibacterial properties, showing its potential to combat bacterial infections. [2]

6. Offers anti-fungal support

Shatavari root extract provides substantial protection against fungal infections, showcasing its versatility in addressing microbial threats. [2]

7. Offers antioxidant boost

Methanolic extracts of Shatavari impart potent antioxidant properties that contribute to neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body. [2]

8. Acts as an anti-depressant

Methanolic extracts from Shatavari are directly associated with significant anti-depressant properties that suggest their potential applications in mental health. [2]

9. Offers anti-diarrheal support

Ethanol and aqueous concentrates of Shatavari have demonstrated inhibitory actions against gastrointestinal tract motility. [2]

10. Immunomodulant activity

Shatavari polysaccharide fractions find use for immune modulation that enhances resistance by activating T cells. [2]

11. Overcomes neural disorders

Shatavari extract’s potential has been examined against Kainic Acid (KA)-induced striatal neuronal damage and hippocampal induction, indicating promise in addressing neural disorders. [2]

12. Supports anti-plasmodial activity

Ethyl acetate extracts from Shatavari roots show antiplasmodial activity, suggesting a potential role in combating malaria. [2]

13. Anti-inflammatory effects

The root powder has demonstrated the ability to reduce tissue weight and inflammatory cytokine production, showcasing anti-inflammatory effects. [2]

Uses of Shatavari

Here are the varied uses of Shatavari according to Ayurveda.

1. Apasmara (Epilepsy Disorder)

Shatavari helps in the treatment of epilepsy disorders to provide a traditional remedy for managing this neurological condition. [2]

2. Murcha (Loss of Consciousness)

The herb is helpful in cases of murcha or loss of consciousness that addresses altered states of awareness. [2]

3. Vatavyadhi (Nervine Disorders)

Shatavari helps overcome nervine disorders that highlight its role in promoting neural well-being. [2]

4. Amlapitta (Acidic Reflux or Acidity)

In the context of Amlapitta, Shatavari helps fight acidic reflexes or acidity to relieve gastrointestinal discomfort. [2]

5. Shola (Pain Disorders)

Shatavari is beneficial in treating shola or pain disorders due to its analgesic properties. [2]

6. Grahani (Duodenal Problems)

The herb helps treat grahani by addressing duodenal problems and promoting gastrointestinal health. [2]

7. Arsha (Haemorrhoid Disease)

Shatavari helps cure arsha or hemorrhoid disease by providing a holistic approach to managing this condition. [2]

8. Hridroga (Cardiac Disorders)

Shatavari helps manage hridroga or cardiac disorders by promoting cardiovascular health. [2]

9. Raktapitta (Internal Bleeding Disorder)

Shatavari helps treat raktapitta by addressing internal bleeding disorders and enhancing blood health. [2]

10. Shotha (Swelling Reduction)

The herb has anti-inflammatory properties that effectively reduce swelling or shotha. [2]

11. Stanyakshaya (Enhancing Lactation)

Shatavari helps enhance lactation in females to provide support for nursing mothers. [2]

12. Shukrakshaya (Male Infertility)

Shatavari helps in the treatment of shukrakshaya by addressing male infertility and reproductive health. [2]

13. Mutrakrichcha (Urogenital Disorders)

Shatavari helps in the treatment of mutrakrichcha by managing urogenital disorders and promoting urinary system health. [2]

14. Kshaya (Tuberculosis)

The herb helps manage kshaya or tuberculosis by boosting respiratory health. [2]

15. Daurbalya (Weakness Problem)

Shatavari is ideal for treating daurbalya or weakness problems by offering a remedy for individuals experiencing reduced strength. [2]

16. Dristhimandya (Eye Sight Disorders)

Shatavari helps address dristhimandya or eyesight disorders by promoting ocular health. [2]

How to consume Shatavari

Here are the various ways you can consume Shatavari.

1. Powder form

Shatavari is commonly available in powder form, making it convenient for consumption. The dosage can vary, but a typical guideline is one to two teaspoons mixed with warm water or milk.

2. Capsules or tablets

Shatavari is also available in capsule or tablet form, providing a standardized dosage. It is best to follow the dosage based on the product instructions or consult a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

3. Liquid extracts

You can consume Shatavari in the form of liquid extracts or tinctures. The dosage may vary, and diluting the extract in water is suitable before consumption. This form suits those who prefer a more concentrated and easily measurable intake.

4. Decoction

Preparing a decoction is a traditional method of consuming Shatavari. Boil Shatavari roots in water until the liquid reduces to a concentrated form. You can drink the decoction after cooling. Add honey or other sweeteners for taste.

