Can Ayurveda Help Relieve Period Pain?

Ayurveda To Help Relieve Period Pain

In today’s 21st-century world, stress has become an inescapable aspect of modern life. In the quest for wealth and material pleasures, individuals (in the context of this article, women) have sacrificed on their health. Menstruation is a completely natural biological event and an integral part of the normal process of the reproductive life of women. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise, an increasing number of women are experiencing pain during their menstrual cycle, a phenomenon known as “dysmenorrhea.” 

Painful periods are frequently the result of uterine contractions at the time of menstruation, which are generally referred to by many as cramps. That said, at their worst, these painful contractions can further lead to other health problems, such as headaches, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhoea. 

Ayurveda And Period Pain

While the precise cause of dysmenorrhea is unknown by allopathic medicine, the science of Ayurveda throws light on several potential lifestyle habits that can increase the intensity of period pain. In addition, Ayurveda suggests remedies that can help in not only reversing pain but also increasing feelings of wellbeing during your period cycle.

In Ayurvedic classics, Kashtartava (or dysmenorrhea) is not described as a distinct disease because women in earlier eras were not troubled a lot by this problem on account of pinpointed Ritucharya and Rajasvalacharya. According to several Ayurvedic texts, there are numerous other diseases wherein Kashtartava is duly considered and described as a symptom.

Cause Of Period Pain: An Ayurvedic Viewpoint

According to the science of Ayurveda, during the menstrual cycle, the Apana Vayu (which is connected to the Vata Dosha, and which governs the downward energy flow in the pelvis) is working to cleanse a woman’s body of the uterine lining. The heightened Vata element within the body can lead to symptoms such as fear, anxiety, inability to focus, scatteredness, tiredness, constipation, and a sensation of feeling cold. Because of the eventual increase in the Vata element, this cycle of cleansing calls for lifestyle choices that reduces the Vata element. 

Ayurveda for Period Pain

Ayurveda for Period Pain

  • Gynaecological disorders such as Kashtartava occur because of vitiation of the Vata dosha. Hence, firstly, Vata should be normalised, following which treatment for subsequent doshas should be carried out.
  • When it comes to all gynaecological disorders, Ayurveda advocates that after adequate oleation and sudation, emesis, et cetera, all five purifying measures must be used. Only after thorough cleansing of the doshas through upper and lower passages, other medications may be administered. Emesis (as a cleansing measure) treats gynaecological problems in the identical way as it cures diseases of other systems of the body.
  • In those menstrual problems that are caused due to Vata Dosha, the specific treatment that is prescribed to suppress that specific dosha must be used. Recipes that are prescribed for Yoni Rogas as well as Uttarbasti must be used after considering that vitiated dosha.
  • Hot, unctuous, salty, and sour substances must be used to obtain relief from menstrual disorders because of Vata. On the contrary, sweet, astringent, and cold substances must be used to purify Pitta and hot, astringent, and dry substances must be used to purify Kapha.
  • When it comes to Avrita Apana Vayu, treatment should focus on Agnideepaka, Vata, Grahi, Anulomana, and Pakvashaya Shuddhikara.

How To Reduce Period Pain The Ayurvedic Way?

  • Lifestyle Modifications: Exercise on a regular basis, preferably three times a week. In addition, ensure that you sleep for 6-8 hours each night. Lastly, reduce the intake of caffeine and avoid alcohol and smoking.
  • Diet: Eat warm, healthy, and fresh foods. Opt for 5-6 small meals rather than large, elaborate ones. Eat fresh fruits such as apples, plums, dark grapes, and pomegranates. Incorporate leafy vegetables in your diet, include the use of ginger, and avoid food items that are high in sugar and fat.
  • Yoga: Yogic activities can be beneficial for period pain by offering stability, strength, and suppleness to a woman’s health. Moreover, yoga asanas are highly convenient and inexpensive, without the need for any drugs. Yoga is also known to have positive effects when it comes to increasing the pain threshold capacity. 

On A Final Note

From an Ayurvedic viewpoint, dysmenorrhea is a gynaecological disorder caused by imbalance in the doshas, which can be effectively combatted through a well-balanced lifestyle. This lifestyle should be characterised by a Dosha-appropriate diet, regular exercise, use of herbal supplements, practice of yoga and meditation, following a routine, and nourishing inputs through the five senses. These measures will eventually lead to period pain relief.


Dr. Ashwini Konnur

Dr. Ashwini has 17 years of experience in Clinical Practice, Research & Education in the field of Ayurveda with competency in acute & chronic conditions & lifestyle diseases. She has also expertise in treating Female Infertility disorders, other Gynecological Problems & General disorders along with specialised focus in Ayurvedic detoxification therapies, Panchakarma & other Ayurvedic treatments

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