Health Benefits Of Ashwini Mudra & How to do it Step by Step

 ashwini mudra

Mudras are recognized as an integral part of traditional yoga practice and include a variety of symbolic gestures. They are typically practised using the hands and fingers. Ashwini Mudra is just one such Mudra and is also known as Ashvini or Ashwini Mudra. The Mudra quite literally means horse gesture or sign of the horse. Unlike yoga poses or Asanas, Ashwini Mudra is not a full-body pose, but is a Mudra. However, it is different from other Mudras in that it doesn’t even require specific hand or finger gestures. Although best practised while you are in the lotus pose or Padmasana, you can also try it out in other simple meditative postures like the Siddhasana or Sukhasana.

Before you try it out, let’s explore the many health benefits of Ashwini Mudra.

Health Benefits of Ashwini Mudra

ashwini mudra benefits

The Ashwini Mudra focuses on the rhythmic contraction of the anal sphincter, which is why some of the main benefits are associated with gastrointestinal and reproductive health. More importantly, the Mudra helps with the regulation of Prana in the upper body, improving the flow of Prana to your internal organs to strengthen them and make them more resistant to ailments. The main health benefits of Ashwini Mudra include:

  • Enhanced control of the anal sphincter and surrounding muscles.
  • Strengthens the walls of the large intestine protecting against lower gastrointestinal diseases.
  • May provide relief from health conditions that affect the lower gastrointestinal tract.
  • When practiced with inverted poses, you can also use Ashwini Mudra to relieve conditions like chronic constipation, piles, or uterine prolapse.
  • Promotes the action of Kundalini Shakti, which is a divine energy that is located towards the base of the spine and is especially associated with femininity.
  • Relieves weakness in the body, promoting strength, vitality, and vigor.
  • Ascribed with anti-aging benefits, the practice can reduce signs of premature aging such as wrinkle formation, greying or hair, balding, and joint pain.
  • Enhances and supports uterine health in women.
  • Strengthens muscles in the pelvic region and improves nerve signaling.
  • Improves blood flow to the muscles in the anal and pelvic regions.
  • Enhanced circulation and muscle strength in the region also benefit sexual wellness as healthy circulation is essential for sexual arousal and performance.
  • Noted for relaxation benefits Ashwini Mudra can also relieve stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • The relaxation benefits of Ashwini Mudra can not only improve mental focus, but can also help relieve high blood pressure.

Simple Steps to Practice the Ashwini Mudra

  • Assume a comfortable and meditative pose like the Padmasana, or others like the Sukhasana, Siddhasana, Swastikasana and so on.
  • If preferred or not possible to assume a meditative pose, sit in a chair with good posture and your hands outstretched and resting on the knees.
  • Relax your body and breathe deeply focusing on each breath so as to clear your mind.
  • Contract or tighten the anal sphincter muscles and maintain this for a few seconds.
  • Relax the muscles and breathe deeply for a few seconds.
  • Repeat the practice and increase the duration if desired.

Tips to Increase Health Benefits of Ashwini Mudra

To improve your practice and tap into all of the Ashwini Mudra health benefits, you can also make variations to the simple practice, combining deep breathing with the muscle contraction and relaxation. Tighten the muscles as you inhale and only relax as you exhale.

For reproductive health benefits and sexual wellness, you can also practice the Ashwini Mudra in a supine pose, raising your legs to form a right angle, even using a wall for support. Practice the Mudra while in this pose.

As this is one of the simplest mudras with wide-ranging health benefits, Ashwini Mudra is a good starting point if you haven’t tried mudras before. It can also be practiced at any time of the day and in any location.

This article is reviewed by Suchitra Marwah


Suchitra Marwah

Suchitra is a certified yoga teacher with a specialized focus on Yoga for Children, Corporate professionals, Women's Health & Pregnancy

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