5. Ayurvedic formulations

Shatavari is present in many Ayurvedic formulations designed for specific health concerns. These formulations may combine Shatavari with other herbs to enhance its therapeutic effects. It is advisable to use these formulations under the guidance of an Ayurvedic practitioner.

Side effects of Shatavari

While Shatavari is generally well-tolerated by many individuals, it is essential to be aware of potential side effects.

1. Allergic reactions

Individuals with known allergies to asparagus or related plants may experience allergic reactions to Shatavari. Symptoms may include itching or swelling. If any allergic reactions occur, immediate medical attention is suitable.

2. Gastrointestinal distress

In some cases, Shatavari may cause mild gastrointestinal discomfort like bloating or gas. Adjusting the dosage or the form of consumption may alleviate these symptoms.

3. Hormonal effects

Shatavari has hormonal-regulating properties. In some cases, it may interact with hormone-related medications or conditions. Individuals with hormonal disorders or those taking hormone therapies should exercise caution and consult with a healthcare provider. [2]

4. Interactions with medications

Shatavari may interact with certain medications, affecting their absorption. Individuals taking prescription medications, especially those related to hormone regulation, should seek professional advice before using Shatavari.

Precautions to keep in mind about Shatavari

Here are some precautions to take regarding Shatavari.

1. Consultation with healthcare professional

Before including Shatavari in your routine, consult a qualified healthcare professional. This is crucial if you have pre-existing medical conditions, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are taking medications.

2. Pregnancy and breastfeeding

While Shatavari is traditionally used to support reproductive health, pregnant or breastfeeding individuals should use caution. Professional guidance is ideal before using it in such conditions.

3. Blood sugar levels

Shatavari may influence blood sugar levels. Diabetic individuals should monitor their blood glucose closely when using this herb. Adjustments to diabetes medications may be necessary under the guidance of a healthcare professional. [3]

4. Blood pressure

Shatavari has potential blood pressure-lowering effects. Individuals with low blood pressure or those taking medications to regulate blood pressure should exercise caution and consult a healthcare provider. [3]

5. Moderation in consumption

Like any herbal supplement, moderation is key. Avoid excessive consumption of Shatavari, as high doses may lead to unintended effects.

Where to buy Shatavari

Online storePrice
AmazonShatavari powder (₹188 /100 g)
1mgShatavari Tablets (₹189/ 60 tablets)
FlipkartShatavari powder (₹196 /100 g)
NamhyaShatavari powder (₹229 /100 g)
TriphalShatavari root (₹ 550 / 400 g)


1. What is Shatavari powder?

Shatavari powder is a powdered form of the Shatavari herb. It finds everyday use in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its various health benefits. The powder comes from the dried roots of the Shatavari plant, and you can consume it by mixing it with water or milk.

2. What are Shatavari benefits or Shatavari ke fayde?

Shatavari offers many health benefits, such as its positive effects on female reproductive health. It also helps address concerns like irregular menstrual cycles, dysmenorrhea, and menopausal symptoms. Additionally, Shatavari has adaptogenic properties that promote stress resilience and enhance vitality.

3. What are Shatavari powder benefits?

The benefits of Shatavari powder include its support for female reproductive health and hormonal balance and overcome menstrual discomfort. Shatavari powder also has adaptogenic properties that aid in stress management.

4. What is Shatavari churna?

Shatavari churna refers to Shatavari powder. It is a convenient form of consuming this Ayurvedic herb. The term “churna” translates to “powder” in Sanskrit. Shatavari churna is suitable for its ease of use by allowing individuals to include it in their daily routine by mixing it with liquids.

5. What are Shatavari powder uses?

Shatavari powder has diverse applications in traditional medicine and wellness practices. Its uses extend to supporting reproductive health in women and addressing concerns like irregular menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances. Its versatility allows for inclusion in various recipes or beverages.

6. Is it safe to take Shatavari daily?

Shatavari can be safe for most individuals when taken within recommended dosages. However, individual responses may vary, and you should consult with a healthcare professional before including Shatavari in your daily routine.


Shatavari is a potent herb in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda. Its benefits, like reproductive health support and adaptogenic properties, highlight its versatility in addressing physiological concerns. However, it is essential to approach its inclusion into wellness routines with caution. Acknowledge potential side effects and consult healthcare professionals for safe usage.


This article is written from a health and wellness perspective and is not medical advice. Kindly seek the help of a certified medical practitioner before initiating any treatment or dietary modification.


  2. Shatavari (Asparagus Racemosus) – The Best Female Reproductive Tonic
  3. Asparagus racemosus (Willd) of Indian Origin: in Terms of PhysicoChemical, Phyto-Chemical and Nutritional Profiles

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